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Описание игры, торрент, скриншоты, видео

Скачать игру The Letter - торрент, полная версия

Рейтинга пока нет | Баллы: 38
Игру добавил John2s [11546|1666] | 2017-07-26 (обновлено) | Хорроры (1747) | Просмотров: 10139

The Letter

• SGi навигация / Navigation:
• Разработчик / Developer: Инди-игра (14535) от Yangyang Mobile (1)
• Жанр / Genre: Я ищу, квесты, приключения (6062); Хорроры (1747)
• Тип игры / Game Type: Полная версия (установи и играй)

The Letter - интерактивная хоррор-адвенчура по мотивам японских фильмов ужасов "Звонок" и "Проклятие"!

Игра обновлена с Демо-версии до ПОЛНОЙ версии!

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В центре деревни Анслем стоит старинный английский особняк 17-го века, который, по слухам, был проклят злобным духом. С ним были связаны различные исчезновения, а живущие рядом с ним люди говорили, что слышали и видели нечто страшное. Посчитав все это мистификацией, корпорация Briar Realty выставила особняк на продажу.

Перед торжественным открытием для публики, торговый агент Изабелла Сантос, решила еще раз проверить особняк, и случайно обнаружила конверт с надписью: "ПОМОГИТЕ МНЕ". А внутри было письмо с фразой: "Отправь это письмо 5 людям, иначе..."

The Letter is an interactive horror, visual novel game that is currently under development by our team, Yangyang Mobile. It is inspired by the famous Japanese horror films, Ju-On: The Grudge & The Ring, by the Korean web-comic, Bongcheon-Dong Ghost, and by horror jRPG games such as Mad Father and Corpse Party.

At the heart of Anslem village stands a 17th century English mansion that is rumored to be cursed by a vengeful spirit. Various disappearances had been linked to the mansion, while people living near the vicinity spoke of seeing and hearing unearthly things. Dismissed as a hoax, the mansion was listed for sale by Briar Realty Corporation.

Before its grand opening to the public, Isabella Santos, an agent under BRC, was double-checking the place when she accidentally uncovered a letter that said “HELP ME” over and over again. At the bottom of the letter was the phrase “Send this to 5 people or else...”

Told in 6 point of views (a.k.a. 6 playable characters). Each chapter will be narrated in a non-linear order by a different character.
Beautifully rendered characters & backgrounds. The characters and backgrounds are painted by our artists.
Quick-time Events. Several and engaging quick-time events to avoid life and death situations.
Animated characters, backgrounds and cut-scenes. The backgrounds & characters will be animated to bring more life into the game!
Psychological thriller & jump scares. There will be points in the story wherein the characters will question their own sanity. These instances will make them doubt themselves, which creates an entire new conflict (man vs. self), apart from the ghost itself.
Distinct characters with varying personality and attitude. Since each chapter is told in a different perspective, we’re very meticulous in our characters’ attitude, the way they talk and the way they approach things.
Mend or break relationships. Friends won’t stay friends and enemies won’t stay enemies forever in the game. It is entirely up to the player how the characters will interact with one another.

Other features:
At least 180,000 words. The game will have 6 chapters, and each chapter has at least 30,000 words. The words for the long term endings are not yet included in the 180,000 count.
Over 30 Backgrounds & 20 CGs. The game will feature several locations and key events.
12 short-endings and around 5 long-term endings. That’s 17 endings in total. The short-endings either result in life or death, while the long-term endings can be unlocked based on the remaining survivors.
Memorable music composition that will send chills down your spine. We’re very eager to bring original music scores that will give our players goosebumps just by hearing it.

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Комментарии игроков (2 шт.)

От: KoTeS [6|0] | Дата 2017-07-27 02:58:27


DarkMJ сказал:

Перевод есть ?

На ZoG'е идет перевод.
От: DarkMJ [0|0] | Дата 2017-07-26 14:02:25

Перевод есть ?