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Скачать игру Roadclub: League Racing [Steam Early Access] - торрент, игра на стадии разработки

Рейтинга пока нет
Игру добавил John2s [11553|1666] | 2017-01-13 | Техника на колесах, гонки (1200) | Просмотров: 2303

Roadclub: League Racing [Steam Early Access]

• SGi навигация / Navigation:
• Разработчик / Developer: Инди-игра (14535) от Solid Core (1)
• Жанр / Genre: Техника на колесах, гонки (1200)
• Тип игры / Game Type: Beta-версия (игра еще в разработке)
• Размер / Size: 230.27 Мб.

Roadclub: League Racing - аркадные гонки с видом сверху, где вы окажетесь участником клуба нелегальных уличных гонок, и с помощью мастерства, упорства и удачи возможно когда-нибудь сможете стать легендой!

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Язык игры: Английский

From traffic fatalities to local police forces, street racing is extremely dangerous. It is also a way of life for many. Needing a place to go, street racers founded a club. A place where some of the best drivers in the world compete and race among themselves. A culture where only their own rules apply. This is Roadclub.

Without the spotlight and backing of multi-billion dollar car corporations, these racers tear up long forgotten tracks with the lust of competition and victory pumping through their blood, with the ultimate goal: to be the best among their peers.

And now you're finally a member, ready to show them what you’re made of.

So what’s especially awesome about Roadclub?
Begin your journey towards glory among your peers in the division-based Roadclub Career mode where you can get promoted or relegated depending on your performance and finally face off against the reigning Roadclub Master and take his title.
Meet evolving career opponents. The next time you bump into a club member they’ll have an upgraded ride or perhaps even bought a new even better car!
Invite a friend to play old-school splitscreen multiplayer.
Prove yourself globally or among your friends on the Steam Leaderboards.
Feel your car’s personalities like seldom seen in a 2D top-down game with amazingly detailed car handling. Everything from tyre grip to drivetrain, transmission, engine, weight distribution and air resistance are modeled which makes every race and car feel unique and a lot harder to fully master.
Several difficulty levels takes Roadclub from a stroll in the park to a full-on brutal experience. If you’re not used to this kind of game, even the lowest setting might be a challenge.
Collect and upgrade cars in your ever-growing garage.
Race well and rise in rank to unlock new cars for sale.
Challenge yourself to claim meaningful Steam Achievements.
Rock to the racing beat - and calm down to the breezier menu tracks by Zircon.

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Комментарии игроков (1 шт.)

От: Samano312 [1|0] | Дата 2018-01-26 01:30:26

Игруля то оно конечно хорошая, играл ещё в шароварную не-стимовскую версию. Но вот в чём вопрос - КАК СИМУЛЯТОР 2Д ГОНОК МОЖНО БЫЛО НЕ ДОДЕЛАТЬ ЗА 14 С*КА ЛЕТ!? Игра в shareware версии вообще чуть ли не 2004-го года выпуска!!!