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Скачать игру The Black Tome v1.5 [Alpha] - торрент, игра на стадии разработки

Рейтинг: 10.0 (2)
Игру добавил Defuser222 [3625|10] | 2017-02-24 (обновлено) | Ролевые игры (RPG) (3307) | Просмотров: 6382

The Black Tome v1.5 [Alpha]

• SGi навигация / Navigation:
• Разработчик / Developer: Инди-игра (14535) от -JTR- (1)
• Жанр / Genre: Аркадные шутеры (2192); Ролевые игры (RPG) (3307); Хорроры (1749)
• Тип игры / Game Type: Beta-версия (игра еще в разработке)
• Размер / Size: 37.25 Мб.
• Оценка игроков / Game Score: 10.0 из 10 (всего голосов: 2)

The Black Tome - хоррорный top-down шутер с элементами РПГ и выживания. Вы играете детективом, который расследует странный случай в одной деревне. Все жители и даже животные стали агрессивными и пытаются Вас убить. Ищите разные предметы, которые помогут Вам выжить и решить некоторые головоломки.

Версия игры ОБНОВЛЕНА с Alpha 1.4 до Alpha 1.5. Список изменений внутри.

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Язык интерфейса: Английский

Alpha 1.5 - Full Changelog

Please note that the changelog may contain spoilers!

[Gameplay & Mechanics]

When starting a new game the player may now choose one of four difficulty settings: Easy, Normal, Hard or Unspeakable. This has an impact on damage modifiers, starting equipment, and some specific game rules that only take effect on their respective difficulties.
New enemy: Crawler
New item: Bandage
New sanity effect: Living Trees
New sanity effect: Knock Knock
Added a hotkey to wield dynamite [G]
Added a hotkey to unwield weapon [X]
Added a dialogue skip button [Z]
Any UI can now be closed by pressing ESC
Pressing ESC while no other UI is visible will open a pause menu
Pressing M will now open the map, pressing any key will close it
Pressing R will now always display the ammo for your current weapon
Updated "Basic Controls" -letter to reflect new changes. Also added "WASD - Movement"
Interacting with items on the ground has been reworked. To pick up an item, the player must first select it by placing their cursor over it. This fixes the issue of accidentally picking up the wrong item. As a result, the range from which you can pick up items has been increased.
Picking up an item while near another interactible object will no longer perform both actions at once. Items are prioritized.
Footlockers no longer spit out items at your feet
Items can now be dropped by dragging them outside of your inventory
Adjusted the weight of some items
All bullet projectiles now travel instantaneously, making firefights deadlier for both sides. Consequently, the following balance changes were deemed necessary:

Pocket Pistol fire rate reduced slightly
Shotgun spread increased for both the player and the cultists
Shotgun Cultists move slightly slower
Revolver Cultist fire rate and accuracy reduced slightly
Unaware enemies take x1.5 damage from firearms while the Crossbow and melee weapons deal x4
The Crossbow is a powerful ranged stealth weapon, but often too pricy, heavy and situational to see use. These changes are aimed to make it more viable:

Cost reduced by $10
Minimum damage increased by 2
Reload speed increased by 10%
Bolt speed increased by 200%
Ammo can now be found in some places
Is now less affected by sway, making it easier to use in the dark
Some enemies have received advanced AI:

