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Скачать бесплатную игру Spellrazor v1.0.1 - торрент

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Игру добавил Defuser222 [3625|10] | 2017-05-12 (обновлено) | Аркадные шутеры (2195) | Просмотров: 3077

Spellrazor v1.0.1

• SGi навигация / Navigation:
• Разработчик / Developer: Инди-игра (14535) от Fluttermind (2) и Fluttermind Ltd. (1)
• Жанр / Genre: Аркадные шутеры (2195); Аркады (3018)
• Тип игры / Game Type: Бесплатная игра
• Размер / Size: 25.64 Мб.

Ремейк приключенческой аркады 1981-го года под названием Spellrazor. Вы исследуете электрические подземелья, сталкиваетесь с их обитателями, сражаетесь с ними с помощью стрельбы и специальных заклинаний. В игре также присутствуют замедление времени и консоль с секретами.

Версия игры ОБНОВЛЕНА с 0.9.17 до 1.0.1. Список изменений внутри.

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Язык интерфейса: Английский

Ver 1.0.1 - 11th of May 2017


Crash/lock bug fix
MASSIVE speed up by splitting shaders

Version 0.9.16:
Right. Some of you may have struggled with bits of the adventure game. I’m so sorry. Two things happened.

1) The size of walls on one of the critical levels almost never allowed the vital clue to appear
2) One of the clues in the text pointed to the wrong level.

In addition, for those who have spotted my spelling error on the high score table (not the deliberate one, the other one) I am mortified. Annoyingly, I can’t fix that for players who don’t wipe their highscore table (it’s saved, see).

If you hate it, the game leads to a solution as part of the story, and my ineptitude will be wiped along with the scores. Thanks again for your patience.

Version 0.9.14b:
Hi folks,
Ian Swain found a crash bug which is now fixed. A weird side effect of this fix is that drop generation is now… um… not bugged any more. I hadn’t realized that it was actually quite broken, which has been unbalancing the game quite considerably.

Creatures now drop a lot more stuff, with the correct proportions. If you’ve been struggling before, or finding the game a little stingy on its load out, give this a go.

Version 0.9.13:
Hi folks,
It’s that spammy release schedule again. 0.9.13 is subtly different. I’ve altered a couple of ‘game design friction’ things that I think make the overall experience better.

Pickups now spew out away from the player. This means that you have to backtrack for spells a lot less, which makes the game feel more fluid. It also means you can actually see what chests produce before you pick them up.
Spell letters at the bottom now show as RED if they’ve been maxed.
Spell letters show a "+" by the side if they’ve just been picked up.
Permaglitches in walls are gone, and replaced with yet more story/content stuff.
"Spellrazor" is no longer shown white in the console. :-)
I’ve had some reports that ‘Corner’ enemies are sometimes spawning on the same spot. This should be impossible, so I’d be interested if anyone can show this, or give me a seed for the game the elicits this.

I’ve also heard that Grunts will still accurately fire at you while invisible. I tested this today and they seem to totally ignore you if you’re invisible, so I’m not sure what’s going on here.

As ever, I want to thank you for your support. I know this is a weird game, so I appreciate your kindness.

Version 0.9.12:
As promised, here are the bug fixes for console commands.
Fixed both a crash and a save game deletion today.
Also very pleased I got to level 11 on Insane mode. I think I mentioned it before. That’s how pleased I am…



If you miss the days of creepy, sinister, neon-tinged arcade games (especially the early work of Eugene Jarvis) that reward deep knowledge and skillful play, then this game is for you.

Spellrazor is an early-1980s-tinged Rogue-meets-Defender/Berzerk arcade-adventure game with (gulp) 27 fire buttons, auto-targeting, a bunch of secrets and a rather creepy meta-story.

Being a conversion of a semi-mythical arcade game developed by Duncan Bower in 1981, this version includes the unusual in-game development/debugger console which exposes the weird, glitchy nightmare of the game's mythology.

The game is currently under development - or 'resurrection' as I like to think of it, so comments and feedback are welcome.

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