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Описание игры, торрент, скриншоты, видео

Скачать игру Space Pirate v0.441 - торрент, игра на стадии разработки

Рейтинг: 10.0 (1)
Игру добавил Defuser222 [3625|10] | 2017-06-09 (обновлено) | Ролевые игры (RPG) (3307) | Просмотров: 11764

Space Pirate v0.441

• SGi навигация / Navigation:
• Разработчик / Developer: Инди-игра (14535) от Bombini (2)
• Жанр / Genre: Аркадные шутеры (2192); Текстовые, Roguelike (1525); Ролевые игры (RPG) (3307)
• Тип игры / Game Type: Beta-версия (игра еще в разработке)
• Размер / Size: 16.78 Мб.
• Оценка игроков / Game Score: 10.0 из 10 (всего голосов: 1)

Space Pirate - эпизодический РПГ-шутер с исследованием космоса. Грабьте и уничтожайте! Крадитесь по коридорам или сожгите всё! Эта игра не конкурирует с масштабными проектами на космическую тематику, а сосредоточена на коротких и веселых игровых сессиях. Узнайте историю каждого из нескольких персонажей: космический пират, обманутая жена, охотник за головами и другие.

Версия игры ОБНОВЛЕНА с 0.411 до 0.441. Список изменений внутри.

Вы можете скрыть всю рекламу на сайте. Как?

Язык интерфейса: Английский

Version 0.441:
+ Implemented new dialogue system (dialogue with NPC's)
+ Added covered rooms and a system which uncovers them
+ Finetuned legendary enemies (stronger attack and more health)
+ Added super tough, slow enemy (big worm) and let it spit slime
+ Adjusted door riddle system to a modular system
+ Changed loot system to bioplasma system
+ Changed energy core system and removed fuel
+ Advanced medium robot boss
+ Added more furniture
+ Added scrypted scene mechanic
+ Added airlock mechanic

Version 0.411:
New features:
+ Reworked simple NPC text system allowing dialogues in level
+ I finalize and optimize contract feature
+ Added assembly lines which crafts items to for example robots
+ Rewrote movement code for player: Change motion state for suite in space
+ Added legendary enemies
+ Wall tiles are now split in two groups. Destructable with bombs and not destructable (with steelcore).
+ Hull system implemented. Ship can break apart if certain damage taken.
+ Logs are counted. Finding all logs gives a credit bonus
+ Advanced flamer weapon (burns all organic material and alien slime now)

+ Fixed camera issues in several levels
+ Fixed Doors with trigger
+ Fixed disable alarm console (works properly now)
+ fixed security camera & alarm countdown (work properly now)
+ Added system sounds to hull system

Version 0.390:
What are the highlights?
+ fixed security camera, alarm countdown & disable alarm console (work properly now)
+ Advance flamer weapon (burns all organic material and alien slime now)
+ hidden relics
+ Adjusted levels with even more destruction:

Other fixes & polish:
+ Added blood particles when player is hit
+ Reworked doors and added sound (work properly now)
+ Players wont get stuck anymore when going to own ship and out of fuel
+ Player will be killed when moves off screen in out of space
+ Pressing ESC auto-saves and brings player to former or main menu
+ Fixed highlight on Exit in contract menu
+ Fixed highlight on Exit in shop menu
+ Adjusted levels a bit and removed corners where player could get stuck easily

Version 0.386:
+ General
+ Fixed planet BUG which froze game
+ Improved goal UI (current story goal is shown in starmap, before level; same for contract goals)
+ Added SAVE menu to starmap (press ESC to enter)
+ Added fullscreen at start
+ Added controller support and settings screen (still buggy with some controllers)
+ Star map
+ Expanded star map (now multiple screens tall) and reworked art
+ Replaced star map fog with an auto connecting tiled fog (was actors before)
+ Fixed and integrated mystery locations on map
+ Access own ship from starmap to enter shop or contract terminal
+ Reworked communication system (new scan function, hail, engage and avoid)
+ Fixed all encounter collisions in star map (work now properly)
+ Added worm holes which teleport ship long disctances
+ Added colored background for starmap
+ Added idle animation for player ship
+ Added directions arrows for contract locations when they are off screen
+ Added directions arrows for main levels when they are off screen