Wild dogs now have a chance to become enraged when taking damage, causing them to move faster and ignore impact damage for a short time
Ghouls now move at inconsistent speeds and are resistant to impact damage
Festering Ghouls have a slower base speed, but become faster when damaged. They also deal more damage than regular ghouls.
The Sorcerer Bossfight has been redesigned from the ground up with engaging and challenging gameplay in mind. The bulk of this update’s work centered around refining this part of the game, so we can’t wait to hear your thoughts on it. Expect aspects of this fight to be finetuned in future updates.
Slightly increased the maximum range where monsters start to effect the player’s sanity
Slightly reduced the maximum speed at which monsters deal sanity damage
Health gain from Morphine changed from instant to slow regeneration. Healing increased slightly.
Solving puzzles and making progress now restores a small amount of sanity
Cigarettes restore more sanity at first, but the more you smoke the less effective they are
Lighting a cigarette now takes slightly longer and the player is no longer prevented from turning during this time
Sanity and alcohol gained from Whiskey increased
Added a couple new item description changes at certain sanity levels
Shadowbeast now creates static interference upon spawning and despawning
The spawning rates for Twisters, Trails, Shadowbeasts and Ghosts are now more dependent on the player’s sanity
Apparitions and Redscreens happen a little less often
Made the cleaver collision mask slightly wider to accommodate for the cleaver not swinging directly at the aiming reticle
Sound from gunshots now travels slightly further
Increased minimum flashlight brightness by 10%
Updated the room structure of some buildings in the surface
Improved the layout of the tunnels
The final sanity message now appears at a slightly lower sanity level
Reworded the old man’s dialogue. Examining certain objects after talking to the old man may give additional information.
Updated Crossbow guy’s dialogue. Now changes based on whether the player has enough money.
Adjusted the character’s thoughts on some examinable objects
Glyphs now light up when you walk over them, as long as they have a source of power

Added item pick up messages
Added a subtle film grain effect
Firing a gun now lights up the player’s vicinity. Also, muzzle flashes are only visible for one frame, making sustained fire with the Thompson look much better.
Static Effect:
Slightly reduced opacity
Added subtle flickering
Now fades in and out smoothly
Slowly rotates over time
Drunk screen sway is now smoother
The "C" in the dialog box now blinks faintly
Dwight will now occasionally blow smoke when smoking
Ghouls and Deep Ones now have walking animations
Ghouls have varying animation speeds
Made small changes to several sprites
Made trees look nicer on fastmode
Added FOV circle to the intro drive
Smoothed out menu and intro fadeouts
Made improvements to the end screen

Added the first piece of official soundtrack, "Case Closed"
Added an interference sound loop to the static effect
Added a new sound indicator for when the player is at dangerously low sanity levels
Sanity sound loop now starts slightly earlier
Gave punching a new sound
Added a sound for opening the map
Cultists have a new footstep sound
New sounds for lighting a cigarette
Multiple new sound effects for the Sorcerer
Made xFog ambient loop much smoother
Adjusted car engine sounds
Slightly increased the volume of rain
Lowered the volume of rat death screams
BGM now drops down to 30% volume when the player enters any building
The hit sound now plays only once when getting hit by multiple shotgun pellets

Changed the name of the game window
Gave the application icon a white outline
Crossbow bolts are now dropped one at a time
Added a bullet trails setting to the options
Volume and brightness settings can now be adjusted using the mouse
Made a particular corner of the shoreline easier to travel for dogs
Moved the invisible barriers at the bottom of the map further down
Moved the small battery in the generator room onto the table
Changed "Apartment Key No. 4" to "Apartment No. 4 Key"
Changed knife description to: "A regular steak knife"
Changed "Press Y to Exit" to "Press Y to Quit" for clarity
The game will no longer close if ESC is pressed during the fadeout in the main menu
Made minor tweaks to the intro drive sequence
Made the Maze a bit darker
Corpses now stay permanently
The pages of the Alchemy Book no longer loop
Optimized FOV deactivations, greatly reducing fps drops
Made rain less laggy

Fixed a crash when trying to start the game with fast visuals
Fixed a fatal error caused by pressing buttons during loading
Screen overlay effects tracked the player instead of the view, resulting in issues whenever the player left the center of the screen
Sanity messages no longer pop up when dead
The crow will no longer turn while the game is paused
Walls and effects were drawn on incorrect depth levels
The surface map now gets darker when it rains, as intended
Picking up a certain item that triggers events will no longer trigger again if dropped and picked up again
Enemies can no longer see the player through trees
The sliding wall failed to open properly when the player saved and loaded the game near it
Changing the volume setting didn’t affect the menu music
The static effect wasn’t correctly reducing it’s opacity when moving away from monsters
The player can no longer light multiple cigarettes at once (that one may have been a feature)
The tracked damage taken from cigarettes didn’t match the actual damage taken
[Known Issues]

