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Скачать игру Gunkatana v0.1.0 [Pre-Alpha] - игра на стадии разработки

Рейтинг: 7.0 (1)
Игру добавил Defuser222 [3625|10] | 2016-04-23 (обновлено) | Аркадные шутеры (2195) | Просмотров: 4259

Gunkatana v0.1.0 [Pre-Alpha]

• SGi навигация / Navigation:
• Разработчик / Developer: Инди-игра (14535) от Torn Page (1) и Solivagant (1)
• Жанр / Genre: Аркадные шутеры (2195); Сетевые / ХотСит (2288)
• Тип игры / Game Type: Beta-версия (игра еще в разработке)
• Размер / Size: 100.85 Мб.
• Оценка игроков / Game Score: 7.0 из 10 (всего голосов: 1)

Gunkatana это футуристический киберпанковый мир, где в городах творится полный хаос и экшен с беспощадными боями, катанами, отражающими лазеры, бомбами, взрывающимися автомобилями и скоростными рельсами, молниеносно перемещающими кого-либо.

Версия игры ОБНОВЛЕНА до Pre-Alpha v0.1.0 "Big Juicy Update!". Список изменений внутри.

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Язык интерфейса: Английский
Движок: Unity 5

Version Pre-Alpha v0.1.0:
The Gunkatana team has listened to your feedback! There are a lot of new, juicy stuff in the game now. Below are what we consider to be the most important ones:

• Sombra is now a playable character;
• Improved character visibility;
• Improved UI elements for a better flow, and overall better gaming experience;
• New respawn animation;
• Keyboard + mouse controls are now smoothly optimized (right click to aim!);
• You can now pause in-game by pressing ESC;
• New visual cues (keyboard and gamepad pixel diagrams);
• Newsflash info on the titlescreen (get Gunkatana news right inside the game);
• New, handcrafted pixel intro cutscene;
• Overall fighting mechanics smoothed out;
• More fun added with cyberpunk magic;

The megacorps are staging brutal combat all across the city. Choose your fighter and take the city back!
Experience a ruthless combat system: one-hit kills, KATANAS that deflect lasers, bombs, exploding cars, and the ultimate danger - HIT N' RUN 'EM with your FEET on the SPEED RAILS!
Gunkatana will be available in Single player, Local Co-op & Competitive modes.

Easy to learn, hard to master! Use the uniquely designed speed rail system to move lightning-fast from one place to another, as you decapitate and eviscerate your enemies.

CAMPAIGN MODE: Ravage the city on your own or with a friend and uncover the secrets behind the Gunkatana Tournament! A deep story intertwined with knuckle-whitening arcade action.
LOCAL MULTIPLAYER: A multitude of co-op and competitive game modes, with every one fighting for themselves or in teams.
POWERUP IMBUED: Change your murdering tactics in an instant! Designed by the megacorporations, they allow you to move faster, drop bombs, fire more projectiles, home-in on enemies and much more!

RAIL GRIND: The fast-beating heart of Gunkatana. No rails, no future! Zip along the levels at your leisure, but be careful: you can get run over!
TACTICAL LASER: The merciless lasers will bounce back and kill you, but not if you know ​when and where to fire them.
SPIN ATTACK: 360º blade attack, wreaking havoc all around. Fast and deflects lasers! Knocks people off the rails.
STAB: Dashing forward, sword in hand! Slow, but breaks through the spin attack.

BLOOD CREDITS: Kill’em and steal the precious credit chips. Whoever has the most, wins.
KILLING SCORE: There are many ways to kill in Gunkatana. This mode will force you to explore the most outlandish.
DEATHMATCH: Enjoy the cacophony of this classic murderfest.

Exclusive RETROWAVE soundtrack by Electric Cafe.
Sound Design by Joonas Turner (Nuclear Throne) and Niilo Takalainen.

The Gunkatana death matches weren’t always the slaughterfest-spectacle they are today.
Some remember when it was different, when Gunkatana meant uprising and revolution. In the velas, the city’s neglected shantytowns, riots turned violent as inhabitants fought for rights and citizenship. Back then, Gunkatana meant ​freedom.
Then the megacorporations co-opted the concept and now sell it for profit. It has become a way of steering unrest and opposition into the right channels. They’re siphoning off the most violent and charismatic rebels.
Not all is lost, though. Among those training to fight, a feeling of dissent is growing stronger. But the corporation doesn’t plan on releasing its grip on Gunkatana anytime soon…

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Комментарии игроков (2 шт.)

От: Voxel_Dragon [9|1] | Дата 2016-03-12 12:33:12


Sapperis сказал:

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Да, определённо. Конечно, по геймплею и оформлению игра довольно таки стоящая, но впечатление портит один стереотип, и заключается он в том, что довольно часто главный герой киберпанковой игры-это героиня, то есть девушка. Чтобы уж не быть голословным, приведу примеры: "Dex", "Ronin". Как будто разработчики решили сделать новое игровое клише, коим девушка в киберпанке уже понемногу становится. Если уж и делать девушку в качестве главного героя (точнее, героини), то с наличием мужского персонажа как альтернативы для тех, кто предпочитают играть за мужиков. По трейлеру и скринам моя оценка-7/10. Ни больше и ни меньше.
От: Sapperis [-5|35] | Дата 2016-03-12 09:36:52

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