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Скачать игру One More Night v0.9.444 [Beta] - торрент, игра на стадии разработки

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Игру добавил Defuser222 [3625|10] | 2016-09-23 (обновлено) | Аркадные шутеры (2192) | Просмотров: 7529

One More Night v0.9.444 [Beta]

• SGi навигация / Navigation:
• Разработчик / Developer: Инди-игра (14535) от Big Red Planet (1)
• Жанр / Genre: Аркадные шутеры (2192); Сетевые / ХотСит (2288); Зомби игры (436)
• Тип игры / Game Type: Beta-версия (игра еще в разработке)
• Размер / Size: 91.47 Мб.

One More Night - кооперативный 3D шутер с выживанием в зомби-апокалипсисе. Геймплей состоит из двух фаз: день и ночь. В течении дня у игроков есть возможность закупить необходимое оружие, патроны, постройки, которые помогут им выжить ночью, когда приходят орды зомби.

Версия игры ОБНОВЛЕНА с Beta 0.8.441 до Beta 0.9.444. Список изменений внутри.

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Язык интерфейса: Английский
Движок: Unity 5

One More Night 0.8.441 released!

Hello community!

One More Night has moved out of Alpha and into Beta. Nearly every game breaking bug has been defeated and the few minor bugs that remain will soon be fixed. We have re-optimized the entire game and multiplayer is now completely stable with up to 4 players!

New enemy AI and mechanics

You spoke and we have listened! Ghouls start spawning at a severely decreased attack and movement speed. As the nights progress they will move and attack faster(to a cap). It is also much easier to dodge enemy attacks in the early nights.

Different enemy types now spawn much sooner in the game prompting for more action sooner. Skeletons now start spawning on round 3 and necromancers on round 6.

Bug fixes

With the help of the community members on our Discord channel we have eliminated dozens of bugs from this build and dozens more as we optimized the game. Thank you to all members who participate on Discord, it truly helps us!

Not listed below are tons of balancing changes we made to all stats across the board. All values for weapons, towers, defenses, enemies, and player have been changed.

Enemies who are attacking barricades property aggro onto any player or tower that shoots it
Skeletons summoned by the Necromancer no longer drop gold
Players no longer randomly fall through the ground
You can add spaces in game names
You can no longer get permanent insta-kill power up
Multiplayer is stable and won’t drop players
Future updates

For the next few weeks, we plan to start working mainly on UI updates, implementing trophies, and adding leader boards into the game.

Steam Greenlight

We have launched our Steam Greenlight campaign and need your vote to be greenlit! Thank you all so much for your support and feedback!

>>>Vote for us on Steam here<<<

Need some one to play with?

Join our Community Discord! We have people online all the time that play daily! Also, like us on Facebook!

Trophies and Leaderboards!

Hey Gamejolt!

Today we have added a leaderboard and nearly 70 trophies!


25 Bronze, 23 silver, 18, gold, and 3 Platinum trophies have been added into the game; can you get them all?

We plan to add more in the future and if you have any ideas on trophies you would like to see in the game please join our community discord and tell us. We are always listening to you, the player, for valuable feedback and suggestions!


Find out how well you rank versus every other player with our new leaderboard. Can you survive the most number of nights and hold the top spot?

Log into the game with your Gamejolt account

In order to earn trophies and place in the leaderboards you must log into the game with your Gamejolt account.

On main menu click login with Gamejolt account
Enter username and game token

That’s it! You are signed in and ready to earn all of those tasty trophies! If you don’t know where to find your game token just click on your user profile photo on the Gamejolt website or client and click the button that says game token.

Future updates

We know that currently there is no way to know if you are successfully logged in with your Gamejolt account and we plan to start working mainly on UI updates to the main menu, multiplayer lobby, and in game HUD.

Steam Greenlight

After 10 days we are successfully Greenlit on steam! thank you all very much for the support and if you are not already following us on Steam do so to make sure you know the day it is released!

