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Скачать бесплатную игру Kaizer v1.09

Рейтинг: 10.0 (2)
Игру добавил Dahaka_D [1523|95], ред. Defuser222 [3625|10] | 2012-09-21 (обновлено) | Стратегии (3521) | Просмотров: 10564

Kaizer v1.09

• SGi навигация / Navigation:
• Разработчик / Developer: Инди-игра (14535) от lancerfour (1)
• Жанр / Genre: Стратегии (3521); Сетевые / ХотСит (2287)
• Тип игры / Game Type: Бесплатная игра
• Размер / Size: 25.58 Мб.
• Оценка игроков / Game Score: 10.0 из 10 (всего голосов: 2)

Kaizer - пошаговая стратегия в которой вам предстоит командовать отрядом космических кораблей. За основу игры взята культовая "настолка" Шахматы.

Версия игры ОБНОВЛЕНА с v1.07 до v1.09. Список изменений внутри новости.

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В игре есть режим на двух игроков, правила практически такие же как и в Шахматах - нужно уничтожить главный вражеский центр(аналог Короля и Королевы), хотя в разных миссиях правила и условия бывают разные, всё равно в основном нам велят уничтожить противника.

Простора для настоящих стратегов и тактиков здесь куда больше чем в тех же Шахматах, так же как и возможностей. Например; теперь мы вольны ходить за один ход более одним кораблём. Как и в шахматах каждый вид юнитов ходит по разному. Так же, в игре множество различных карт совершенно разных масштабов и форм.

Ещё в игре предусмотрена возможность выбора капитана, в зависимости от выбора того или иного главнокомандующего, меняется общая тактика и расположение войск.

Kaizer is a free turn-based, digital board game for two players. It is focused on high-skill, balanced gameplay with variable strategies. The game currently includes 12 Captains, 24 Sectors (boards), 3 Scenarios and a Help system covering most major topics. Kaizer is under heavy development.

Version 1.09
Ship Classes

* Classes of ships determine the ship's starting Energy and how Captain abilities are assigned:

* Frigates -- 15 energy -- Pawns and other small ships.
* Capital -- 20 energy -- Knights, Bishops, Rooks and other medium ships.
* Command -- 25 energy -- King and other large ships.


* Eam's long backward movement fixed to cost 15 energy instead of 10. And fixed bug not allowing movements when energy was too low (but still had enough to move with).
* Changes based on new Ship Classes:

* Ko's ability adjusted to affect Frigates only.
* Adira's long range attack has increased in power from 35 to 40 and has been limited to Capital ships only.
* Xiel's powerful side attacks have been limited to Frigates.
* Godwin's ability adjusted to affect Capital ships only.
* Fenton's ability adjusted to affect Frigates only.
* Eam's ability adjusted to affect Frigates only.
* Idichi's ability adjusted to affect Frigates only.


* Open Space 1 & 2: More Resources, rearranged for more interesting game choices.
* Open Space 3 & 4: Fixed Resources & added more, rearranged for more interesting game choices.
* King's Forward 2: Rearranged a bit for more variability in games.
* King's Forward 4: Fixed Resources. One's acting strange though.
* Lost Rooks 1: Rearranged to allow for more varied battles while being a bit easier overall.
* Lost Rooks 2: Rearranged to create better choices for the early game.
* Lost Rooks 3: Removed back Pawn & Rook, replaced with Knight. Rearranged a few places for more interesting initial choices.
* Ascension 3: Changed to work better for Bishops.
* Ascension 4: Increased difficulty and changed to better keep in line with the other Ascensions.


* Added Ship Class information.
* Rearranged to be more intuitive.

Game Menu

* Rebuilt to be easier to work with and cut down on CPU cost.
* Added "Overview" section to Menu, dealing with captains & current sector. More added later.
* Added "Options" section. More options added later.
* Restart options to Quit section:
* "Restart": Restarts current game with all the same settings.
* "Random Captain": Restarts in same Sector with different Captains.
* "Random Sector": Restarts with same Captains in a new Sector (non-Scenario).
* "Random Everything": Random Captains in random Sector.

Game Help (reworking soon)

* Added "Resources" section.

Main Menu

* Adjusted Fullscreen button to work more intuitively (and be less glitch-happy) based on platform.

* (Web) Fullscreen now adapts to the user's current desktop resolution.
* (PC & Mac) Fullscreen switches into and out of the currently set resolution.

* Updated help with Ship Classes.


* Adjust some of the font elements to be easier to read.
* More texture & color changes to better work for the color blind and for better clarity in general (suggestions encouraged).
* Added "space dust" effects to destroyed debris.
* Added effects to resources.


* Ironed out some bugs.
* Some other things I probably forgot to add at the time.
* Released the first version of the Kaizer Instruction Manual ^_^

version 1.07
- Captains
- Ko's fleet ability has been limited to Pawns.
- Godwin's fleet ability has been limited to Pawns.
- Eam's far forward movement now costs 10 Energy instead of 15.
- All abilities have been reworded for better clarity (suggestions welcome).
- Sectors
- Sectors that have been changed to better alleviate camping:
- Bishops Gambit 1
- Bishops Gambit 2
- Bishops Gambit 4
- Kings Forward 3
- Kings Forward 4
- Regent Knight 1
- Regent Knight 3
- Regent Knight 4
- Cornered 1
- Scenarios
- Fixed major grid edge bug in Cornered 1.
- Game menus (reworking soon)
- Help system updated
- Main menu
- Reworked most of the system (had to be done before game options & networking go in).
- Fixed a no captain bug (aka 'none vs none' match when selecting random captain).
- Fixed bug that wasn't allowing 4th sector variants to be played when randomly choosing a sector.

