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Описание игры, торрент, скриншоты, видео

Скачать бесплатную игру Guppy v26.2 - торрент

Рейтинга пока нет | Баллы: 2
Игру добавил Defuser222 [3625|10] | 2013-03-20 (обновлено) | Необычные игры (1067) | Просмотров: 15772

Guppy v26.2

• SGi навигация / Navigation:
• Разработчик / Developer: Инди-игра (14535) от ninjadodo (1)
• Жанр / Genre: Необычные игры (1067); Сетевые / ХотСит (2287)
• Тип игры / Game Type: Бесплатная игра
• Размер / Size: 5.73 Мб.

Необычная игра с хот-ситом про плаванье. Прячься в тени лилий, чтобы избежать хищников и рискни выплыть в открытую местность в поисках пищи.

Версия игры ОБНОВЛЕНА с 26.1 до 26.2. Список изменений внутри.

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Игрок использует левую и правую стрелки, чтобы двигать своим хвостом, и, как рыба, продвинуть себя в воде.

Присутствует кооператив для двоих игроков (ENTER, чтобы присоединиться, A и D для игрока 2).

- optimization
- re-enabled pause
- LEFT-CLICK makes LEFT/RIGHT key hint appear
- moved ripple & food to SHIFT + CLICK

- fixed: re-instated p2 shading (after accidentally removing it)

- added context checks (for use with sound & music)
- check off screen culling only every 5 frames
- removed LOST-mode
- closed bottom right menu exit, moved BUBBLES to top right
- ported from GM 8.0 to Studio
- disabled pause [needs rewrite]
- BACKSPACE removes second player
- smoother camera movement near edges
- FOLLOW: changed start pos slightly

- BUBBLES: revised player bubble sprite
- LOST: removed scoring [too inaccurate]
- tweaks to rock collision (don't block on shallow angles)
- minor tweaks to bg rock sprites
- don't displace active off-screen particles
- fixed: schoolfish teleporting when hitting rock
- fixed infinite bubbles apearing off-screen
- fixed: error when pressing M (obsolete action)
- errors written to log instead of prompt

- fixed: error in FOLLOW-mode when player dies off-screen after 1st point

- added background rocks
- parallax scrolling on rocks and particles
- added pause button (P), press any key to unpause
- MENU: hi-score shown under mode name
- LOST: added scoring based on time
- BUBBLES: added scoring based on bubble size
- BUBBLES: bubble turns freely around player
- BUBBLES: player bubble takes longer to pop
- FOLLOW: removed starting predator (no enemies till 1st point)
- titles only visible in player1 view (split-screen)
- improved camera un-split transition
- fixed: predator teleporting when hitting rock
- misc cleanup

- no predators until 1st point (if hiscore < 2)
- fly collision shape bigger [easier to grab]
- added lilies to lvl 1
- more lilies if hiscore < 5 [more places to hide, easier start]
- 2P: increased zoom out speed on separation
- 2P: split-screen returns (with tweaks to transitions)
- 2P: split-screen arrangement based on relative player pos (except in LOST)
- 2P: player 2 now a light shade of grey
- removed fps-based detail adjustment [needs work]
- fixed bug causing credits to display after leaving menu

- 2P: lowered max zoom out range to 1024
- tweaks to particle count & movement
- tied max rocks to fps
- optimization (collision)
- MENU: added "created by" text

- further optimization (particles & rocks)
- particle count and fade speed tied to fps
- tweaks to rock placement

- major optimization (rocks no longer active off-screen)
- FOLLOW: hi-scores recorded (previously only in HIDE-mode)
- FOLLOW: score shown at edge of screen if player dies outside it
- ALT-ENTER toggle now works in ALL modes
- MENU: tweaks to rock placement
- BUBBLES: decreased lvl size
- LOST: fixed aspect-ratio bug on bot death

- ALT-ENTER toggles fullscreen
- ALT-F4 force quits
- fixed: lily flash, hide until permanent spot is found
- fixed: reset lvl did not reset score

- MENU: revised camera
- MENU: tweaks to text fading & placement
- 2P: tweaks to camera zooming
- clean-up & optimization
- LOST: fixed predator spawning close to player(s)

- MENU: added text to clarify options
- LOST: bot tries to reach player when close
- LOST: bot no longer avoids lilies or lvl edge
- LOST: fixed bug causing camera to cut to zero on p1 death
- LOST: limit zoom out to singleplayer range [otherwise too easy]
- fixed aspect-ratio bug on zoom in/out

