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Скачать игру Bombzone Refueled v0.8.0.f1 [Alpha] - торрент, игра на стадии разработки

Рейтинга пока нет | Баллы: 6
Игру добавил Defuser222 [3625|10] | 2017-06-19 (обновлено) | Аркады (3016) | Просмотров: 6353

Bombzone Refueled v0.8.0.f1 [Alpha]

• SGi навигация / Navigation:
• Разработчик / Developer: Инди-игра (14535) от PACUS (1) и Marco (1)
• Жанр / Genre: Аркады (3016); Сетевые / ХотСит (2288)
• Тип игры / Game Type: Beta-версия (игра еще в разработке)
• Размер / Size: 200.68 Мб.

Bombzone Refueled - современная версия старой игры Bomberman. Присутствует мультиплеер для 10 игроков в различных режимах игры, в том числе и командный бой.

Версия игры ОБНОВЛЕНА с до 0.8.0.f1. Список изменений внутри.

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Язык интерфейса: Английский, Немецкий Французский
Движок: Unity

Особенности игры:
- Одиночный режим
- NPC'ы
- Обучающий уровень
- Мультиплеер до 10 игроков
- Поддержка сети
- Около 50 доп. контента для сбора
- Около 10 тем с разными особенностями геймплея
- Много режимов игры
- Огромная статистика оффлайн и онлайн игры
- Игра ночью (с фонариком)

Changelog 0.8.0.f1:
It's done, the next release of Bombzone refueled is published... It is about the 5th alpha version of “Bomzone refueled”. For some reason a long time has past from the 4th to the 5th version, but it will continue, that´s the main thing ;)

It's done, the next release of Bombzone refueled is published...

Right at the beginning many thanks to my eager Betatester Scarlet, Schwen, Schröder Ecki and Lars. Even after such a long time of playing they are still searching and trying to find tirelessly my hidden Bugs. There would be more undetected mistakes in the game without the help of theses examinants ;)

Let´s switch to the new version now.
It is about the 5th alpha version of “Bomzone refueled”. For some reason a long time has past from the 4th to the 5th version, but it will continue, that´s the main thing ;)

The following features are added or changed:

The menu had to be reworked and adapted – another time (thanks to the change from Unity4 to Unity5).
Multilingualism is a consequence of the modification (German and English)
Other languages will be setted gradually.
The menu of the game settings were adjusted in a large-scale manner to make the game more manageable and logical.
Here you can turn on antialiasing and different funny retro-visual appearance. Everybody who wants to turn back to ancient-classic Amiga graphics can play with 640x480 :)

The game graphic/design was reworked slightly, the “Extras” are renewed completely, and so are some graphical effects like explosions and Beamer (new update).

Statistics and administration of the game:
Now it is possible to create own players and playerlists, though this feature is currently only provided after generating an online-account. This account is for free and your data are safe.
You would think: Oh no, another compelled online-account -
but there will be an offline database in the future. At the moment, on the present stage of development, it is much easier for me to care for the database in an online way.
Actually, you are not forced to create an online-account. The game works anyway, except for playernames and stats.
You only need an online-account for game statistics and for using your player at your friends.

The steerage of the game is completely new created. There had been significant problems with Xbox controls and with more than six players at one computer.
Besides, slipping around corners works more fluently because of the upgraded controlling.

Several new “Extras” are added:

BORDEREXTRA – If the player leaves the field sideways, he will get on again at the opposite side.
BEAMER – If a player sets a target somewhere on the field, he can beam there from everywhere at any time.
STONEBOMB – The stone-bomb can be kicked through Boxes in combination with the “Kicker”.
STOPPER – The wicked/nasty/bad “Stopper” is dedicated again. If a player collects this Extra, all the other players will remain motionless for a short time.

Features of the playing-field:
Arrow-field – Arrows which are visible on the ground change the direction of the rolling bomb. Pay attention, there are arrows that turn around ;)
Seesaw – A classical seesaw: Put a bomb on one side, jump on the other side and the bomb will fly highly onto a new playing-field (try it with other players, too).
Robot - At SciFy Theme a small Robot is moving across the grid and fire flashes and bombs from time to time :)

A new Theme “Scify” has found its way into the game.

Classic- and SciFy-Theme got new “Blocklayouts”

Have fun and write me if you have ideas for improving the game or if you have found any “Bugs”.


Changelog 0.7.7:
ADDED: Tutorial THeme with 5 new layouts
ADDED: New layout for classic-cheme, extrem brings all the dangerous new extras to the classic-theme
ADDED: New extras: Cluster, Controller, Pitcher, Boxer, Bowler, Trigger-Bomb, Mine, Jelly-Bomb, ABomb, Superman, Gift
ADDED: new sounds
ADDED: new graphics
ADDED: falling boxes in colorize game modes
BUGFIX: a lot ;)

Changelog 0.7.5:

