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Описание игры, торрент, скриншоты, видео

Скачать игру pla-Toon v0.34 / plaToon - торрент, игра на стадии разработки

Рейтинга пока нет | Баллы: 99
Игру добавил Defuser222 [3625|10] | 2018-08-14 (обновлено) | Тир, FPS, 3D-бродилки (3801) | Просмотров: 10917

pla-Toon v0.34 / plaToon

• SGi навигация / Navigation:
• Разработчик / Developer: Инди-игра (14535) от BradenLehman (1) и Braden Lehman (1)
• Жанр / Genre: Тир, FPS, 3D-бродилки (3801); Сетевые / ХотСит (2288)
• Тип игры / Game Type: Beta-версия (игра еще в разработке)
• Размер / Size: 144.30 Мб.

plaToon - простой, но забавный мультиплеерный шутер с мультяшной графикой, разными режимами игры и разрушаемым окружением, включая самолеты.

Версия игры ОБНОВЛЕНА с 0.24b до 0.34. Список изменений можно узнать здесь.

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Язык интерфейса: Английский
Движок: Unity 5

Hey, I thought it was about time for another update! I added a few of the previous maps back in the game and added a new test one. Also, I'm planning to start building the game in Unreal Engine in hopes that it's more stable, I included a very early test version of that as well. Please test it and see if you can connect to the public server. Thanks! (at the moment I only have the unreal version available in windows 64bit format).

v0.14b (03/18/17)
Fixed Bug - Players Falling After Level Unload
Fixed Bug - Jittering Players
Fixed Bug - 2 Errors Causing The Server To Stall
Added - Auto Search For LAN Games
Added - Menu Change Log
Added - Player Names
Added - Server IP to escape menu (if you're the server)
Added - Mouse Sensitivity
Added - Loading Screen
Added - Select Next Item Button
Added - Select Previous Item Button
Updated - Menu Join Server Buttons

Updated - Player Health restored when they jump from lobby

Updated - Player model auto-selected when jumping from lobby

Added - 3 new level prototypes
Added - Dual M4 or AK

Fixed Bug - Fixed a couple bugs causing crashes in the new system

Added - 3 test levels to the new system test

Added - Weapons to the new system

Added - new level loader code to new system

Added - Supporter option to spawn cats by pressing C (without weapon)

Changed - player stands up faster

And Many other changes
Thank you all for your feedback!

Added - New lobby and level loader system test

Added - New test map

Added - New level to test the new player code
Added - A new kind of platforms

Fixed Bug - Fixed more erros causing cashes.
Updated - The public dedicated server should be up almost 24/7.
Updated - CTF map has biplanes again.
Updated - The Lobby layout.
Updated - Removed the menu message system because of spamming :(
Added - Menu music volume.
Added - Supporter edition.
Added - A game self restart if the game is about to crash.
Added - Graphics optimizations to improve performance.

Fixed Bug - Errors causing some crashes.
Fixed Bug - Dying while grabbing ledge freezes you.
Fixed Bug - Belt grenades not doing damage.
Fixed Bug - Push rockets not doing damage.
Updated - Optimized graphics for more players.
Updated - Moving platform logic.
Updated - Bullet damage logic.
Updated - Bullets lose damage with distance.
Updated - M4 and AK can shoot through walls.
Added - Auto search for servers messages.
Added - Name and Email to menu messages.
Added - Music Man (as if you could miss him).

Version 0.92b
Fixed Bug - Levels not loading.
Fixed Bug - Broken message box on main menu.
Fixed Bug - Naming glitch causing errors
Added - Moving platforms to DM map.
Added - Exiting platforms keeps players momentum.
Added - Player name updates instantly.
Changed - DeathMatch maps textures and sky.

Version 0.91b Notes:
Added - "Coming Soon" pad to lobby
Added - New death match map prototype
Fixed Bug - Blood not appearing when shot
Fixed Bug - Para-crates glitching through the air when joining server

Version 0.88b Notes:
Fixed Last Minute Bug - Ostrich jump not working
Fixed Last Minute Bug - Guns not firing after respawn
Fixed Last Minute Bug - Para crates not opening
Fixed Last Minute Bug - Rockets still on players after exploding

Version 0.87b Notes:
Added - Message box on main menu to send notes directly to me
Added - Putinfaust Friend Bot 1.0
Added - Ostrich Jump
Added - New tool tip messages to make learning to play easier
Added - New code logic for explosions making them more reliable
Added - New network code to allow more players to join
Fixed Bug - Invisible player after respawning
Fixed Bug - Dive overly sensitive causing player to accidentally dive
Fixed Bug - Weapons and items disapear when player drops them
Fixed Bug - Players freeze for a few seconds at round begining
Fixed Bug - Friendly fire not always working
Fixed Bug - Head in the way of camera after respawn if in first person cam
Fixed Bug - Players holding multiple weapons overlapping eachother
Fixed Bug - Players still getting dragged by the lift if they died in it
Fixed Bug - Ostrich teleports when touched
Fixed Bug - Can ride ostrich and lift at the same time
Fixed Bug - Grenades not exploding
Fixed Bug - Grenades dropping to the ground instead of throwing
Fixed Bug - Player lives after being pushed by rocket and exploding
Fixed Bug - Player can smash buildings by touching them after respawn
Fixed Bug - Round time on hud not showing right time
Fixed Bug - Flag caps to win not synced with server on hud
Fixed Bug - Items in crates apear away from the crate that was opened
Fixed Bug - Crash after clicking quit.
Fixed Bug - Para crate drops not opening.
Changed - Biplanes temporarily removed due to causing server errors.

