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Скачать игру Spaceforce Homeworld - полная версия

Рейтинг: 10.0 (1)
Игру добавил Elektra [7720|138] | 2012-07-18 | Аркадные шутеры (2195) | Просмотров: 9533

Spaceforce Homeworld

• SGi навигация / Navigation:
• Разработчик / Developer: Dreamatrix Game Studios (2)
• Жанр / Genre: Аркадные шутеры (2195); Леталки, скроллеры (1027)
• Тип игры / Game Type: Полная версия (установи и играй)
• Размер / Size: 63.87 Мб.
• Оценка игроков / Game Score: 10.0 из 10 (всего голосов: 1)

В этой игре вам предстоит защищать крупные столица мира от иноземного вторжения. Вам необходимо будет бороться с инородными чужеземцами и на земле, и в космосе на протяжении 50 уровней. Усовершенствуйте ваше оружие, собирайте бонусы и отразите атаки пришельцев.

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Системные требования:
OS: Windows XP / Windows Vista / Windows 7;
CPU: 700 MHz Pentium 2 or AMD equivalent;
RAM: 128 Mb;
Video Card: DirectX 9 Compatible Graphics Card;
DirectX: 9.0c;
Hard Disk Space: 100 Mb Available.

For hundreds of years humans have searched for an answer to the eternal question: Are we alone in the universe?
Get armed, kill the enemy. Follow the story as you explore the levels and call for help. If you keep improving, your 3 types of tanks or Valkyrie and Fighter spaceships can keep you a step ahead of the enemy. Can you save the capital cities of earth? Defeat is not an option, humanity could beannihilated!
Spaceforce HOMEWORLD is a game in which the player combats a large number of alien forces, by shooting at them while dodging their fire. Both on land and in space it is a classic struggle filled with droves of aliens and weapon powerups.
Get your plasma gun, rocket or laser firing because the aliens are invading!
Battle through 50+ levels facing continuous swarms of allied alien vessels that randomly change shape and size, attack pattern and weapon type. Pick up valuable powerups including weapon upgrades that can turn your tank or spaceship into a lethal machine! Bravery is a necessity, in order to accomplish your mission sometimes, you will nearly sacrifice yourself.
Tank and spaceship mines and missiles will also be a welcome addition to your arsenal. It will help take out hostile alien clusters. There are three different tanks in the game, each of them can be upgraded by collecting powerups. The two spaceships: Valkyrie and Fighter, will help your mission to annihilate the alien motherships responsible for destroying earth's capital cities!

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Комментарии игроков (1 шт.)

От: orkHAX [1|1] | Дата 2012-07-18 21:45:24

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