>>>View Steam page here<<<

Need some one to play with?

Join our Community Discord! We have people online all the time that play daily! Also, like us on Facebook!

One More night beta v393

One More Night beta version 8.393 released!

It’s been 10 days since our release and we have a slew of updates for you! First off, thank you for the amazing support and feedback! Every comment, video, and suggestion will always be read by us and it will help make One More Night continue to become better with every update!

Future plans

Achievement system: We have already started working on the framework required and will start adding trophies into the game soon! If you have any ideas on achievements you would like to see in game please join the discord and suggest it!

Building upgrades: Is the level one machine gun tower just not doing enough damage? Don’t worry! We will soon be adding in the option to upgrade all towers to lvl 2 and lvl 3! Also, the barricades will be changed a bit and you will only be able to buy the smallest one and will have to upgrade it!

List of fixes and changes:

Tons of optimization and small changes were made to make the game look better and run smoother
Tower reload UI is now synced preventing all players from having to reload them
Lot’s of re-balancing the game weapons, towers, and enemy stats
Max tower limit of 5 added
Ammo power-up no longer gives you more ammo than your gun can hold
Quality settings are now better making the game look better
Network lobby UI when searching for game improved
Shop tool tips are now showing proper weapon values
Power-up text no longer visible above everybody
Text above power ups are fitting to theme now
When you die got to main menu with no logos
Enemy inactivity timer working as intended
Coin drop should not land in barricades
Server name is now visible if changed
Multiplayer games should be stable
UI above buildings rotation fixed
Don’t forget to join our Community discord to chat with other players and to find people to play with!

Also like us on Facebook!

Steam Greenlight, optimization, and hordes of enemies coming soon!

Hello Game Jolt!!

Zebrakiller from Big Red Planet here. And I am proud to announce that we have a large update coming to One More Night!

Steam Greenlight

We have launched our Steam Greenlight campaign a few days ago and after 48 hours we are already have already made it into the top 100 with nearly 700 yes votes! Thank you all so much for your support and feedback!

>>>Vote for us on Steam here<<<

Hordes of enemies

With the optimization comes the ability to have way more enemies on the screen at one time with no loss of performance. We are talking hundreds! Multiplayer should also now be stable with no more random disconnects, finally.



Along with tons of bug fixes we have almost completely reworked the coding to further optimize the game so it runs smoother on your machine. We will continue to optimize as much as possible so that nobody is left out and unable to play. If you have any problems with your game running slowly or lagging please send Join our community Discord.

Need some one to play with?

Join our Community Discord! We have people online all the time that play daily! Also, like us on Facebook!

One More Night 0.8.441 released!

Hello community!

One More Night has moved out of Alpha and into Beta. Nearly every game breaking bug has been defeated and the few minor bugs that remain will soon be fixed. We have re-optimized the entire game and multiplayer is now completely stable with up to 4 players!

New enemy AI and mechanics

You spoke and we have listened! Ghouls start spawning at a severely decreased attack and movement speed. As the nights progress they will move and attack faster(to a cap). It is also much easier to dodge enemy attacks in the early nights.

Different enemy types now spawn much sooner in the game prompting for more action sooner. Skeletons now start spawning on round 3 and necromancers on round 6.

Bug fixes

With the help of the community members on our Discord channel we have eliminated dozens of bugs from this build and dozens more as we optimized the game. Thank you to all members who participate on Discord, it truly helps us!

Not listed below are tons of balancing changes we made to all stats across the board. All values for weapons, towers, defenses, enemies, and player have been changed.

Enemies who are attacking barricades property aggro onto any player or tower that shoots it
Skeletons summoned by the Necromancer no longer drop gold
Players no longer randomly fall through the ground
You can add spaces in game names
You can no longer get permanent insta-kill power up
Multiplayer is stable and won’t drop players
Future updates

For the next few weeks, we plan to start working mainly on UI updates, implementing trophies, and adding leader boards into the game.

