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Скачать бесплатную игру Dragonflying v1.0.4 - торрент

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Игру добавил Defuser222 [3625|10] | 2017-05-05 (обновлено) | Аркадные шутеры (2192) | Просмотров: 2989

Dragonflying v1.0.4

• SGi навигация / Navigation:
• Разработчик / Developer: Инди-игра (14535) от Saiodin (2)
• Жанр / Genre: Аркадные шутеры (2192); Леталки, скроллеры (1027)
• Тип игры / Game Type: Бесплатная игра
• Размер / Size: 373.77 Мб.

Dragonflying - фанатский проект по игре Star Citizen, созданный командой из 3 человек. В этом аркадном top down шутере игрок исследует пустынную планету Яр в системе Центавра.

Версия игры ОБНОВЛЕНА с 1.0 до 1.0.4. Список изменений внутри.

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Язык интерфейса: Английский
Движок: Unreal Engine 4

Added: Free fly camera. Implemented this to make some in-action screenshots, so why not make it available for players? Pressing F12 in game will toggle between your player and a flee fry camera, which appears over the players head. The camera is moved with WASD, C and Spacebar. The camera rotates by moving the mouse (If it doesn't rotate try right-clicking or pressing Left Alt). With the mouse wheel the camera speed can be adjusted. While being in the free fly camera the world is "paused". There can be some tiny movement. If you go back to your player physics objects can also freak out. This camera moves through terrain and everything. So you can spoil yourself by using it, be aware of that. Have fun!

Changed: Big sandworms can now be damaged by laser weapons, but damage is reduced by 50% (Too many people had problems with this and I don't have time for a bigger solution)
Changed: Harkons Fortress mission now hints to use mines
Fixed: The secret homing weapon attacks now soldiers and power cores
Fixed: Mouse cursor is now shown during intro without the need to press Left Alt (some people got stuck here)
Fixed: Gate won't open if saved after race mission

Changed: Missions start earlier at game start to prevent dialogue box blocking cry astro weapon menu
Added: When starting a new game the player can select between coupled/decoupled mode on the basis of an explanation
Added: Cry astro weapon menu has an "X" to close the menu instead of just driving off the platform
Fixed: Mouse buttons can be rebound now
Added: Warning in the keybindings menu if a key is not bound
Added: Seperate "Apply resolution" button for people that have problems with bottom button being cut off
Added: When pausing ingame, "Press ESC to resume" will inform how to get back into the game
Changed: A lot of people try to use the hook forwards, it can be used forwards now with 1/3 of the range backwards
Added: The symbols for Coupled/Turret/Firemode in the button left can be clicked now to toggle their functions instead of using keybinds
Added: Most HUD elements have a tooltip now when hovering over them with the mouse
Changed: Dialogue after first mini boss will hint now where to go next
Changed: Color customization has been changed to incentivise pulling the sliders, instead of typing in values
Changed: Race checkpoints are much more forgiving if the player slips past them a bit too far
Added: In transport mode a little info box will pop up to inform the player that he is and which keybind to use to change back to normal speed
Added: A container in the first outlaw camp prevents pushing the box in an unfortunate position
Added: Armory now says "Currently equipped" and "Select weapon" for more clarity

Fixed: Blade damage upgrades are now getting applied
Added: Turret description mentions now that it just shoots "mechanical" enemies
Fixed: Upgrade bonus section displays correct values for Bulldog damage, crit and Blade damage now
Fixed: Turret equips properly after death

Dragonflying is a Star Citizen fan game created by a team of 3 over 3 1/2 months.

In this top-down arcade shooter the player explores the arid desert planet of Yar in the Centauri system. Fight, puzzle and drive your way to victory as you uncover what mysteries lie behind the vast dunes and canyons.

What's the worst that can happen? But in case you run into more trouble than just sand-filled socks, your iron horse, the "Drake Dragonfly", will carry you the extra mile. Upgrade, customize, color and equip your trustworthy steed accordingly, for more than paint may chip off (SPF 100 is advised!).

• Top-down arcade shooting on a vehicle
• Different weapons and items
• Loot and upgrade your Dragonfly and its weapons
• Different enemies and boss fights
• Story with various missions and puzzles
• Side activities: Racing, hacking, exploring
• Full soundtrack
• Secret items and easter eggs

Platform: Windows
Language: English
Input: Mouse and Keyboard (or some kind of input that mimics that). No controller support.

We hope you will enjoy this game! Any feedback is welcome!
Saiodin (@Saiodin, Lead, Design, Graphics, Programming)
Utho (@uthoriley, Music, QA)
Andres (@Arvangath, Sound Effects, QA)

This product is a Star Citizen fan work playing in the Star Citizen universe. It is in no way assiociated with CIG or RSI. No assets of the original game have been used. Designs used with permission of RSI.

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Комментарии игроков (1 шт.)

От: Leha_Meloman [10|5] | Дата 2017-04-21 20:23:16

Нет такой игры как Star Citizen. Есть онлайн магазин, в котором Крис доит фанатов, продавая модельки корабликов и страховку на них.