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Скачать игру Mayan Death Robots v1.05 - полная версия

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Игру добавил Elektra [7720|138] | 2016-01-08 (обновлено) | Стратегии (3523) | Просмотров: 13370

Mayan Death Robots v1.05

• SGi навигация / Navigation:
• Разработчик / Developer: Инди-игра (14535) от Sileni Studios (1)
• Жанр / Genre: Стратегии (3523)
• Тип игры / Game Type: Полная версия (установи и играй)
• Размер / Size: 235.81 Мб.
• Похожие игры:
- Worms 2
- Worms Reloaded v1.3
- Worms United [GOG]

Mayan Death Robots - интересная вариация знаменитых червячков, но с некоторыми отличиями. К примеру, во время раундов мы занимаемся не только уничтожением противника, но и возводим сооружения, меняем ландшафт. В игре десять роботов, каждый из которых обладает определенным набором умений.

Игра ОБНОВЛЕНА с v1.02 до v1.05. Список изменений внутри новости.

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Язык: Английский.

• Mirror Image: create a copy of your robot that mirrors whatever you do until it is destroyed.
• Time Bomb: launch a ticking time bomb at your opponent and watch it blow up half of his side after a minute!
• Kamikaze: sacrifice yourself for the greater good. Jump to the other side as a fiery ball of doom and destroy his core!
• Launch a Blaster Drone at your opponent that will fly through the map and continually shoot rockets at its target. Chaos guaranteed!
• Clone Gun: drop an army of clones from your robot in parachutes from the sky. These clones will jump around and explode when they hit something. Chaos guaranteed!
• Aim lines changed to be more visible on all maps (and more beautiful)
• Added new loading screens that explain some gameplay concepts
• Fixed several achievements - some where not triggering properly for everyone
• Several minor bug fixes
• By to popular request, Solo Mode has changed: you now have to win the game to proceed to the next event. You only have to defeat each boss once, though.
• Previously, players got a blast radius bonus for doing the most damage to a boss. This was unclear to most players. Now, the player who did the most damage will receive additional terrain when positioning his core, and will be the only one to receive a special weapon. This is now shown in a nice "boss defeated" window.
• Minor changes to several events (Cooldown, Going Ashore) to reduce frustration.
• We split up Quick Match into two game modes. Random Match now selects a random unlocked event from the campaign, while Quick Match now lets you play a basic level with Mayas and nothing else.

Mayan Death Robots is a blend between a fighting game and an artillery game: think Worms on speed with a roster of massive alien robots who duke it out during the height of the Maya civilization. Mayan Death Robots is a simultaneous turn-based game, which means all players have their turn at the same time, and they have only a few seconds to pick their weapon and aim. This results in hectic, fast-paced gameplay where you have to balance lots of different objectives: attacking the enemy heart, battling the enemy Mayan tribe and keeping your defenses up by using the construction gun. Since Mayan Death Robots is a local multiplayer only game, you’ll be able to look your friend in the eye just before delivering the killing blow (often ending the friendship right there and then). You can even set up a dual keyboard control scheme for maximum elbow sabotage action, or just use gamepads if you want to keep a safe distance.

• Choose from 10 unique robots with entirely different fighting styles. Upgrade your robots between matches, making them truly your own.
• Blast the Mayans from the opposing tribe to smithereens and gather praise from your tribe, who think their vengeful god has descended from the heavens.
• Use your construction gun to transform the battlefield and the very land you stand on! Build defenses around your heart or create a vantage point to rain destruction on your enemies.
• The real Mayan gods do not take your blasphemy in vain, and will return to claim your crown. Temporarily unite with your opponent to defeat this all-consuming threat!

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Комментарии игроков (3 шт.)

От: Dumasuk2009 [412|92] | Дата 2014-09-15 01:21:11

Могли бы и написать, что игра только хот-сит, только для двух игроков за 1 компьютером!
Игра реалтаймовая наполовину - новый ход каждые 6 секунд - успевай только кнопки нажимать)

Игра очень интересная и необычная, но ТОЛЬКО ХОТ-СИТ
От: nikivarvar [501|111] | Дата 2014-09-14 18:11:40

Она реалтаймовая, или пошаговая как червячки?
От: Valtos [26|82] | Дата 2014-09-14 18:10:42

Это же клон знаменитой карты из Клонка?