Steam Greenlight

We have launched our Steam Greenlight campaign and need your vote to be greenlit! Thank you all so much for your support and feedback!

>>>Vote for us on Steam here<<<

Need some one to play with?

Join our Community Discord! We have people online all the time that play daily! Also, like us on Facebook!

One More Night 1.0 released!

It’s been 10 days since our release and we have a slew of updates for you! First off, thank you for the amazing support and feedback! Every comment, video, and suggestion will always be read by us and it will help make One More Night continue to become better with every update!

Future plans

Achievement system: We have already started working on the framework required and will start adding trophies into the game soon! If you have any ideas on achievements you would like to see in game please join the discord and suggest it!

Building upgrades: Is the level one machine gun tower just not doing enough damage? Don’t worry! We will soon be adding in the option to upgrade all towers to lvl 2 and lvl 3! Also, the barricades will be changed a bit and you will only be able to buy the smallest one and will have to upgrade it!

List of fixes and changes:

Tons of optimization and small changes were made to make the game look better and run smoother
Tower reload UI is now synced preventing all players from having to reload them
Lot’s of re-balancing the game weapons, towers, and enemy stats
Max tower limit of 5 added
Ammo power-up no longer gives you more ammo than your gun can hold
Quality settings are now better making the game look better
Network lobby UI when searching for game improved
Shop tool tips are now showing proper weapon values
Power-up text no longer visible above everybody
Text above power ups are fitting to theme now
When you die got to main menu with no logos
Enemy inactivity timer working as intended
Coin drop should not land in barricades
Server name is now visible if changed
Multiplayer games should be stable
UI above buildings rotation fixed

Version 0.9.3:
-Building system now very precise. (May need bigger hit-boxes on buildings)
-Navmesh update (mesh 3d model)
-Enemy killed if not moved or attacked in x seconds (Safe guard to make sure enemies that get stuck won’t stop game play
-EU/NA server choosing option in lobby
-Enemy ragdoll spawn on death (Stops non host from seeing ghost enemies)
-All towers now have more hp
-Increased difficulty multiplier from 10% to 15%
-Changed spawn rate to make enemies spawn faster
-Complete overhaul and Re-optimized the project. Reduced build size from 547mb to 281mb. This should help a lot with frame rates and any lag issues.

Thank you all for the amazing support! This is our first large release and we are blown away by all the positive feedback and videos you guys have been sending us! Also, thank you for being so patient with us as we worked through the release bugs. There are bound to be more but don’t worry, we will work every day to push out fixes as soon as we can!

One More Night is a 1-4 player co-op top down endless wave shooter game that challenges players to survive as many nights as they can. Set in a graveyard, players must build towers and defenses in an attempt to fortify their position as much as possible to protect themselves against the relentless horde of enemies.

Game Play
Game matches are played with one to four players. Game play is split up between two phases; day and night. During the day, players will have a few moments to access the shop to buy weapons, ammo, and buildings to help them to survive the coming night. Once the night phase begins enemies will start to spawn and target the players and their buildings. Each additional player to the team causes more enemies to spawn each round. Additionally, each night will spawn more enemies and they will get progressively tougher every night.

WASD - movement
P - Opens the in-game shop
T- Takes a screenshot
C - Opens achievement menu (Not fully implemented yet)

Current Working Game Features:
• Shooting system including reloading, switching weapons, bullet trails, and blood spatter effect)
• Scaling enemies (They get stronger every night)
• Shop (To buy weapons, buildings and ammo)
• Multiplayer (Up to 4 Players)
• 3 different types of enemies
• Placing and rotating barricades
• Placing defensive buildings
• Random spawn system that controls the amount of enemies and which types of enemies start spawning depending on the round.
• Powers ups
• Enemy AI

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Комментарии игроков (2 шт.)

От: SharkShark [1|5] | Дата 2016-09-25 09:19:27

От: KHAARNE [69|8] | Дата 2016-09-21 11:36:18

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