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Описание игры, торрент, скриншоты, видео

Скачать бесплатную игру WizardWizard v3 - торрент

Рейтинг: 4.0 (3) | Баллы: 19
Игру добавил Defuser222 [3625|10] | 2015-11-08 (обновлено) | Платформеры (вид сбоку) (3937) | Просмотров: 11847

WizardWizard v3

• SGi навигация / Navigation:
• Разработчик / Developer: Инди-игра (14535) от Crateboy (1)
• Жанр / Genre: Платформеры (вид сбоку) (3937)
• Тип игры / Game Type: Бесплатная игра
• Размер / Size: 9.71 Мб.
• Оценка игроков / Game Score: 4.0 из 10 (всего голосов: 3)

Хардкорный платформер в ретро стиле с простым управлением. На данный момент в игре 21 уровней, но в будущем разработчик обещает добавить больше.

Версия игры ОБНОВЛЕНА с 2.8 до 3. Список изменений внутри.

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Язык интерфейса: Английский

Если Вы пройдете до конца игру, Вас ждут секретный персонаж и другой режим игры.

Version 3:
Update: All the stuff! Lots of tweaking, more NPCs, maybe a new level or 2? New Sounds, cheats and more!

Version 2.8:
- The game will save when you press ESC to exit and you can hit C on the title screen to continue. I will make it so it saves after each level next update rather than when you exit the game.
- WADS controls, I know it's about time.
- 3 new levels, I hope these levels will kick your ass, they kicked mine during testing.
- New visual stuff, little things like the title screen have been changed (which isn't finished), leaves have been added that you can kick around (I spent way to long running though piles of leaves in testing) and the warp portal has had a big graphical and audio overhaul.
- WizardWizard HTML5 beta is out, it works best on Chrome (I've found atleast), its not perfect and a lot of stuff is broken on it.... mainly the pretty lighting. You're also required to use WebGL (sorry), If you want to play WizardWizard I recommend the Windows or Mac version but if you're despite or want to demo it, check it out in browser.

Version FinalBuild:
Lots of polish!

Version 2.6:
More story, more sense, more levels, better ending.

Version 2.5:
It's finally got an ending! And other things, like crazy old women and cows!

Version 2.4:
Particles, particles, particles everywhere! Things look beautiful everywhere.

Version 2.3:
New Content:
Spinning Hammers:
Check out a quick implementation of spinning hammers by hitting 'E' at the title screen. Hammers can be individually set to different lengths, speeds and directions. Hopefully using them in conjunction with spinning saw blades with produce something fun and challenging.
The graphics are placeholders for now as I don't think they fit very well.

Bug Fixes:
Broken sound effects occasionally
Music not looping (I am personally sorry to all those who played the game in silence (Oopsie)

Notable Bugs:
Depth and layers is a bit messed up with some objects and have been for a while, there will be a total re-write of depth and stuff in the soon future so I'll fix them then.
The mute button is dodgy (Who needs that anyway with such awesome music ;) )

Coming soon:
Track Mix: A loop of punchy tunes seamlessly strung together for some awesome jumpin' jammin'.
New levels: New levels implementing the spinning hammers and some mock up levels for rock throwing puzzles. Still not certain on the rock throwing stuff, please let me know your experiences. I think the problem is its really hard to determine where the stone will land.
Story + more characters to interact with.
A new HUD with Level number and level title.

Version 2.1:
- A new enemy and key type, showcased in 3 levels. A mute button (M key) Other things I can't remember

Version 2.0:
- Play a new hardcore game mode, Ninja style; press F3 and die to try it out.
- See the new "enemy" type on the start up screen
- Sneakpeak Princess character
- Ruin graphics (still not sure on these, please let me know)
- Owls graphics, I just thought it might spice things up, maybe incorporate into the story
- Graphic fixes and little details

Version 1.9:
- A Pretty New Icon
- New Graphic fixes and extra pretty bits
- A new level
- An introduction to our resident bad guy!
- A fun little extra bits :)

A challenging and addicting platformer with tight controls, simple rules all complimented by pixel graphics. WizardWizard is easy to pick up and play making for a fun social experience at school or on at a lunch break. 15 levels in total, more will be added in future.

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Комментарии игроков (3 шт.)

От: Garrison [5|26] | Дата 2014-08-30 23:08:35

Всего 25 уровней
От: CETb [5|5] | Дата 2013-07-26 20:38:31

Классная игра.Пасхалки - если дотронешся до волшебника на луне,то он выдаст - I am ERROR,отсылка к Legend of Zelda 2,еще если вы зажмете вместе F1 и F2 то появиться надпись - BOOBIES (Сиськи) :D
От: mynu4ek [1|1] | Дата 2013-07-11 12:02:08

Отличная игра, мне понравилась. Жду новых уровней.

Больше всего музыка понравилась. Весёлая, заводная.

Единственный минус - после смерти персонаж возрождается моментально, а появляется он на левом краю платформы обычно. И если умереть, когда бежал влево, то потом ещё раз падаешь после возрождения. Если автор прочитает это - перемести, пожалуйста, персонажа чутка правее при появлении после смерти.