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Описание игры, торрент, скриншоты, видео

Скачать игру Syndemic v0.39 [Alpha] - торрент, игра на стадии разработки

Рейтинг: 10.0 (1)
Игру добавил Defuser222 [3625|10] | 2016-11-28 (обновлено) | Аркадные шутеры (2192) | Просмотров: 8588

Syndemic v0.39 [Alpha]

• SGi навигация / Navigation:
• Разработчик / Developer: Инди-игра (14535) от Adjuvant (2)
• Жанр / Genre: Аркадные шутеры (2192)
• Тип игры / Game Type: Beta-версия (игра еще в разработке)
• Размер / Size: 128.19 Мб.
• Оценка игроков / Game Score: 10.0 из 10 (всего голосов: 1)

• Похожие игры:
- Splice v1.0
- Splice: Tree of Life HD v1.0

Syndemic это экшен стрелялка со случайной генерацией уровней, с акцентом на апгрейды, быстроту реакции, и микробные головоломки в биологической обстановке.

Версия игры ОБНОВЛЕНА с демки 2012-го года до Alpha v0.39 (Nov 27th, 2016). Список изменений внутри.

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Язык интерфейса: Английский

Возьмите под свой контроль уникальный микроб, который может увернуться, пройти через ткани тела и избежать стаи вредоносных возбудителей. Накопите огромный арсенал оружия-антибиотиков, делайте апгрейды клеточных структур, и раскройте мощные метаболические способности. Узнайте больше о человеческом теле, уничтожьте вторжение заболеваний, помогите иммунной системе, и, наконец, узнайте о Вашем происхождении и судьбе вашего хозяина.


- Engine upgrade should improve performance across all systems.

- Many sound effects and music tracks have been added. While in some cases these are simply placeholders, they should give a good impression of what the final sound will be like.

- Mac version is now available. I have not done extensive testing on this version, so please send me feedback on how it performs.

- The brain zone is now available in both Resistance and Transmission mode. It is a very difficult zone, with a variety of aggressive enemies and obstacles.

Transmission Mode Specific Additions:

- There are now data particles that can be collected and add flavor to the game. The more of these you collect, the more missions open up in the hosts. They are found after completing missions or can be bought at the immune cell stores.

- You can travel between different hosts in the host transition screen now. The various colors of hosts represent different difficulty levels (Red = Hard, Orange = Normal, Yellow = Easy, Blue = Store).

- Immune cell stores are now found on the host transition screen. Currently 4 items can be purchased: Alpha helix, Beta sheet, Random plasmid, and Data particles.

- New brain infection mission is available.


- Customizable controls are largely disabled for this build.

- Experimental antibiotics are disabled due to design overhaul.

- New collision code should prevent snagging on terrain.


- Rarely, hosts can overlap on the host transition screen.

- Text on the inventory screen can display wrong information briefly when cursor first touches weapons


- The resolution has been converted to a minimum of 800x600, with options for scaling up to 1280x960. The game has a wider field of view now, and most rooms have been enlarged to compensate for this.

- Customizable controls: For keyboard and mouse, almost all controls can be changed. (Unfortunately, the gamepad can't be customized in this build)

- The Transmission Mode host screen has been cleaned up, with missions having objectives and rewards, while the hosts have a bit more individual flavour (genetic traits, personal thoughts).

- New Transmission Mode mission: Sperm Assault. Fight off waves of STDs while dodging massive sperm.

- New Items added: Alpha-Helix and Beta-Sheet protein motifs. These enhance any weapons that have open domain slots on them. Alpha-Helices give a small boost to damage, while Beta-Sheets reduce weapon costs. (For those who've played action-RPGs like Diablo, these are like primitive gems).

- Death Effects: some weapon types cause unique effects when they kill enemies (mostly on bacterial enemies)


- Key bindings can be saved, but on the options page they don't update between restarts of the game.

- Unplugging or plugging in a gamepad during the game will probably crash it.

- I'm pretty sure I've fixed the 'stuck in terrain' bug when you get thrown by an explosion, but let me know if you encounter it.

