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Скачать бесплатную игру Colossorama v1.2B2 - торрент

Рейтинга пока нет | Баллы: 70
Игру добавил Defuser222 [3625|10] | 2018-08-13 (обновлено) | Аркады (3016) | Просмотров: 3990

Colossorama v1.2B2

• SGi навигация / Navigation:
• Разработчик / Developer: Инди-игра (14535) от JorgeGameDev (PoliteWhale) (1) и The 'moski (1)
• Жанр / Genre: Аркады (3016)
• Тип игры / Game Type: Бесплатная игра
• Размер / Size: 26.25 Мб.

В качестве гладиатора Вы должны продержаться на арене как можно дольше, перед тем как погибнуть. Внесите свое имя в Pantheon of Gladiators! Игра создана для Ludum Dare 36.

Версия игры ОБНОВЛЕНА с 1.1B3 до 1.2B2. Список изменений не обнаружен.

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Язык интерфейса: Английский

Thank you for playing Colossorama! As of Version 1.1B2 we wanted to be able to better communicate when a new version of Colossorama becomes available and what changes were done on that version. We decided to make a change-log thread where one could easily check from the game's menu if there are any new updates. It's probably the best option given our current limitations (such as no auto-updater and the lack of methods to build one at the moment).

That being said, here's the change log for Version 1.1B2! (Released 30 Sept)

Fixed high scores for Colossorama Mode, which were not being saved properly.
Improved Game Mode selection screen. It now displays the current high scores for each of the modes in a much more readable and understandable way. Also fixed a typo where Colossorama Mode would show as Colossoram.
Added the current high score to the Game Over screen so you can always know how many heads you were behind from your previous run. Put in this way, it really makes you wonder just how many heads have you stacked in total, eh?
Made balance changes to the Pantheon Tech Drop Tables in Classic Mode to be closer to the original version of the game while keeping it's fairness.
Nerfed the Lute. It's audio medicine was so effective that it was making gladiators piratically invincible. The Colosseum 36's public doesn't like seeing people staying alive for too long so we had to change that.
Fixed a certain rare gladiator not spawning at all.
Fixed rare issue of enemies being home-run-ed out of the arena, allowing them to escape and never come back.
Added some new constraints to enemy movement to avoid them sometimes getting stuck on the player.
[Web Version] Links properly work on the web version now and will open in a new tab, instead of getting stuck inside the embedded and never loading at all.
Added a new "Updates" button to the menu that quickly links to this change log thread.
Removed Twitter links from the Menu Screen and instead stashed them under a new Links menu which now has the Twitter links as well as links for the relevant itch.io pages.
Improved the Controller Flow in various menus. One such example is when picking a new tech. Maniacally pushing controller buttons after ending a wave will no longer accidentally pick a new tech without your consent.
Added a new window which asks the player for feedback after some rounds.
Several miscellaneous optimizations.
Made a Shoutout to Simpleflips.

Known Regressions (a small hot-hot-fix should be up later):

Tech Cards will sometimes display both controller and item instructions when they should only display one at a time depending on the tech type.

We've made a small Hotfix for Version 1.1B2 that we published yesterday. This hotfix fixes the Tech Cards regression and also fixes some typos we found while showcasing the game to yesterday, and since it was a really small fix, it doesn't justify increasing the version number.

Here's the change log for Version 1.1B2 Hotix! (Relased 01 Oct)

Fixed small regression in Tech Cards where they would, sometimes, display both controller and item instructions when they should only display one at a time depending on the tech type.
Fixed some typos in some of the Tech Cards descriptions. One such example is "Poison" being written as "Posion" in the Garden Scythe card.

As a gladiator, you will die in combat, so you might as well take some people with you. Slay, chop and stab until your name is remembered in the Pantheon of Gladiators!

• A fast-paced bloodshed! Kill your enemies, get new weapons, and repeat until you fall!
• Over 28 weapons which you can dual wield! Try different loadouts and see which one works the best for you! But don't get too comfortable, as you might get forced to lose them!
• Status effects! Poison the huge ones! Freeze them! Become invincible! Feast on their blood to recover yours!
• Some extra items to give you an unfair advantage! Don't worry, honor won't care!
• Fight your fellow gladiators! And lions. And hawkmen. Many, many of them. No pressure!
• 2 game modes! Play Classic 6 to fight with the items and enemies that were available in the Ludum 36 version of the game!
• Got a sweet score? Tweet and brag! That's what honor is all about, right?

Keyboard and Mouse Combo
• Move with A and D, jump with W or Spacebar.
• Do Right and Left Click to use the respective weapons.
• Press E to use your item.

Xbox Controller
• Move with the Left Stick or with the D-Pad, jump with A.
• Attack and Select your weapons with X and Y.
• Press B to use your item.

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Комментарии игроков (1 шт.)

От: FADMEN [5|3] | Дата 2016-11-20 17:51:11

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