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Описание игры, торрент, скриншоты, видео

Скачать игру Project Interstellar v1.3.0 - торрент, игра на стадии разработки

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Игру добавил Defuser222 [3625|10] | 2016-10-25 (обновлено) | Песочницы (Sandbox-игры) (1306) | Просмотров: 5510

Project Interstellar v1.3.0

• SGi навигация / Navigation:
• Разработчик / Developer: Инди-игра (14535) от hopeabandoner (1)
• Жанр / Genre: Леталки, скроллеры (1027); Песочницы (Sandbox-игры) (1306)
• Тип игры / Game Type: Beta-версия (игра еще в разработке)
• Размер / Size: 41.66 Мб.

В Project Interstellar Вы управляете космическим кораблем с возможностью апгрейда с помощью модулей. Это могут быть лазеры, ускорители, генераторы щита и т.п. Каждый модуль занимает один слот на вашем корабле, поэтому не забудь приобрести Module Hub, который дает восемь дополнительных слотов. Ресурсы для покупки модулей Вы можете брать с астероидов. Также в игре есть множество других кораблей, некоторые из них враждебны.

Версия игры ОБНОВЛЕНА с 1.2.0 до 1.3.0. Список изменений внутри.

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Язык интерфейса: Английский

UPDATE: Release 1.3.0

Player now begins in center of the galaxy, rather than at point 1000x, 1000y.
Player health is now shown in the top left corner of the screen.
Added planets.
Planets have randomized names and statuses.
Status determines the ability to be used as an item shop.
Planets are parallaxed, just as backgrounds are.
Minimap locates planets.
Edited tutorial to explain planets and shops.
Added various nebulae in background to add more color to the background.
Added soundtrack.
Ambient music plays during normal gameplay.
Double BPM track crossfades when near full speed or while in potential combat/danger.
9 songs added: 4 ambient tracks, 4 combat tracks, and title screen track.
Added native gamepad/joystick support.
Gamepad use must be enabled in options menu to use.
Analog sticks can be swapped ingame.
POV Hat/D-Pad and right stick control where to place modules.
Buttons can be mapped at any time.
Not implemented, but planned: Player-defined button names for easy reference.
Two control styles; Original control: press forward to speed up, down to slow down. Tilt control: Tilt stick forward to move at a speed depending on how far as you move the stick forward.
Changed options menu.
Menu text is now centered.
All options now saved to an INI file in the "AppData" folder under "AppDataSpaceGameconfig.ini".
Added new particle effects.
Explosion particles, replacing most previously animated explosion sprites.
Hit sparks, appear when a ship or module is hit with a laser.
Item sparks, appear when collecting an item.
Laser sparks, appear when a laser disappears.
Camera now shakes when moving near full speed.
Redesigned title screen.
Removed "warp-speed" background and replaced with subtly-animated background.
Moved logo to right, also now animated.
Changed credit line and now shows composer of music.
Added particle system to title screen for "supernova"/"galaxy" area.
Added social media buttons to bottom of screen.
Added version and copyright text to bottom of screen.
Pressing F12 on title will toggle making the title elements invisible, allowing you to see the background fully.
Application surface now updates every second, allowing for window resizing without needing to zoom afterwards to remove distortion.
Changed splash screen.
Splash screen now shorter and shows updated logo and colors.
Redesigned shop menu.
Shop menu now only accessible when near planets.
Shops now only offer up to a maximum of 10 different items for sale.
Only the items that the planet sells can be sold back to them for credits.
Shops sell randomly different items per planet.
Changed starting inventory loadout.
Player is now given 2 weak cannons and 2 slow boosters instead of only 1 weak cannon.
Change made to allow the player to find planets faster in the beginning of the game.
Added warning when nearing galaxy borders.
Text appears at bottom of the screen, explaining the border.
A red border is visible at the border.
Edges of the screen flicker red when near the border lines.
Added "Generate New Galaxy" option
This option generates a new randomized galaxy, allowing for new planets and enemies to be discovered.
This option does not delete your current ship layout.
You cannot return to a previously generated galaxy.
Changed inventory list to be more compact.

UPDATE: Release 1.2.0

Alright so I finally got a new version out! It’s not very much but it adds some much needed stuff, like an options menu, tooltips, a new module, etc.

Added an options menu, accessible from gear icon in bottom right or by pressed ESC.
Added new module: Miner Drone (Hangar) - Searches and breaks up asteroids for the player automatically, also collects Ore.
Added tooltips to modules to show hotkeys and various pieces of info.
Added new buttons to main menu.
Added splash screen.
That’s not everything but it’s what I can remember from the top of my head, so bear with me here.
Hope you guys enjoy it!

In Project Interstellar, you control a ship that has the ability to be upgraded through the use of "Modules". Modules are things like laser cannons, boosters, shield generators, and more. Each Module takes up one slot on your ship, so be sure to buy a Module Hub to gain an additional eight slots per Hub.

In the vast darkness of space, there are many different ships, some of which are aggressive towards any other ship. You can attack any other ship and destroy their Modules to try and steal them, but be aware that your Modules can be destroyed as well.

In order to gain more Credits, the currency in this game, you need to break asteroids apart and get Asteroid Ore, which comes in many different colors. Each color is worth the same value, however. Once you have some Asteroid Ore, you can sell all of it at the Module Store for 30 Credits per Ore.

If you play this game, please give feedback and write about any bugs in the comments below or message me on Twitter. It all helps! I'm also wanting to know if you had any major framerate issues within the game. Thank you!

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Комментарии игроков (1 шт.)

От: kolya5544 [0|1] | Дата 2016-09-19 08:01:35

Игра хорошая, но без сохранений и без смысла. После 10 минут игры ты создаёшь корабль который побеждает всех и каждого, набираешь 9000 кредитов. Меня смутило то - что больших кораблей тут только 3-5, дальше появляются только маленькие кораблики.