- Similar to the above, I think I've prevented most enemies from spawning inside terrain.

- If controls are customized, messages that appear in game will not reflect the new keys.

- When Genetically-Modified Champions emerge, nearby enemies are sometimes disintegrated.

- Screen tearing seems to have gotten worse with the increase in resolution, but will be likely solved with the engine upgrade to Game Maker Studio in the next update.


- New Fungus environment with new enemies and obstacles!

- Resistance Mode Upgrades: After killing the champion of the current zone, you have an option to invest your hard-earned nucleic acids/biomass into improved genes. These upgrades transfer to all future play-throughs.

- Saving and Loading: RESISTANCE Mode will automatically save your high scores for biomass and time, as well as any genome improvements you've invested in. This save file can be reset by clicking 'Clear Save' on the help screen.

- More Plasmids: Most of the new ones are bonus modifiers to your antibiotic weapons, eg:
- INCINERATOR: boosts the length of Exothermic streams
- BLEACH: 33% chance for an additional Oxidizing burst
- CORROSIVE: extends duration of Caustic burning damage

- Minimap: a very primitive radar-like map that allows you to see obstacles and enemies beyond your normal vision.

- Cytokines: collecting these molecules will give you one of four temporary bonuses:
- Enhanced Speed
- Enemy Evasion
- Unlimited Energy
- Triple Damage

- New Introduction Environment in Transmission mode.


- Screen tearing issues: The engine I use for the game (Game Maker 8.0) has known problems with this. I'm not sure how widespread it is, but I can usually solve it by setting the graphics card power management to high performance (over power saver or balanced, etc.). I will be continually upgrading and optimizing the engine as I go, so these issues should be resolved over time.

- It should be less likely for the player to get snagged on terrain. It seems to still happen when the player gets thrown or blasted into solid objects via explosions, but it is generally possible to get free after a few moments.

*******OLD VERSIONS*********


- PC Controllers (based on the Xbox 360 gamepad or similar ones) are now supported. Be sure to connect your controller to your computer before starting the game, as there could be glitches if you disconnect it during gameplay. If the game detects a controller during start-up, it will assume that you want to use it by default. But, as in previous versions, you can press the 'C' key to change back to a mouse-and-keyboard set-up.

- The game is now divided into two campaigns: TRANSMISSION (adventure mode) and RESISTANCE (action mode). TRANSMISSION mode is a story-driven, educational campaign that involves jumping from host to host curing diseases and learning about diseases. RESISTANCE mode is an arcade-style campaign that is designed to be easy to jump into but difficult to master. These modes are both still early in development, but hopefully they give an idea of what to expect in the full version.

- TRANSMISSION Mode: 20%-30% Complete
- RESISTANCE Mode: 40-50% Complete

- Experimental Antibiotics can now drop from enemies. These are unique weapons that will dominate most enemies you encounter, but are costly to use and rare to find. Roughly 1 in 20 weapons found will be one of these weapons.


- Occasionally the player microbe can get snagged on terrain (particularly when using a controller). It should be possible to get free by releasing the movement controls and letting the terrain 'push' you away.

- Enemy titles/health bars along the top of the screen have a delay in displaying the current health of the enemy being selected, mostly noticeable when using a controller.

- Sometimes the inventory screen will not exit on first time even if pressing the 'I' key.

- During the metastatic mission, some Experimental Antibiotics can damage the metastatic cell multiple times if colliding with cancer fragments at the same time.

- Player microbe can be hard to see along the edges.



- Tumor environment added. Not quite as complete as the Bloodstream environment, but it's getting close.

- Added multiple control options (there are 2 new ones plus the original). Press 'C' at any time to access them and change how you control the microbe. I'm still fine-tuning them, but feel free to let me know if they are any better than the original. I have future plans for a 'Gamepad Controller' option as well.

- Added host status screen. Jump from host to host completing randomized missions, with disease descriptions based on common symptoms. Only 3 mission types have been completed, with at least 8 expected for the full game.

- Miscellaneous updates and improvements to graphics and engine.