ADDED: Gamemenu created
ADDED: New Startscreen added
BUGFIX: Walldrop speed increased
BUGFIX: Camshake deactivated (still buggy)
BUGFIX: After bomb kicking -> rotation of bomb wrong
ADDED: Gamemode Colorize (Last man standing)
ADDED: New graphic "crown" for the current leading player
ADDED: New ingame GUI
ADDED: Extra "Ghost"
ADDED: Extra "Flash"
ADDED: Team Modus added
CHANGED: In teammode backpack of player inked with teamcolor
CHANGED: Roundtime in Colorize Mode increased
ADDED: New graphics for players with the most and the fewest colored fields (Colorize Mode)
ADDED: Database added for playerstats
ADDED: playerselection for singleplayer mode added
ADDED: Volumecontrol for music
ADDED: Player management
ADDED: Retrostyle added
ADDED: Multilanguagesupport (german and english)
ADDED: Ingame abortdialog added
ADDED: New menugraphic
ADDED: New sounds and musik
ADDED: Cammoving at gamestart
ADDED: New extras "shield" and "first aid"
ADDED: New configfiles and logic for themes und layouts added (settings.ini, [theme].ini, {theme]_[layout].ini)
CHANGED: Input Lib updated to V2.78
CHANGED: Roundstats with new graphics
ADDED: New roundstats for Colorize (Last man standing)
ADDED: Endgame stats added (winner, best player, most dangerous player)
CHANGED: Roundstats changed for teammode
BUGFIX: Moving bombs not blocked by player
ADDED: Walldrop warning added
CHANGED: Gamesettings extended -> "extras probability" und "boxes probability"
BUGFIX: Last player can't be deleted in playermanagement
BUGFIX: Bombs blocks player on the same field
BUGFIX: Multibombs are stopped by extras
BUGFIX: Ghostmode and disease
ADDED: Teamselection in controllerselection screen added
CHANGED: Toolkit 2d removed
BUGFIX: Respawn and Colorizemodus
CHANGED: New graphics for colorplates in colorize mode
ADDED: Flying extras are back
CHANGED: Player movingspeed increased
CHANGED: Faster rolling bombs
ADDED: "First Aid" Progressbar added
ADDED: new ingame icon for gamemode
CHANGED: "First Aid" und "shield" moved from settings.ini to gamesettings
CHANGED: Unnecessary Debugoutput removed
BUGFIX: After gameaborting -> game is frozen
CHANGED: Ingame camera moving switchable
CHANGED: Players can collect extras in respawn phase
ADDED: Resetbutton in controllerseletion
BUGFIX: Flying extras will not be destroyed on water
BUGFIX: players did not lose all extras in colorizemode
ADDED: Coming next screen
BUGFIX: Scoreboard coordinats fixed
and much more....

Changelog 0.6.6:

BUGFIX: Camerashake moves the camera - fixed!
BUGFIX: Sometimes dropped Bombs did lie in front of a running player - fixed!
BUGFIX: Sick player get a random color after round restart - fixed!

Changelog 0.6.5:

BUGFIX: diseases does not infect other players - fixed!
BUGFIX: no reset of speeddisease after ending of extratime - fixed!
BUGFIX: shadows did not hide after player died - fixed!
BUGFIX: respaning player with wrong animation - fixed!
BUGFIX: player does not die on fields where extra destroyed by flame - fixed!
BUGFIX: title: label for +5 and -5 are reversed - fixed!
BUGFIX: goldbomb flame has destroyed to many blocks in vert. dir. in same conditions - fixed!
BUGFIX: rolling bombs did not destroy extras - fixed!
BUGFIX: blocks appears sometimes in the left top corner - fixed!
CHANGE: marker on top of the player at the beginning of a round
CHANGE: filesize of installation reduced
CHANGE: resize bomb from 1.0 to 1.1
CHANGE: colorful flames added
CHANGE: resize player from 1.0 to 1.1
CHANGE: bombs can be dropped like in the old bombzone, u don't have to wait until the last flame finished
CHANGE: 3-2-1 coutdown added sfx
CHANGE: klickbomb added
CHANGE: new blocklike gamefeature added (pond). Player can't move through it, but flames can
CHANGE: little gimmick added. smale ducks are swimming in the pond's and can be flamed ;)
CHANGE: kicker added
CHANGE: multibomb added
CHANGE: flash added
CHANGE: rolling bombs can stopped by the owner of the Bomb if he has a kickerextra
CHANGE: 7 new layouts added to the classic-theme
CHANGE: startscreen updated
CHANGE: new lightmaps created

Bombzone Refueled is a modern Bomberman Clone. You can play with up to 10 player in multiplayer and team mode. There would be single and tutorial levels.Online multiplayer and a lot of statistic would be there.
Up to 50 new extras and more then 10 different themes from classic to future with a lot of blocklayouts. Every theme with different playmodes and action. Moving blocks, traps, jumper and much more elements.

- Singleplayer Mode
- NPC's
- Tutorial Level
- Up to 10 Player (Multiplayer)
- Network support
- About 50 Extras to collect
- About 10 Themes with different theme specific gameplay features
like undeads, conveyor belt, traps, buttons, bumper, ...
- Different Layouts without end
- A lot of gamemods like, Colorize, Rounddeathmatch,
Last man standing, ...
- Huge Statistics offline and Online
- Play at night (with flashlight)

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Комментарии игроков (2 шт.)

От: ghjt5hj [10|3] | Дата 2017-06-19 22:16:37

так ту не доступно ничего, для мультиплеера нужен код
От: zaurbaev123 [1|0] | Дата 2017-06-19 19:01:45

как игры выкладывать?