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Скачать игру Forsaken Castle [Pre-Alpha v1.2] - торрент, игра на стадии разработки

Рейтинга пока нет | Баллы: 9
Игру добавил John2s [11546|1666] | 2017-08-08 (обновлено) | Платформеры (вид сбоку) (3936) | Просмотров: 6822

Forsaken Castle [Pre-Alpha v1.2]

• SGi навигация / Navigation:
• Разработчик / Developer: Инди-игра (14535) от Duck Block Games (1)
• Жанр / Genre: Платформеры (вид сбоку) (3936); Аркадные шутеры (2192); Головоломки, пазлы (2977)
• Тип игры / Game Type: Beta-версия (игра еще в разработке)
• Размер / Size: 52.48 Мб.

Forsaken Castle - пиксельный ретро-платформер в стиле Metroidvania, где в роли девушки по имени Лили вам предстоит узнать причину появления нежити вблизи ее деревни!

Игра обновлена до версии PreAlpha v1.2. Список изменений внутри новости.

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Особенности игры:
* Ретро-приключение с созданными вручную декорациями.
* Сложные сражения, эпические боссы и множество концовок!
* Исследуйте подземелья и катакомбы, наполненные секретами, ловушками и головоломками.
* Находите предметы и заклинания, чтобы стать сильнее и открывать новые области.
* Геймплей и дизайн уровней в стиле Метроид, но визуальной эстетикой Кастлвании.

Forsaken Castle is a 16-bit style, action exploration platformer, about a paladin and her fight against evil.

Inspired by classic metroidvania games, you will discover new abilities, fight deadly creatures, and explore a handcrafted world created in a retro pixel art style.

Lily is a newly appointed paladin sent to investigate the appearance of undead near a village. Her search leads her to an old castle that is known to have been long abandoned, but there are lights visible and the drawbridge is closed.

Being new to her order, she has a desire to prove herself a capable paladin, thus she decides to find a way into the castle and destroy the source of the undead, but doesn't realize the evil she is ultimately about to face.

- An SNES inspired adventure through a handcrafted pixel art castle.
- Challenging Battles, Epic Bosses, and Multiple Endings!
- Explore dungeons and catacombs filled with secrets, traps, and puzzles.
- Discover items and spells to become stronger but also to reach new areas.
- Metroid Gameplay and Level Design but with Castlevania visual aesthetics.
- Developed for Steam (PC/Mac/Linux).
- Kickstarter stretch goals for Nintendo Switch, Playstation 4, and more!

Pre-Alpha v1.2:
- Surprise inclusion! Initial implementation of weather effects!
- Fixed a bug where, while hanging from a ledge, pressing down and towards the ledge and then pressing jump would drop the player from the ledge and lock player input control.
- Fixed a bug where the pause menu could be brought up at inappropriate times, such as just before the title screen loaded or when the company logo is showing.
- Pause menu now properly layers in front of active dialogue windows when activated.
- Active dialogue/cinematic sequences now properly stop if “Return to Title” is called from the pause menu.
- Fixed an issue where the pausing then unpausing during an active dialogue would cause player input controls to be inappropriately restored.
- Cleaned up the pause menu and active UI fade out when loading to back to the title screen to look more tidy.
- You can now bring up the pause menu with the "Escape" key on keyboard in addition to the "Enter" key.
- Fixed a bug where repeatedly returning to the title screen from the outside starting area and immediately restarting the game would cause all spawner based items to duplicate without limit.
- Armored Knight's attacks now properly boomerang. Watch out after dodging!
- A message window will now appear and pause the game to explain new sub-weapons as you acquire them ala Metroid/Zelda style.
(Final message window design is still in development)
- Changing “zones” will now cause a zone title box to appear.
(Art and text for the display are placeholders as the final form is still in development.)
- Lily will now experience being stunned temporarily if she takes a hard fall from a high place.
She won’t lose health from the fall, but could be in danger should a monster be near where she lands.
(Animations for this are placeholders and will be updated when Lily’s sprite is revamped.)

Pre-Alpha v1.1:
- Made tweaks to Synax boss mechanics and WeakFlyingSkull health.
- Added partial heal item drops in various locations.
- Until Save locations are added, Player will now respawn at the last room entered upon death.
- Fixed issue where mini-boss battle could be triggered by holy water being thrown into the room.
- Fixed animation that occasionally glitches when climbing ledges.
- Changed collision layers and tags around a bit so player sub weapons do not inappropriately fire off specific triggers.
- Holy water flames now damage destructible objects like barrels and crates.
- Flying skulls will now properly be hit by flames from the holy water.
- Fixed jump input handling when hanging from a ledge that caused the player to instantly begin a jump the moment they were hanging from the ledge.
- Fixed an issue where Firegem Switches could be triggered by other sub-weapons.
- Added a health item just outside of the first Firegem switch door.
- Slightly increased Fireball damage.
- Fixed an issue where a player grips a ledge after receiving a fatal hit and doesn't trigger death until they climb up.
- Player will now lose their grip on a ledge if they are hit while hanging from a ledge.
- Fixed an issue where area music would not start back up after player death.

Pre-Alpha v1.0:
- Initial Release! Hurray!

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Комментарии игроков (2 шт.)

От: Dmitrix768 [69|197] | Дата 2017-09-17 03:12:20

Прошёл этот отрывок Pre-Alpha версии, буду ждать реализацию. Игра понравилась, в ней есть всё и магия и цепь которой лупишь нежить и подумать тоже немного нужно.
От: SSplug [8|39] | Дата 2017-08-08 15:13:34

Немного даже кастлеванией отдает, но это к лучшему.