- FOLLOW: count minutes survived, add one predator/min
- fixed incorrect enemy count
- enabled manual (NUMPAD+) adding of predators in ALL modes (for testing)
- BUBBLES: touching lvl edge destroys bubble
- avoid spawning flies on lvl edge
- fixed ghost ripples
- fixed bug causing infinite menu loop if HIDE2 & 3 not unlocked
- FOLLOW: lowered max particle-count [avoid clutter]

- MENU: reset scores upon entering
- HIDE: start with random (unlocked) lvl when entering from menu
- FOLLOW: replaced friendly big fish sprite, more similar to player
- MENU: players enter with back to entrance of mode they just left
- FOLLOW: smoother camera tracking of friendly NPC
- improved off-screen teleporting of dead fish

- added "MENU CAVE" (access other gameplay modes)
- 2P: players persist between modes
- LOST: added singleplayer bot (replaced when player is added)
- LOST: "Retry?" now appears if ANY player dies, "Again?" on win
- BUBBLES: increased lvl size
- BUBBLES: fixed particle-related crash, put particles back
- modes show title on first play
- further optimization

- activate only school on RC summon, deactivate after
- delay predator arrival (1 min) until 1st point (if hiscore 0)
- rough anim pass on predator tail
- fish move lilies (rotate only)
- minor optimization
- fixed flies appearing on rocks and lilies

- configurable bg particle density per lvl
- BUBBLES: fixed crash caused by bg particles (removed particles)
- reduced bubble ambient movement
- 2P: fixed bug causing constant backwards velocity on player 2

- decreased initial school size
- hi-score 2 unlocks bigger schools (in lvl 1) [avoid confusion on 1st play]
- fixed bug causing bg particles to ALWAYS form in top left corner
- corrected title bug caused by lvl switch
- 2P: fixed cam not zooming in on 2nd player death
- 2P: removed auto-respawn

- added food gfx on RC school summon
- fish displace particles (bubbles, etc)
- added bg particles
- replaced lily gfx
- increased max bubble size, reduced number
- added small ripples to idle flies
- added fly animation
- random schoolfish colours
- HIDE: tweaks to lvl 1 rock placement
- HIDE: changed lvl order, switched 1 & 2
- FOLLOW: added predator

- tweaks to object spawning
- HIDE: random base lvl on reset (1 of 3)
- HIDE: hi-score 5 and 10 unlock base lvls 2 & 3
- score using only 0-9 sprites
- show instructions if player doesn't move

- new rock gfx
- hi-scores
- schoolfish follow player when close (and not otherwise engaged)
- Right-click summons schoolfish (for testing)
- LOST: split-screen switches to single on contact
- tweaks to sprite depth + lily transparency

- added AI gather points (guarded by predators when not distracted)
- added similar gather points for schools
- AI now teleports to freedom when stuck in an area off-screen
- tweaks to text
- added title on startup
- LOST : removed flies
- BUBBLES! : added schoolfish (that destroy player bubble)
- switched to Game Maker 8

- added font
- added score recap on game over (multiplayer) + "Retry?"
- further tweaks to AI rock escaping
- LOST: fixed bug causing split-screen to break after reset
- 2P: increased multiplayer zoom limit to 1280
- 2P: removed co-op split-screen

- added "Lost" mode
- improved ambient scattering
- fixed predator spawning too close to player
- 2P: added split-screen when players separate beyond zoom limits
- player starting direction now random

- fixed bug preventing scatter cooldown from working
- ambient fish not shown under lilies
- tweaks to ambient movement speed
- improved AI rock avoidance
- BUBBLES: decreased rock count

- added ambient friendly fish
- HIDE: added alternate level with less rocks, more fish (SPACE to toggle, like modes)
- added respawn under lilies (triggered by 2nd player)
- tweaks to 'jumping' rocks placement & form
- increased max predators to 8
- decreased AI collision reaction time
- FOLLOW: death now based on screen borders (rather than distance to NPC)
- fixed bug: players spawning inside rocks
- added 180 turn fix for off-screen AI
- fixed off-screen object de-activation [now actually works]

- added semi-procedural rock formations (3 types: permanent, grow & jump)
- improved camera: smoother tracking, no falling behind, smooth hand-over on death, zoom out to (p1) speed, correctly centered on 2P

