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Скачать бесплатную игру S.H.A.D.E.s of Manhattan v1.5

Рейтинг: 10.0 (1) | Баллы: 49
Игру добавил olVin [2043|97] | 2010-12-20 | Файтинги (611) | Просмотров: 9936

S.H.A.D.E.s of Manhattan v1.5

• SGi навигация / Navigation:
• Разработчик / Developer: Инди-игра (14535) от Shades Team (1)
• Жанр / Genre: Файтинги (611); Сетевые / ХотСит (2288)
• Тип игры / Game Type: Бесплатная игра
• Размер / Size: 234.61 Мб.
• Оценка игроков / Game Score: 10.0 из 10 (всего голосов: 1)

• Похожие игры:
- King of Fighters Infinite
- The King Of Fighters Zillion Up 4.1
- X-Men: Second Coming v1.0

S.H.A.D.E.s of Manhattan - это M.U.G.E.N - файтинг, в котором бойцы - это люди с внедрённым cинтетическим геном. Он развивает специальные способности, уникальные для каждого человека.

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В игре доступно несколько режимов (для одного игрока, для двух игроков и выживание). 11 персонажей, каждый с индивидуальными способностями.

A small pharmaceutical company, in Manhattan, New York, called Maddicorp is taken over by the late owner's son, Moses Maddigan, who allows the company to succumb to outside pressure and began to develop biological weapons, allowing the company to grow financially and become a world-wide super power in its industry.
An illegal experiment is conducted deep in the bowels of the Maddicorp complex, called Synthetic Heightening of Attributes and Dynamics Experiment or SHADE, in which a team of geneticists and scientists worked hand in hand to create a synthetic gene that could be manually spliced into a living human's DNA. The gene causes its subject to develop special abilities, unique to each person depending on their existing genetic structure. All of the subjects were either volunteers who were at rock bottom in their lives or people taken from prisons, asylums, or off the streets that would not be missed.
So the experiments we're going well until one subject, Kane Kelly, who has unfortunately managed to remain conscious during his 2-year incubation in a liquid-filled stasis chamber, evenutually drove into insanity.
The liquid in the stasis chambers, which usually had been emptied, filtered, and refilled by machine periodically, needed to be sanitized manually due to a programming error. Kelly saw his chance during this and broke out of his chamber using his new-found abilities, killing nearly everyone involved in the project. He awoke all the other subject and opened their chambers before leaving, allowing them to slowly regain consciousness and escape.
A few years later, Moses Maddigan now has a team of mercenaries dubbed "The Collection Agency," all of whom search for and capture the subjects.
Game Modes
Single Player
Choose a character and fight your way to Moses Maddigan, the cold, cruel CEO of Maddicorp, and view your character's ending if successful.
Go head to head with a friend.
Select a character and fight an endless stream of opponents until your health is depleted. Winning a round will result in a small amount of life being restored to your character.
Gameplay Mechanics
Guard Break
When your Guard Break meter is depleted, you enter a state of vulnerability for a second or two.
EX Moves
All, but a few, characters possess EX Moves. These moves are often faster, stronger, and/or modified versions of their Special Moves. They are usually performed by using the command for the Special Move along with the Heavy and Medium versions of the attack button used. These moves deplete roughly 1/6th of your Super Meter. Think of them as an alternative to using Super Moves, or an added technique that can be meshed into your particular style of play.
Super Moves
All characters have Super Moves that come in three levels. Each Level corresponds to how much of the Meter is required to perform the move.
Desperation Moves
Each character has a Desperation Move. This move can only be performed at less than 250 life, or roughly 1/4th of the life bar, and can only be attempted ONCE. Also, while there is no Super Meter requirement, it will drain however much of the meter is available, whether it be 1/8th or 2/3rds. Use your Desparation Move wisely, as it can turn the tides in your favor if successful, or put the nail in your coffin if missed.
Chain Combos
Every character has their own more advanced combos, but they all share a basic system as well. Chain combos are combos of standard attacks strung together in sequence from Light to Heavy. For example, the most basic of chain combos would be Light Punch > Medium Punch > Heavy Punch in quick succession. This can be mixed with kicks as well as crouching standard attacks, meaning that Standing LP > Crouching MK > Standing HK would also work. This can make for some very fast-paced fights and the combo counts can rocket before you realize it! mastering this system is key to playing S.H.A.D.E.s of Manhattan effectively.
Every character has a Launcher, which sends the opponent flying into the air, open for an Air Chain Combo. Launchers are either D+HP or D+HK.

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Комментарии игроков (3 шт.)

От: sergei2612 [7|5] | Дата 2012-10-30 17:32:24

0писание убило....... НЕ НАВИЖУ НАРУТО :p
От: Yan_Martynchyk [226|147] | Дата 2010-12-20 20:04:03

опяяятть мугеееннн!!!!!!
От: Kana [80|51] | Дата 2010-12-20 18:49:26

Блудтайд из ролика напомнила мне Едди из Гилти Гиар

Kana подумал несколько секунд и добавил:

у нее под ногами та же фигня