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Скачать игру Rocket Theater v1.1.1 [Alpha] - торрент, игра на стадии разработки

Рейтинга пока нет | Баллы: 50
Игру добавил Defuser222 [3625|10] | 2018-08-14 (обновлено) | Платформеры (вид сбоку) (3939) | Просмотров: 4028

Rocket Theater v1.1.1 [Alpha]

• SGi навигация / Navigation:
• Разработчик / Developer: Инди-игра (14535) от Aloe Vertex (1)
• Жанр / Genre: Платформеры (вид сбоку) (3939); Аркадные шутеры (2194)
• Тип игры / Game Type: Beta-версия (игра еще в разработке)
• Размер / Size: 276.81 Мб.

Rocket Theater - это быстротемповый платформер, в котором Вы используете ракеты, чтобы прыгать по карте, делая трюки. Объедините несколько трюков вместе, чтобы сформировать массивные комбо!

Версия игры ОБНОВЛЕНА с 1.1.0 до 1.1.1. Список изменений не обнаружен.

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Язык интерфейса: Английский
Движок: Unity 5

Version 1.1.0:
Welcome to the Rocket Theater 1.1 Balance Event! With new maps, new characters, new graphics and plenty of new tricks to preform, this is the biggest update for Rocket Theater yet!

But why is it called the Balance Event you ask? Well, to balance out the characters of course. Seeing as each character has a wildly different set of abilities, us developers need insight from the players to see how the characters hold up in both low and high level play. We would also like to see if any surprises emerge when the characters are put under a fresh set of eyes.

To aid in this we added a pocket leader-board that sits on the main menu, so you can, at a glance, see which character has the highest score and who was the player that achieved it.


Firstly, new character models.

Bill and Chrono have been refreshed to look more refined as well as two new characters, Shader and Grapple.

A new FX stack. Each map now has its own color correction settings as well as better bloom rendering. Additionally, important characters and objects now have outlines as well as the explosions.

Journal Menu, this isn't complete yet, but it is functional. This menu details every trick in the game and gives you a descrition of how to do it, as well as listing how many times you performed the trick as we

New Map! Datapoint. This map was made to stress test characters in small locations. The map has a small layout with only two ammo packs. Unlike the other maps on Datapoint, playing as Bill is more challenging than the other characters.


Shader is a fast paced character who relies on cloning them-self to reset a constantly counting down timer. Gameplay focuses around spawning tons of clones and then shooting them with rockets to release energy, which you use to make even more clones. This character was in the previous build in a very basic form, now it has a new model, new fx and is fleshed out for better gameplay.

Grapple is a slower paced character where you need to eat fish to survive. You only get 4 "rockets" for ammo so most of your movement will be based around good use of your grapple hooks.

Update! : Version 1.0.3 is now live
This update is a little smaller than last weeks but it has some key changes.

Notably, controller support. Rocket Theater now supports gamepads and controllers.

We are also working on a new aesthetic for the tundra zone of the game.
This new aesthetic utilizes modular pieces to make up the map instead of 100% custom geometry, so we will be able to roll out maps quicker in the future.

Version 1.0.2:
Update! : Our first weekly update to Rocket Theater is now LIVE.

Rocket Theater Alpha 1.0.2 includes a couple new features.

Firstly, the main menu has been overhauled to be as sexy as feasibly possible. The background has been blurred to prevent the screen from becoming too noisy. We also reorganized the buttons into a vertical list and flattened the logo. Overall, its much cleaner that it was previously.

Secondly, we got a great deal of feedback (mostly from play-testers on reddit) in regards to the tutorial and how it was terrible. We took that feedback from heart and rebuild the tutorial from the ground up. It now is briefer, prettier, and includes little animated screens that demonstrate the moves. Overall we hope this will provide a much improved experience for new players and the percentage of players who quit on the tutorial won't be so embarrassingly high.

Thirdly, for any previous players here, the Techno Tundra map has been revamped. The layout has been modified significantly providing a better flow. Although currently it is a little sparse on the detailing, we plan to work on that in the next update.

Lastly we added some visual effects to the audience tracker so you can better see how what your are doing lines up with the audience members you are attracting.

We will continue to publish updates to Rocket Theater with maps, characters, and content during the alpha stages of development. All alpha updates are free and we release every Thursday.

Stay tuned and have fun.
- Rocket Theater Team

Rocket Theater is a 2D stunt game where you use rockets to jump around the map doing tricks. Combine multiple tricks together to form massive combos and destroy the global leader-boards.

This is the Rehearsal Edition, which is essentially a free, glorified demo. We plan on adding some content to the Rehearsal Edition, but be on the lookout for future updates where we plan to hit Kickstarter and Steam in the coming months.

Planned content:
• Many more unique characters with their own art, small backstory, abilities, and even combo scoring mechanics. Think like MOBA characters meet fast paced rocket jumping performances.

• More maps, each with their own special mechanic that earns score bonuses (inspiration from Heroes of the Storm maps)
NOTE: Techno Tundra special mechanic coming soon!

• A full fledged campaign (dialog cutscenes coming eventually)
As new content rolls out, we will be releasing the content in delicious Episode-based chunks. They will all be included in the full game as a service.

• More "Super Tricks", some of which already available. Appeal to specific groups of fans in the audience to make their numbers grow, and with enough fans of a certain color, unlock super tricks that act as small mini-games or extra abilities. You lose your audience at the end of a combo, so be sure to maintain yourself well if you want to earn the power of a true Acrobat! Each new character we add will have a specific flavor combination of the different audience colors:
Green - Explosives
Red - Precision
Blue - Acrobatics
Purple - Utility
Orange - Building (in development)

• Maybe maybe maybe maybe maybe a level editor to make your own maps, that will be downloadable through a third party source like steam workshop, that allows for extended territory for the online leader-boards. (very far away in development currently)
Anyone is free to upload user-made content of our game involving videos, screenshots, live-streams, and other forms of media.

We hope you enjoy the action packed adventures on Planet Parkour!

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От: Yakisoba [0|7] | Дата 2018-08-15 09:16:27