- improved AI rock avoidance
- FIGURES mode renamed to "Bubbles!"
- BUBBLES: added player bubble that grows with every bubble you pick up... bursts on contact, or if nothing is picked up for up to 3 seconds, bigger = more fragile
- added ability to pick modes directly with numbers 1-3
- ripple on left-click

- (for testing) left-click attracts predators
- tweaks to predator spawning

- scoring total shown on pickup in singleplayer
- increased max predators to 5

- re-designed AI vision and aiming [for multiple predators]
- 2P: added inter-player collision (nudge)
- superfluous off-screen objects de-activated
- tweaks to rock spawning (possibility of no rocks)

- AI steer away from fellow predators
- set max (natural) predators to 3
- tweaked predator collision (once again, head only)
- adjusted spawn rate (slower and more random) and positions
- if score = 0, no longer shown
- (for testing) NUMPAD+ adds predators

- reorganized objects into classes
- removed delay on death upon contact
- added scoring: total shown upon death + on every pickup in multiplayer
- added escalating difficulty (multiple predators)

- added obstacles (rocks)
- 2P: limited zoom out to 1024 [to encourage sticking together]
- FIGURES: removed predefined bubbles

- clean up and tuning (collision, camera zoom, AI circling)
- FOLLOW failure state: die by straying too far off-screen

- added multiplayer: ENTER to add player
- implemented adaptive zooming to keep multiple players in view
- added "Figures" mode: Get all the bubbles before they burst. (SPACE to toggle)
- gup tinted darker in the shade (ie. safety feedback)
- random lily size
- more bubbles!

- random lily & predator placement

- redesigned AI decision-making to have point-based spatial awareness
- added flies that create a ripple when picked up, alerting predator(s)
- restricted big fish hit detection to mouth area (no more death by tail)
- FOLLOW: reduced attention-span of big fish to break out of circling sooner

- improved big fish navigation AI
- added search behaviour [aiming still needs work]
- added "Follow" mode (SPACE to toggle)
- fixed bug causing big fish to display on top of lilies

- scrolling level: more space to move around, camera follows
- A predator fish to be avoided: currently just random ambient movement [needs search AI]
- you can hide in the shade of waterlilies
- neurotic (optional) bubble collecting

- attempt #1 at basic navigation ('art' placeholder)

KNOWN BUGS (still pondering)
- Increasing circle on repeated turns (until max speed).
- Rock collision sometimes fails.
- AI has been known to get stuck.
- (rare) Player spawns in closed room. [solution: reset]

A game about swimming. Hide in the shade of lilies to avoid predators and venture carefully into the open in search of food.

The player uses the LEFT and RIGHT ARROW keys to move their tail, replicating how fish propel themselves in the water in real life. Can also be played in 2-player co-op (ENTER to join, controls A and D for player 2).

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Дополнительные файлы для игры

Если ты нашел новую версию игры Guppy v26.2, либо русификатор к ней, патч, левелпак или мод - сообщи об этом редактору новости, он добавит сюда доп. файл.
Отправка личных сообщений доступна только после регистрации.

Комментарии игроков (8 шт.)

От: zlloy [-1|1] | Дата 2013-07-29 20:35:05

Вдруг кому интересно http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VSPaQRdptEU
От: Dimasik_1997 [12|10] | Дата 2013-03-27 01:01:21

фигня такая... чет плаваешь-плаваешь, мух ешь, от черной рыбы ныкаешься... и все... и задумка мне кажется не очень...
От: Partisan999 [23|30] | Дата 2013-03-21 12:27:16

>На это максимум два человека нужно =)))
Как минимум один человек, максимум не в игростроении не ограничен. Так даже лучше, пусть каждый делает свою работу.
От: Miles_prower777 [13|9] | Дата 2013-01-20 11:41:16

"Если игру делал один или 3-6 человек то норм а если команда разработчиков О_О"

На это максимум два человека нужно =)))
От: stalker-kot [5|4] | Дата 2012-11-09 19:01:52

интересно))) ща опробую
От: maddison440 [9|2] | Дата 2012-09-27 22:28:36

От: Artemonic [76|24] | Дата 2012-09-27 16:48:47

Если игру делал один или 3-6 человек то норм а если команда разработчиков О_О
От: Slowpoke [16|1] | Дата 2012-09-27 16:22:33