+ Enemies
+ Advance AI of most humanoid enemies
+ Added "call backup function" - a special enemy type will call for back up from outside of the level if attacked
+ added sniper enemy (needs to be advanced)
+ advanced robot boss (more projectiles)
+ fine-tuned small slimers (moving and damage)
+ fixed ship repair costs
+ added sound when aliens die
+ advanced alien queen (projectile) adds slime where ever hit which slows player down
+ Levels
+ Reworked and embedded story level 0, 1, 2
+ Advanced Hidden relic mechanic (buy a scanner
+ Reworked slicker main interface (only one weapon slot) and shifted inventory
+ let fuel console explode on hit
+ Improved performance a lot (switched from Box2D to Simple Physics)
+ Modified tile sets so they can be bombed away (the ones with cracks)
+ Fixed/reworked fire spreading and furniture system (every furniture can now burn)
+ Every box/furniture is a box which now hides rewards (excluding tables and chairs)
+ new obstacle type "fire pit"
+ new tile "slime" included which slows player down
+ space helmet gone when player dies in space
+ added big usable laser gun to modify level structur
+ Reworked phase when complete level blows up
+ Dropshadows of enemies diappear when dying
+ New own ship with contract and shop terminal
+ New art and animation
+ new shop with weapon and ship upgrades
+ contract console: finish contracts to get more resources from a pool of 18 randomized contracts
+ Weapons
+ New weapon carry system: only carry one weapon a time and drop carried gun when picking up new one
+ Weapon placed in level: pick it up and leave carried weapon
+ Weapon rack on own ship: Pick a weapon
+ Added weapon pick up sound
+ added new flamer weapon
+ added new shotgun weapon
+ Fixed bugs:
+ random ships aren't random anymore i.e after they are pillaged, they continue their journey (removed "LOOT ship sensor NEW 1" from starmap)

Version 0.340:
Be a Space Pirate! A lot of critical fixes which popped up in the last version.
+ Removed saving bug and broken game states
+ Adjusted spawning of random ships (won’t be near you all the time)
+ added second fire mode for Big Robot
+ Added auto save to every encounter on star map
+ Added idle states for player when not walking
+ Added new feature: Spacesuit (auto put on when in space)
+ Removed damage & bug from green nebula on star map
+ adjusted mg kill sequenz
+ kill player when leaving scene in space suit
+ Adjusted levels a tiny bit to showcase Spacesuite
+ Removed "every enemy has 5 health" bug and adjusted health for bosses

Version 0.337:
+ New random encounter system with ship preview
+ New dialogue system
+ New "scan and find hidden relic" mechanic (have the chance to find a hiddne relic and get additional info)
+ New goal system (always show the next goal on bottom of starmap)
+ Scan & find hidden relics
+ In level dialogue, log & note system
+ Destructible wall system
+ A lot level changes and adjustments

Version 0.321:
+ Fixed bomb & mine behaviour (x)
+ Added shadows to all vessels (x)
+ Adjusted collision of player (x)
+ Bug fixed: bomb radius was off and doing always damage(x)
+ Bug fixed: lost all upgrades and ressources when entering "unknown ship" (x)
+ Bug fixed: Game crashed on pressing ESC in various situations (x)
+ Bug fixed: LAser gun updates are resetted when picking up gun again (x)

Version 0.319:
Adjust planet positions - avoid same location (x)
Adjust all starmap loot sensors (x)
Always align player ship to starmap grid (x)
Dont move Loot ship when player is next to it (X)
Adjust starmap loot sensors: have a leveling system for enemy ships (X)

Gameplay levels:
Add some more blow up stuff in levels with partickel (x)
Performance optimization (x)
Reworked digging mechanic (broken tile extension) (x)
Advanced enemy type: General (x)
Add loot drop for all enemies (x)
Advance collision of player (x)
Add loot drop for standard walking & shooting enemy (X)