Version 0.81b Notes:
Added - Can change teams in game.
Added - Can change teams in game.
Added - No Frienly Fire in public server.
Added - Lobby level pads load levels even if all players arn't on them.
Added - Biplanes spawn now.
Added - Name tags above head in lobby.
Added - Distant hills to town level.
Added - Pressing Tab key shows players menu.
Added - Tool Tips - including "Same Team" when shooting.
Fixed Bug - Double spawning.
Fixed Bug - Bullet holes stay after spawn.
Fixed Bug - Flag Caps To Win won't update on HUD.
Fixed Bug - Can't re-join until round restart if connection droped.
Fixed Bug - Freezes on loading level.
Fixed Bug - Player forced to walk up inclines.
Fixed Bug - Server freezes on lobby until restarted.
Fixed Bug - Player is still attached to lift after respawn.
Fixed Bug - Player stuck in sitting pose if dies on ostrich.
Fixed Bug - Player stays on Ostrich when pushed by rocket.
Fixed Bug - Player keeps grabbing ledge when pushed by rocket.
Fixed Bug - Weapon fires when crouch button is pressed.
Fixed Bug - Pressing G in chat throws a grenade.
Fixed Bug - Join green team button doesn't always work.
Fixed Bug - Grenades not breaking walls.
Fixed Bug - No punch sound for other players.
Fixed Bug - "EnablePlayer()" displays on spawn.

pla_toon is an action-packed, first-and-third-person, multiplayer, light-hearted, shooter where you player a cartoon-style soldier. Join the multiplayer battle and be the first to a para-crate drop to equip your player with powerful weapons! Or get on an ostrich and ride off into the sunset...

Upcoming Features: (this game is a playable work-in-progress)
- Mac support (Priority=High)
- Custom controls menu (Priority=High)
- Biplane (Priority=Medium)
- Jeep (Priority=Medium)
- Ridable Ostriches (Priority=Medium)
- GameMode Co-op Base Defense vs. Bots (Priority=Low)

Features Include:

- DeathMatch
- Team Deathmatch
- Capture The Flag
- Co-op Base Defense vs. Bots (Coming soon)

- Desert Town
- Canyon Tower

- Biplanes
- Jeep (Coming soon)
- Ridable Ostriches (Coming soon)

- M4 (Machine gun)
- AK (Machine gun)
- Sniper
- Bazooka
- Grenades

- Airplanes drop para-crates with powerful items in them throughout the rounds for the first player that reaches them.
- Players weapons can be shot out of their hands.
- Players belt grenades can be shot, making them expode instantly!
- Smooth but responsive physics based movement.
- Dynamic environment (Damage and destroy buildings, vehicles, and more)/
- Shooting a player with a bazooka at close range carries them away with the rocket, smashing though any walls in it's path.
- First-Person & Third-Person.
- "Cook" grenades.
- Single-player (play the GameModes against/with bots).
- Online-Multiplayer (Host and join your friends servers online).
- Local-Multiplayer (Coming Soon).
- Optional blood hit effects.

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Дополнительные файлы для игры

Если ты нашел новую версию игры pla-Toon v0.34 / plaToon, либо русификатор к ней, патч, левелпак или мод - сообщи об этом редактору новости, он добавит сюда доп. файл.
Отправка личных сообщений доступна только после регистрации.

Комментарии игроков (10 шт.)

От: Jerboy33 [129|168] | Дата 2017-05-28 15:20:19

H2O Delirious на привью с главной страницы порадовал.
От: Wvolff [3|8] | Дата 2017-04-30 22:58:29

Отличная игра просто класс!
Нравятся то кого класса игры.
От: Fire19 [1|2] | Дата 2017-04-25 23:17:13

Эх, классная игра , но без 1 бала мне его не видать
От: MrDovakin [3|4] | Дата 2017-03-26 16:29:07

Похоже на Revenfield.С друзьями весело.В общем сойдет
От: MrBatocnhik [2|1] | Дата 2017-01-25 13:39:48

Поиграл 1 час с реальными людьми и стало очень скучно. Мало возможностей. Да и людей там не много. Скажите какой пинг у вас был в игре.
От: DjKokoSer [1|11] | Дата 2017-01-20 19:03:30

В компании друзей , очень занятная игрушка
От: XlebysheG [1|0] | Дата 2017-01-15 08:44:43

Всем привет. Все, кто думают, что эта игра "Лего" то вы ошибаетесь, на самом деле нет, она просто в таком стиле. На самом деле, она очень веселая и забавная игра, с очень крутой физикой. Например, вам могут выбить оружие из рук пулей, или завали осколками от дома. Или противник может попасть вам в гранату, и вы взорветесь, и притом, в дальнейшем, будет еще куча крутых обнов! Не знаю почему, но эта игра затянула меня, почему-то, она поднимает настроение. Или например, вам с "АВП" могут попасть в тело, и вы весело отлетаете, и вам нужно встать, попытаться. Или в кулачном бою, вас ударят, и вы падаете, будто теряете равновесие) Так же присутствует физика домов, то есть, если ракета попадает в дом, или граната, то дом красиво разлетается на части. Вообщем, игра очень крутая, и веселая. Всем рекомендую!
От: erG0 [13|27] | Дата 2017-01-15 01:36:11

имейте в виду - тут только х64 версия, не у всех работать будет
От: GreatBread [0|1] | Дата 2016-12-25 14:29:07

Классная игра,блогадарю.
От: Chrono702 [13|11] | Дата 2016-12-22 09:21:57

Лего Баттлфилд. Осталось добавить +100500 персонажей из разных франшиз и собирание деталек