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Скачать игру Hapry! Siren! - игра на стадии разработки

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Игру добавил Fyrrion [366|10] | 2012-09-18 | Леталки, скроллеры (1027) | Просмотров: 7856

Hapry! Siren!

• SGi навигация / Navigation:
• Разработчик / Developer: Инди-игра (14535) от SILLYSLARDY.JPG (1)
• Жанр / Genre: Леталки, скроллеры (1027)
• Тип игры / Game Type: Beta-версия (игра еще в разработке)
• Размер / Size: 37.74 Мб.
• Похожие игры:
- Saviors v1.3.4968

Hapry! Siren! - безумно-тяжелая стрелялка, где Вам, в роли гарпии/сирены предстоит проходить 1,2 и 6 этап. Графика довольно красочная, музыка традиционная, фишка с сменой режима гарпии на сирену и наоборот, и конечно хардкор делают игру действительно эффектной и вполне возможно, что она напомнит кому-то давний BioHazard Battle.

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В полной версии авторы обещают все 6 этапов.


playing as HS001, you are equipped with two weapons. your main weapon is a spread-
shot of feathers. your sub weapon is the SIREN mode. while holding X (or whatever is
assigned to the function), the "HARPY" bar on the HUD will change to "SIREN". in
this mode, your movement is slowed and you fire an extremely powerful laser. while
firing, the "SIREN" bar will deplete. when it reaches zero, you cannot continue to
use the laser. to recharge, you must return from SIREN mode to HARPY mode by releasing
the key associated with it. once the bar has charged (even slightly), you can enter
SIREN mode again and use the laser. SIREN mode also allows you to see your hitbox
while moving, allowing for tight maneuvering.

when enemies are destroyed, they drop gems. the closer you are to an enemy while dest-
roying them, the higher value gems they will drop. each gem color is associated with
a counter in the upper right of the HUD, and will dictate how many points you receive
for every shot landed on an enemy. GREEN gems are worth thousands, BLUE are hundreds,
PINK are tens, and RED are ones. as an example, if you have 7 GREEN, 3 BLUE, 6 PINK,
and 2 RED gems, you will receive 7362 points for each shot landed. if you drop a gem
of any color, its respective counter will return to ZERO.

BOSS scoring is handled differently. for each boss encounter, you will see a faint
timer in the background. every landed hit will give you the current value of the
counter, so it is in your best interest to destroy a boss as quickly as possible.

there are hidden bonuses in each level, and the third (5th, actually, as stages 3 and
4 were not complete) has enemy mechanics which are fairly different from the rest
of the game and may be jarring at first. these were going to be eased into, but the
project was not completed.

to access the true final boss, you must complete the game without using any continues.

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Дополнительные файлы для игры

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Комментарии игроков (2 шт.)

От: Shadow_747 [6|4] | Дата 2012-09-19 05:10:05

"В полной версии авторы обещают все 6 этапов." Там написано ведь)
От: Arimanov [20|10] | Дата 2012-09-18 16:20:55

А 3, 4 и 5 этапы проходить не предстоит?)