Effects & graphics:
Added drop shadow for enemies (x)
Added particles to players gun (x)
Added particles to enemies laser gun (x)
Smooth motion and replace bg with actors for stars and stuff in navigation screen (X)
Advanced fullscreen (still buggy) (x)
Added feedback ui to shop (x)

Space Pirate is an episodic & goal driven space exploration game!
Loot & destroy! Sneak through corridors or set everything on fire!
They game does not want to compete with big scope space exploration games and is rather focused on short & fun session. Its real time and not turn based.

Different strories:
Unlock & choose different characters to play with
Be a space pirate, a betrayed wife, a space head hunter and more!
Each of those characters has a unique story and goal

Loot enemy ships, find new weapons and upgrade them with team mates that you can rescue. Always have your main goal in mind.
Interact or fight different factions!
The faction's mood will change according to your actions and modify the game experience!

W, A, S, D keys to move
Arrow keys to shoot
Space to select/continue
1,2,3,4,5 to select weapon if found

Если вы являетесь правообладателем данного материала и вы против размещения информации о данном материале, либо ссылок на него - ознакомьтесь с нашей информацией для правообладателей и присылайте нам письмо. Если Вы против размещения данного материала - администрация с радостью пойдет Вам на встречу!

Ссылки временно недоступны, скоро появятся...

Если ты нашёл "мёртвую" ссылку - дави значок [X] рядом с ней и ссылка в ближайшее время будет перезалита.

Дополнительные файлы для игры

Если ты нашел новую версию игры Space Pirate v0.441, либо русификатор к ней, патч, левелпак или мод - сообщи об этом редактору новости, он добавит сюда доп. файл.
Отправка личных сообщений доступна только после регистрации.

Комментарии игроков (10 шт.)

От: This_New_Sparta [113|86] | Дата 2016-10-14 05:53:18


DurtyFree сказал:

Натуральная стыдоба - без мышки управление очень убогое.

У ПК-шников всегда должна быть мышь.
От: DurtyFree [3|52] | Дата 2016-02-05 19:25:11

Натуральная стыдоба - без мышки управление очень убогое.
От: DarthNihilus [17|21] | Дата 2016-02-03 14:22:03

Игра очень интересная я открыл секретный уровень совсем случайно вобщем как двери налево ещё раз и по правой стенке перед столом зажать шифтпять пять-цифра и там админское оружие я потом прошол игру быстро спидран запишу на ютубе йееееееессс!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
От: KHAARNE [69|8] | Дата 2016-02-03 12:30:56

Идея прикольная, но такой крупный пиксель . Ладно скачаю гляну)
От: This_New_Sparta [113|86] | Дата 2015-08-20 03:48:46


Lis_vasya сказал:

Обожаю рогалики игра супер и каждый рогалик супер тащюююююсь!!!!!

И на этом можно сказать , что ты на 100% школьник...
От: Fireball14 [29|21] | Дата 2015-08-19 17:11:06

Хмм сильно смахивает по управленнию на недопорт с андроида/яблока. Пока не додомаются подключить мышку, я пожалуй пасс.
От: Kronuss [36|12] | Дата 2015-05-20 15:37:08


Korran сказал:

На вид интересненько. Только смысла бы побольше, а то тут даже разговоры сведены к заполняющейся полоске

До смысла дело в разработке игры ещё не дошло xd
От: Korran [49|26] | Дата 2015-05-20 15:18:07

На вид интересненько. Только смысла бы побольше, а то тут даже разговоры сведены к заполняющейся полоске
От: Kronuss [36|12] | Дата 2015-05-20 15:09:16

Игра супер, лично меня такие игры затягивают. Только есть проблема.. Слишком много багов. Если апдейтов выйдет немного, то советую всем играть.
От: Lis_vasya [8|25] | Дата 2015-05-20 13:53:17

Обожаю рогалики игра супер и каждый рогалик супер тащюююююсь!!!!!