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Скачать игру Smugglers 5: Invasion v1.5 / Smugglers V: Invasion v1.5 - полная версия

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Игру добавил Elektra [7720|138] | 2015-02-05 (обновлено) | Ролевые игры (RPG) (3302) | Просмотров: 7679

Smugglers 5: Invasion v1.5 / Smugglers V: Invasion v1.5

• SGi навигация / Navigation:
• Разработчик / Developer: Инди-игра (14535) от Niels Bauer Games (5)
• Жанр / Genre: Стратегии (3517); Ролевые игры (RPG) (3302)
• Тип игры / Game Type: Полная версия (установи и играй)
• Размер / Size: 70.58 Мб.
• Другие части игры:
- Smugglers V v1.5 / Smugglers 5 v1.5
• Похожие игры:
- Smugglers 4
- Space Rangers / Космические Рейнджеры v1.6
- Space Rangers 2: Revolution / Космические рейнджеры 2: Революция (Аддон) v R6

Smugglers 5: Invasion - самостоятельное дополнение для космического симулятора с элементами RPG Smugglers 5, добавляющее новую расу, корабли и звездные системы, и продолжающее сюжет оригинала.

Игра ОБНОВЛЕНА с v1.0 до v1.5. Список изменений внутри новости.

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Пятая часть пошагового симулятора космического торговца, как и раньше, предлагает не только заняться бизнесом, но и освоить ворох других профессий. Список изменений по сравнению с предыдущей частью просто не помещается на экран, так что поклонники серии вряд ли будут разочарованы открывшимися горизонтами возможностей.

• New feature: In a spaceport bar you can now meet a fellow who sells you an amnesia drug for 3 million credits. If you accept, you can redistribute all your skill points as you see fit.
• Balance change: The chance of successfully using a special skill during a special combat event has been rebalanced. For most skills it has been increased.
• Balance change: Chance of asteroid and mine fields doing damage has been decreased.
• Balance change: Effect of energy flux has been doubled. It now quadruplicates (!) the damage bonus from energy cage I or II.
• Balance change: During the special combat event "Ambush" the chance to use the confusion of the attack to escape has been reduced.
• Program change (Secession only): To inform everyone about the release of Smugglers 5: Invasion, a reminder at the end of the game has been turned on. In case you want to turn it off, you can do so in the options menu.
• Program change (Invasion only): The pirate hideout in the Ssenguan system has been moved slightly upwards.
• Bug fixed: The occurance of the special in-game message from V. 1.4c has been corrected.
• Bug fixed: The cheat menu now always stays on top of all other windows
• Bug fixed: There was a typo in the Black Widow fighter description
• Bug fixed: Some people reported that from time to time an error message about a "modal window" would appear and crash the game. Until now we´ve been unable to reproduce this
• bug here. We´ve taken some measures to reduce the appearance during combat, because one of the users reported it happened more frequently when trying to access a disabled skill.
• Until there are further reports (or the missing of further reports) we cannot certify though whether this bug has been fixed. There are also two temporary ways to continue
• playing when the bug occurs. If the game appears to be frozen, either press CTRL + ESC (Windows 7) or CTRL + ALT + DEL (Windows 8 - Task manager) and access your desktop. When you see the Smugglers 5 icon at the bottom of the screen, simply click on it. This should re-focus the game window and lift the freeze. Afterwards write us at [email protected] and tell us as much of what happened and what you have done before it happened as possible.
• Bug fixed: At one of the bar encounters you could meet a human trader and a human barkeeper in a Jalkath owned system.
• Bug fixed: If a background story event in the story DLC was triggered by landing at a planet, it could happen that the event was triggered twice.
• Bug fixed (Secession only): The Syndicate pirate profession has been excluded from the tutorial, because their Orca ship does not have guns and is only meant for experienced players.
• Bug fixed (Invasion + Story DLC only): As a Jalkath you could start the background storyline "Solomons treasure".

Smugglers 5: Invasion starts where the original game ended. After years of civil war, the Federation finally emerged victorious, crushing all rebellion. The galaxy looked forward to a period of peace, a chance to repair the damage of a long and bitter war.

Then came the Jalkath, a new alien race looking much like the tigers of Old Earth. Their attacks were swift and brutal and they subjugated entire systems before the Federation even knew what was happening.

To the humans, they looked much like the tigers of Old Earth, and they soon proved themselves to be every bit as cunning and dangerous. The newcomers were swift and brutal in their assault, deploying terrifying weapons and subjugating entire systems before their victims even knew what was happening. The Federation has rallied a defence against the invaders, and now both sides struggle for dominance.

War has returned to the galaxy. For the right kind of captain, it’s a whole new chance for fame and fortune. Will you fight for the survival of your race? Trade and smuggle goods to make your fortune? Or play both sides against each other for your own profit?

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Дополнительные файлы для игры

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Комментарии игроков (7 шт.)

От: HisShadow [4|8] | Дата 2017-06-09 13:01:19

Народ, а галактическую карту никак нельзя двигать, зумить? Там некоторые системы за её пределами.
От: DarthNihilus [17|21] | Дата 2015-02-06 07:51:23


Elektra сказал:

Последняя версия 1.5, а вышеуказанная цифра это не версия игры

От: Elektra [7720|138] | Дата 2015-02-06 07:45:06

Группа: Редактор

DarthNihilus сказал:

В инете с октября висит версия но ссылки все дохлые...

Последняя версия 1.5, а вышеуказанная цифра это не версия игры
От: DarthNihilus [17|21] | Дата 2015-02-06 07:17:18

В инете с октября висит версия но ссылки все дохлые...
От: BetaXenon [27|11] | Дата 2015-02-05 15:35:22

Странно, качал "Вторжение", а внутри оказалось "Наследие".

BetaXenon подумал несколько минут и добавил:

Понятно, вкладки перепутал, с соседней раздачи скачал.
От: Ving [12|3] | Дата 2014-10-29 20:08:14

Не понравилась примитивная боевая часть, ну реально там бот справится, выполнение почти одних и тех же действий в сотнях боях быстро надоедает
От: VanClaymore [5|6] | Дата 2014-10-25 22:24:35

Добавленная раса позволяет пройти игру еще раз, но хотелось бы большее разнообразие в древе умений и различные классы кораблей (с выбором дистанции, стелсом и прочими примочками). Простенькая графика не отпугнет олдскул, но конечно же проигрывает современным вариантам космосимов.