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Скачать игру The Ambassador [Update 1] - торрент, демо версия игры

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Игру добавил Defuser222 [3625|10] | 2017-06-24 (обновлено) | Аркадные шутеры (2192) | Просмотров: 2953

The Ambassador [Update 1]

• SGi навигация / Navigation:
• Разработчик / Developer: Инди-игра (14535) от tinyDino (1)
• Жанр / Genre: Аркадные шутеры (2192)
• Тип игры / Game Type: Демо версия
• Размер / Size: 42.00 Мб.

The Ambassador - пиксельный twin-stick шутер, где ваше каждое решение имеет последствия. Уровень за уровнем Вы будете прокладывать свой путь на север в поисках убежища.

Версия игры ОБНОВЛЕНА до Update 1. Список изменений внутри.

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Язык интерфейса: Английский

Update 1:
Hey everyone. First of all we want to thank everyone who did video's, reviews, and reached out to us with feedback. We have a lot to go off of now and have a list of things to make the demo, and thus the final game better. We are currently working on a web port of the demo so that it may be played in the browser. We intend on this to be completed by the end of next week at the latest. We will allow the game to be played in the browser or by download after the port is complete so don't worry if you prefer to play the game locally on your machine. We will be making the following changes in the coming demo update as well:

Edits to text errors
Rebalance of level 1
Better weapons visibility when on ground
Communication of some game elements that people haven't noticed
Buff to final boss
A possible rebalance and tweak to the time stop mechanic

Thanks again and we hope you guys are enjoying it,

Ryan Throw and TJ Acre

Gregor, ambassador to The Capital, scurries about his home gathering his family so they may quickly flee north to Stoneshire. Gregor was always a curious fellow but infrequently thought out the consequences of his actions. This had proven to be his biggest failing, as he stumbled upon a secret of the king so awful that he had to tell everyone. Within the hour the king decreed a warrant for Gregor's arrest and execution for acts against the crown. Gregor never was a brave man, nor had he ever held a sword in his life. He was a nobleman like his father before him, and that means he is above such acts. He knew his only choice would be to seek asylum in the north. However what he does not know is the long and dangerous road ahead of him, one where he may want to plan his decisions more carefully.

The Game
The Ambassador is a twin-stick shooter where your every action has a consequence. Level by level you will make your way north. You will be presented by multiple decisions, some more obvious than others, and experience their outcomes. No decision is wrong or right, the only thing that matters is if it makes sense at the time.

Currently we are presenting a demo. The Demo has been play tested and should be stable with minimal bugs. The Ambassador is planned to release in December on Steam, for which we have already been green-lit, and itch.io. If the game performs well we intend to release for mac and other platforms. We hope you enjoy the game and look forward to your feedback! - Ryan Throw and TJ Acre

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