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Скачать игру Open Space 4x v0.0.55 - торрент, игра на стадии разработки

Рейтинга пока нет | Баллы: 10
Игру добавил Defuser222 [3625|10] | 2017-02-20 (обновлено) | Песочницы (Sandbox-игры) (1300) | Просмотров: 15628

Open Space 4x v0.0.55

• SGi навигация / Navigation:
• Разработчик / Developer: Инди-игра (14535) от McShooterz (1)
• Жанр / Genre: Леталки, скроллеры (1027); Песочницы (Sandbox-игры) (1300)
• Тип игры / Game Type: Beta-версия (игра еще в разработке)
• Размер / Size: 66.15 Мб.

Open Space 4x - проект с открытым кодом с целью создать свободную 4x игровую платформу, которая будет брать контент с модов. В данной Pre-Alpha версии есть постройка кораблей и боевая система. Кнопка "SY" - кораблестроительство, а "CB" - боевой тест.

Версия игры ОБНОВЛЕНА с Demo v0.0.5 до Demo v0.0.55. Список изменений внутри.

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Язык интерфейса: Английский
Движок: Unity 5

Demo v0.0.55:
Work in progress empire creation system; doesn't allow saving empires yet. Fixed issue with beams without hit effects.

Demo v0.0.5:
Huge post holiday update. Adds dozens of weapons, hundreds of modules, assault pod fighters, improved combat camera, improved drag selection, added summary window to custom battle screen, and many smaller changes.

Demo v0.0.4:
Small update: Added Point Defense Missiles, Flak Cannons, and Gauss Cannons.

Demo v0.0.31:
Small update, added module stats for placed modules when hovered in shipyard, fixed bug prevent ships from gaining experience, added experience for destroying fighters and stations.

Demo v0.0.3:
Added station designing, generic heavy fighter fitted with cannons and missiles. Support for missile jamming and point defense against missiles. Custom battles can have placed fighters and stations.

Demo v0.0.2.4:
Added volume sliders. Added 7 new ships and generic a fighter. Added ballistic cannons, laser cannons, plasma cannons, and missiles. Added more power reactors. Added more basic armors.

Demo v0.0.1:
Many small experimental optimization changes. Beam weapons deal damage in intervals, and has damage popups. Partial beam weapon delay(example: beam weapon only fires for 1/2 duration before target is destroyed, so only has to wait 1/2 delay to fire again). Homing weapons can have additional targets if the first dies before the project dies(setup in weapon definition). Weapon attribute which makes damage distributed to all sides of the target at once(setup in weapon definition).

Pre-Alpha 12:
Two and a half weeks update, scenario system first pass, think battle area from Stardrive 2, or historical battles from the total war series. Small tweaks to ship physics and shield recharge delay.

Pre-Alpha 11.1:
This is being released because demo 11 had an issue, because a folder went missing new ship designs couldn't be saved; code should now recreate this folder if it ever goes missing again. Also I added a generic scifi ship and laser cannons mostly for potential future mods to use the laser projectiles.

Pre-Alpha 11:
Weekly update, mostly UI improvements and ship orders. Ships can now retreat and self destruct.

Pre-Alpha 10:
Weekly update, doesn't contain Star Trek mod, support for any number of different fighters on ships, refinements to UI, ship design deletion. **Star Trek mod should now be found under mods tab for Open Space 4x**

Pre-Alpha 9:
Weekly update, ships show damage over time, ship's mesh explodes and dissolves when destroyed, new cloaked ship look, changed cloaking power draw, and other small fixes and tweaks.

Pre-Alpha 8:
Weekly Update. WIP Launcher with mod manager, Mini Map, Cloaking, Game Speed adjustment, panning and rotating camera with middle mouse button.

Pre-Alpha 7:
Weekly update, added several ship commands, fighters in groups, transporters allow ammo to be shared, and to transport personal between ships.

Pre-Alpha 6:
Weekly update. Added Klingon ships and weapons for Star Trek Mod; Klingon ships don't yet have hardpoints. Several small fixes and tweaks with beam weapons and ship movement.

Pre-Alpha 5:
A weekly update, added fighters, and refinements to combat systems, fighters are launched by clicking a button on the panel at the bottom of the screen with ship(s) selected.

What is Open Space 4x?
Open Space 4x is an open Unity project and game in very early development. The gameplay will be reminiscent of other space 4x games with turn based strategic map, but has tactical real time combat instances like the Stardrive and Sword of the Stars games.

Who is Open Space 4x for?
The design philosophy is to create a game for users already familiar with the basic mechanics found in most 4x games. Big budget 4x games typically focus on simplifying mechanics to ease new players into the genre, but by contrast this has more complex mechanics to appeal to 4x veterans.

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Комментарии игроков (1 шт.)

От: pusmur [1|4] | Дата 2016-12-22 09:56:45

Надеюсь, за 6 месяцев получится наскрести хоть немного контента, иначе же игра мертва.