version 1.05
gameplay changes
+ added 'resource' powerup
- 4 types of resources: hull (green), shield (blue), energy (gold), and attack (red)
- move on to resources to collect them for that particular ship
- resources can be found when destroying space debris
- the chance of finding a resource depends on size of destroyed space debris, larger = higher chance
+ added "range / damage" to UI
- all damages are based on short / long distance
- short distance = closest forward, reverse, left & right grids from ship
- long distance = everywhere else
- captain changes
- lonhiem pawns recharge 20 energy instead of 15
- xiel now does short range damage for side attacks
- sector changes
- adjusted debris in most sectors to balance with resources and for better games
- added open resources to many sectors
- fixed missing rook in regent knight 4
- space debris (destructible spaces) now display the correct attack & rotate graphics
- info window is now on by default
technical changes
- many, many performance enhancements
- some systems will get up to ~40% increase in frame rates, maybe more
- fixed a good deal of graphical anomalies in the process
- 'good' quality setting is now default, should work well on most computers
- quality settings above 'good' use anti-aliasing (2x for beautiful, 6x for fantastic)
- other small updates & changes
- various interface updates, fixes & changes
- most text has been adjusted for better legibility (still working on though)
- fixed the whiplash-inducing camera rotation
- lots of other fixes and updates too minor to mention

version 1.00v2
- fixed game breaking bugs, re-released :D

version 1.00
gameplay changes
+ 'quick start' mode added, randomly chooses captains and sector
+ 'versus' renamed to 'custom game'
+ 6 new custom game captains:
- ramik - gain diagonal forward attacks, all ships
- xiel - gain side attacks, all ships
- godwin - gain far range attack, all ships
- fenton - greatly reinforced hulls, pawns only
- eam - extended forward & reverse movement, pawns only
- idichi - powerful close range attack
+ 3 random game captains:
- barius - ???
- lonheim - ???
- piro - ???
+ 3 new scenarios
- cornered 1 - the dual underdog matchup
- rift 1 - rocks!
- rift 2 - asteroids galore!
+ 6 new sectors
- open space 4
- kings forward 4
- ascension 4
- lost rooks 4
- regent knight 4
- bishops gambit 4
- updated all the old sectors
+ random sector option added to custom game
+ destructible obstacles added to most sectors
patches & fixes
- main menu updates
- main menu background is randomly picked from all sectors
- added opening music
- camera updates
- perspective camera zoom updated to move between 3rd person and overhead
- mouse wheel zoom support added to perspective & top-down cameras
- sector updates
- higher quality backgrounds
- interface updates
- changed how movment is shown
- changed how attack options are shown
- changed popup text to be more ledgible
- bugs
- fixed newly destroyed ships from holding their old position, ships now recognize the empty space

version .70
- gameplay changes
+ added sector preview in sector selection screen
+ each sector now has a unique background
+ new two-thirds perspective camera (press '3' to use)
+ game interface can be hidden (press 'backspace' to toggle on/off)
+ 'no captain' is now 'random' in captain select screen
- sector ascension 3 ship starting positions changed for balance
- sector knights regent 2 changed for better flow
- hover announcements are larger
- stopped hover announcements from overlapping
- made it harder to accidentally skip turns (testing)
- patches & fixes
- win animation fixed
- various changes to main menu (under heavy development)
- various small inconsistency & color fixes
- various usability enhancements
- various performance enhancements

version .64
- gameplay changes
+ sector bishops gambit 3
+ sector regent knight 3
+ sector ascension 3
+ in-game menu system
+ win animation
+ skybox (eventually one for every sector)
+ star fields
- changed the layout of some sectors
- patches & fixes
- “Player # Victory” returns to title screen
- bishops gambit 2 fix (was using bishops gambit 1)
- multiple color inaccuracy fixes
- title menu updates & fixes
- spelling & grammatical error fixes
- lots of under-the-hood things that are basically technical gobbldy gook

version .55
+ initial release

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Дополнительные файлы для игры

Если ты нашел новую версию игры Kaizer v1.09, либо русификатор к ней, патч, левелпак или мод - сообщи об этом редактору новости, он добавит сюда доп. файл.
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Комментарии игроков (8 шт.)

От: XXXLrus18 [395|86] | Дата 2012-09-21 17:35:35

" За основу игры взята культовая "настолка" Шахматы."
От: DimamoN [85|58] | Дата 2010-11-29 18:36:03

нужно с другом за одним компом...но игра реально классная =)
От: Bakalavr [16|21] | Дата 2010-11-03 20:56:41

аа.. а поддержка сетевой игры имеется? или тока с одного компа?
От: Kusko [2474|32] | Дата 2010-11-03 20:51:13

Группа: Редактор
ботов нет, нужно чтоб играть и второй материальный мозг.
От: Bakalavr [16|21] | Дата 2010-11-03 20:47:45

Тут как бы гамать только с людьми или с ботами можно? *задумчиво*
И только хот-сит или ещё можно по сети играть?
От: Kusko [2474|32] | Дата 2010-11-03 14:51:18

Группа: Редактор
так где же этого друга взять)
От: Dahaka_D [1523|95] | Дата 2010-11-03 14:47:14

Kusko, а вариант игры с другом не рассматривал? =)
От: Kusko [2474|32] | Дата 2010-11-03 14:44:08

Группа: Редактор
не добавлял, потому, что тут нет с кем играть, можно только сам с собой.