Enemies have a bad habit of getting stuck on walls and other enemies
Items dropped by enemies will on occasion end up partly inside walls

Alpha 1.4 Changelog:
[Gameplay & Mechanics]
-The player now starts the game with a pocket pistol
-All bookshelves can now be investigated and contain unique dialogue
-Added a damage multiplier for stealth attacks on unaware enemies
-New weapon: Crossbow
The perfect tool for those who prefer the stealthy approach.
-Increased maximum sanity to 150 (up from 100)
-Made changes to sanity messages
-New sanity effect: Shadowbeast
-New enemy sub-class: Wild Dog B
-Alcohol now affects weapon reload speed drastically
-Lowered the Doctor's prices
-Removed the hotkey for healing (Most players healed from the inventory anyway, and the hotkey was only ever pressed by accident.)
-Adjusted the rat's turning to be more erratic
-Ghouls no longer look around while idle
-Introduced a new semi-procedural puzzle to an area near the end of the game.
-Switched the places of 'Suitcase Tag' and 'Small note' to avoid confusion
-Updated some item descriptions
-Certain descriptions will change depending on the player's sanity
-Opening the envelope now shows a dialog box
-Moved invisible borders closer to the edge of the map
-The character will now comment on some invisible borders.
-The sounds of taking damage and walking (with shift) are now lower
-Changed intro skip button from enter to escape
-Made changes to the ending screen
-Some general changes around the map
BUGFIX: Shadows didn't load properly when continuing saved game
BUGFIX: Fatal error due to missing legs after being blown up

[Visual Changes]
-Updated graphics for almost all items, objects, enemies, and NPCs
-Added various details and subtle visual effects
-Trees now have a super fancy 3D effect
-You can no longer see behind closed doors (most of the time)
-The rest of the screen gets slightly dimmed down when the inventory is open
-Added more decor objects, some of which can be examined
-Added a crow near the Guardhouse
-Revamped the main menu a bit
-Gave the forcefield a vanishing animation and sound
-Gave the rat a new look and animations
-Ghouls now have idle animations
-The Sorcerer has a new casting animation
-Most enemies now have multiple death poses

Alpha 1.3:
-Made the cigarettes stronger.
-Rats have less health.
-Made some of the sanity effects less frequent.
-Changed Medkit hotkey from Alt to G.
-Added a hotkey for the map. (M)
-Gave names to keys.
-Two new melee weapons.
-New enemy subtype.
-New animation for the forcefield.
-Added fading for the line-of-sight system.
-Added animation for vomiting.
-BUGFIX: Car Battery guide arrow was solid.
-BUGFIX: Morphine left the player alive after being blown to pieces.
-BUGFIX: Health-indicator wasn't shown when visiting the doctor.

The Black Tome is a dark and unforgiving top-down survival horror game that features an in-depth sanity system, puzzles with procedurally generated solutions, and a limited field of vision that keeps the player guessing what lurks behind every corner. In the game you play as a private investigator trying to get to the bottom of a mysterious case concerning the disappearance of a forbidden grimoire, once held in the vaults of the esteemed Miskatonic University. As reports of cult activity begin to increase, you gain a destination. But in those wretched depths, dark things are known to dwell, and the frailty of the human mind is inescapable.

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Комментарии игроков (3 шт.)

От: POJOLO [3|49] | Дата 2014-07-11 22:46:14

игра атмосферная только там мне не очень понятно что делать по сюжету
От: yan141 [251|196] | Дата 2014-07-11 16:43:30

Игра понравилась\
От: amfetomin [101|36] | Дата 2014-07-11 16:14:23

The Black Hole of Tome :D
Шутка типа)

amfetomin подумал несколько минут и добавил:

Или The Black Hole of Black Tome, но это будет уже по-расистски. :D