Syndemic Alpha v0.33 (No Sound)

Created by Alex May
Sound and Music by Sam Saluci (HeadPhaze)

Move Towards Instance Nearest Script by Simon Donkers (www.simondonkers.tk - [email protected])

Special Thanks:
Tal Danino

Default Keyboard + Mouse Controls:

Left Click to move
Right Click to fire current weapon
Shift to speed up
Z to cycle weapons left
X to cycle weapons right
I to access inventory
Escape to exit game

Default Gamepad Controls:

Left Analog Stick to move
Right Analog Stick to shoot
X Button (or B3 Button) to speed up
Left Bumper to cycle weapons left
Right Bumper to cycle weapons right
Start Button to access inventory
Back Button to exit game

Interface Controls (Disabled in current version):

V to display enemy health bars
T to disable damage numbers
C to choose new controls
Delete to hide interface
Space to hide guide arrows

Weapon Slot Assignment (Keyboard + Mouse):

While in the Inventory:
To assign a weapon to a number key, press F1-F8 while holding the cursor over the weapon.

Outside of Inventory:
To activate the assigned weapon, press the corresponding number key 1-8.

Weapon Slot Assignment (Gamepad):

While in the Inventory:
To assign a weapon to a number key, press the directional pad (8 possible slots) while holding the cursor over a weapon.

Outside of Inventory:
To activate the assigned weapon, press the corresponding direction on the directional pad.

Base Weapon Types:

Basic: simple shot fired at medium speed
Spray: 4-6 projectiles fired in a wide arc
Homing: single shot that accelerates towards nearest enemy
Bola: 2 projectiles that rotate around each other as they accelerate forward
Orbit: 2 projectiles orbit around the player for several seconds
Mines: 3 shots are fired that wander in random direction
Rapid: quick shots that lose accuracy and speed as energy decreases
Orb: a slow weak shot that accelerates and increases to 350% damage
Rebound: a strong power shot that rotates slowly forward

Weapon Effects:

Normal: no bonus effects (but faster firing and lower cost)
Oxidizing: creates a burst of damaging oxygen at impact
Exothermic: splits into two streams of damaging heat at impact
Unstable: creates a chemical reaction that causes 250% damage at site of impact
Regenerating: 10% of damage done to enemies is restored to player health
Anti-Bacterial: 200% damage done against Bacteria enemies
Anti-Fungal: 200% damage done against Fungus enemies
Anti-Viral: 200% damage done against Virus enemies
Caustic: causes +120% damage over 2 seconds
Splintering: 1-5 damaging splinters are released at impact
Surfactant: enemies killed by this effect release a burst that does 200% weapon damage to surrounding enemies
Discharge: creates a damaging chain of electrical energy at impact, causing 250% weapon damage over 5 bursts
Entropic: lower player health causes more weapon damage, to a maximum of +199% damage

Enemy Champion Types:


Rapid Fission
Polymer Shield
Power Tumbling
Toxin Secretion
Quantum Chemotaxis


Membrane Envelope
Orbital Capsids


Asexual Budding
Parasitic Hyphae
Hyper Budding

Syndemic is a randomly-generated action shooter that emphasizes upgrades, quick reflexes, and microbial puzzle-solving in a biological setting.

Take control of a unique microbe that can dodge, tumble and weave through bodily tissues and avoid swarms of invasive pathogens. Accumulate a massive arsenal of antibiotic weaponry, upgrade your genome and cell structure, and unleash powerful metabolic abilities. Explore the human body, destroy invading diseases, assist the immune system, and ultimately, discover your origin and the fate of your host.

Here is a preview of the 'Action Demo'. No sound yet, but view the trailer for a sense of what the music will be. Also, this demo is much more arcadey than the full game, mostly to show off the combat and movement.

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Комментарии игроков (3 шт.)

От: vidim888 [5|7] | Дата 2016-11-28 16:33:25

Ребята с демки до альфы шли 4 года :D
От: ZELGADIS [39|47] | Дата 2013-05-15 16:45:03

От: vlodmoianez [1|3] | Дата 2013-02-25 00:39:31

здесь мог быть ваш первон*х