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Скачать игру Dice Gambit v0.2.38 - торрент, демо версия игры

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Игру добавил Kusko [2475|32] | 2021-11-17 (обновлено) | Ролевые игры (RPG) (3314) | Просмотров: 2950

Dice Gambit v0.2.38

• SGi навигация / Navigation:
• Разработчик / Developer: Инди-игра (14535) от DiceGambit (1)
• Жанр / Genre: Я ищу, квесты, приключения (6078); Стратегии (3531); Ролевые игры (RPG) (3314)
• Тип игры / Game Type: Демо версия
• Размер / Size: 148.20 Мб.

Dice Gambit - тактическая игра с пошаговыми сражениями, в которой вы будете бросать кости, чтобы управлять своими персонажами.

Игра обновлена до v0.2.38. Список изменений внутри новости.

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В этой версии игры вы пройдете через 6 миссий с уникальными врагами, включая бой с боссом, используя 3 разных персонажей со своим собственным набором возможностей.

Приспосабливайтесь к броскам костей
Оптимизируйте каждый ход в зависимости от броска - или используйте повторный бросок, если вы в затруднительном положении!

Все стороны имеют значение
Каждая сторона кубика имеет значок, соответствующий ее основному действию: Атака - Перемещение - Защита - Сигнатура - Проклятый джокер.

Комбинируйте кости для получения мощных способностей!
Удваивайте или превращайте несколько кубиков в новые и захватывающие эффекты!

Яркий и красочный мир, нарисованный вручную!
Почувствуйте себя в мегаполисе эпохи неоренессанса, вдохновленном южной Европой!

Настраиваемая прогрессия!
Используйте способности каждого из 3 уникальных персонажей, чтобы обнаружить синергию и создать свой собственный стиль игры!

Адаптируйтесь к каждой встрече!
Пройдите 6 миссий, в каждой из которых вас ждут новые враги и механики!

Победите Хроматического рыцаря!
Завершите игру сложной схваткой с боссом, которая проверит ваше мастерство игры в кости!

Time for the first real patch for the Dice Gambit Combat Demo. This one focuses on re balancing the missions, addressing chroma and fixing various bugs and crashes.

Balance Update
Feedback shows that many missions are a tad bit too slow, and that players often struggle with movement in the early levels. We are doing a series of changes help alleviate this. We are also lowering the difficulty on some of the later missions to make it a bit more forgiving.

All levels have been tweaked to make them easier and faster to complete. Especially later levels should be more approachable.

• Tutorial Mission | Spawner Position moved closer to the door where players enter.
• Canal Mission | Updated Layout, created more opportunities to snipe or dash over to mages.
• Solo Mission | Moved the bat spawn away from the corner over to the center of the level.
• Crypt Mission | Altered which enemies are spawned - reduced the number of creepers present.
• Defend Mission | Reduced the mission timer from 6 to 4. Reduced number of spawner - increased number of explosive bats.
• Boss Mission | Reduced the number of additional enemies players have to face when fighting the boss.

• We have received a lot of feedback indicating that Chroma felt too punishing to use. In the final game we want to find a balance between the immediate gain and long therm consequences of Chroma, to hopefully create an interesting risk-vs-reward dynamic. But for now we have decided to let Chroma reset after each mission to ease the burden.
• A Characters Chroma Level & Amount will now reset after each mission

Team Dice
We have seen quite a few unlucky player struggle with movement in the early mission. So we a increased the amount of group dice players have access to early in the game. We hope that this along with more lenient and forgiving chroma will help alleviate this frustration. We are keeping an extra eye on this one, and will continue to evaluate if we need to do more to make movement less frustrating, both for the demo and full game.

• Increased Starting group dice to 4 from 3.
• Players now gain an additional group dice at campaign level 3 and 6 instead of at level 2, 4 and 6.

Bug Fixes
• Fixed a crash involving Pylons trying to target the Return Teleport indicator.
• Player characters will no longer moon-walk after being pulled by the Chromatic Knight.
• Fixed a bug causing escaped characters to still bleed in the crypt
• Movement Indicators will now probably update after clearing the slow debuff.
• Fixed a series of small grammatical errors in the tutorial.

Dice Gambit is a Turn-Based Tactics game where you’ll roll and allocate dice to control your characters.

In this demo, you’ll fight your way through 6 missions with unique enemies including a boss fight, using 3 distinct characters with their own set of open-ended progression.

Adapt to the Roll of the Dice
Optimize each turn according to your roll - or use a re-roll if you’re in a pinch!

All Sides Matter
Each side of the dice has an icon that corresponds to their own basic action: Attack -Move - Defend - Signature - Cursed Joker

Combine Dice for Powerful abilities!
Double down or convert multiple dice into new and exciting effects!

Vibrant and Colorful Hand-Drawn World!
Experience a neo-renaissance metropolis inspired by southern Europe!

Customizable Progression!
Draft each of the 3 unique character's powers to discover synergies and create your own playstyle!

Adapt to each encounter!
Fight your way through 6 missions, each introducing new enemies and mechanics!

Defeat the Chromatic Knight!
Finish off with a challenging boss fight that will put your dice mastery to the test!

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