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Скачать игру Townseek v1.2.0 - торрент, игра на стадии разработки

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Игру добавил Kusko [2475|32] | 2021-09-29 (обновлено) | Я ищу, квесты, приключения (6078) | Просмотров: 2920

Townseek v1.2.0

• SGi навигация / Navigation:
• Разработчик / Developer: Инди-игра (14535) от Whales And Games (4)
• Жанр / Genre: Я ищу, квесты, приключения (6078); Головоломки, пазлы (2979)
• Тип игры / Game Type: Beta-версия (игра еще в разработке)
• Размер / Size: 53.90 Мб.

Townseek - медитативная игра, в которой вы, рожденные под водой, парите в воздухе на дирижабле, путешествуете по красочному миру, открываете для себя экзотические достопримечательности, знакомитесь с местными жителями из далеких друг от друга городов, придерживаетесь старинной традиции обмена товаров на деньги и, в роли рыбы, подобно акулам, ловите на удочку рыбу! Теперь, когда у вас есть надежный дирижабль, пора воплотить в жизнь свои мечты!

Игра обновлена до v1.2.0. Список изменений внутри новости.

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Игра создана в рамках конкурса Global Game Jam 2021.

• Летайте на своем дирижабле по всему миру. Летите куда угодно!
• Откройте для себя живописные достопримечательности и города. Наслаждайтесь достопримечательностями, которых в игре предостаточно!
• Покупайте и продавайте товары в нескольких городах, каждый со своей культурой, товарами и ценами!
• Отправляйтесь в мировую рыболовную экспедицию! Купите удочку и плывите к хорошему месту! Здесь есть что ловить!
• Меняйте шары на дирижабле! Купите новый в каждом городе и оформляйте свой дирижабль в соответствии с любимым местом!
• Соберите все предметы коллекционирования торгуя! Может быть, за все это есть особая награда?

There’s more than just Mining to do though! Here’s some highlights of what the update brings!
• Strike the earth with Mining! Mining introduces five new mines spread across the map together with 19 new minerals and 12 new artifacts. There’s your standard Copper and Gold, but also material unique to Townseek’s world with Sharknite, Moltium and Helliumite! There’s a whole new panel in your collection to complete!
• Be on the lookout for shooting stars! The namesake for this update, after you obtain your pickaxe, shooting stars will start crashing into this world! Mine these stars for special stardust which turbos your ship! Use it to travel between towns faster to get those final missing balloons!
• Visit the new town of Vushkaar and meet its new host Mjolnette! There’s a whole new set of town items, with delicacies such as the infamous Turrón and the master-crafted Ship Model. There’s also a new unique Vushkaar balloon you can get from the town.
• There’s more fishing to be done! There’s some new species of fish to be found at fishing spots. Seek out the adorable Helper Crabs and look for the mythical Sea Dragon! Seems like some trash has found it into the ocean though, and you might come across stuff like Seaweed, Top Hats and even Ancient Coffins.
• And many more additions and fixes! You can now export and import your save data from the title screen; there are new crate variations; functional scrollbars on towns and on the inventory; new critters spread across the continents; clearer trading information; and several bug fixes!

The Star-Seeker Update Changelog
• Added Mining and Artifacts! Time to get a Pickaxe and strike some of the new Mines for ores, artifacts and riches!
• Added a new Pickaxe Tool that can be purchased in Driplands, Hissingburg and Sharkdwell. A pickaxe is needed to reveal mines in the map, much like the fishing rod.
• Added 5 new Mines on the world map. Seek the new Shark Depths or the stone-people run Stone Pit!
• Added 19 new Minerals and 12 new Artifact items that can be mined from Mines. Each mine has its own mineral and artifact pool. Minerals include the standards such as Copper, Iron and Gold, but also original Townseek materials such as Sharknite, Moltium and Helliumite.
• Added Mineral & Artifact Collection to the Player’s Inventory and Collection Panel.
• Added Shooting Stars! After you obtain a Pickaxe and discover half of what the world has to offer, shooting stars will begin crashing onto the map!
• Added Stardust which you get every time you mine a shooting star.
• Added a turbo which will boost your speed for a few seconds in the world map by pressing F! This requires and will consume stardust you’ve collected.
• Added Vushkaar, a nordic-inspired town, with its new trader Mjolnette! With the mines, that bumps the total discoveries in the map to 40!
• Added a new adorable balloon themed after Vushkaar.
• Added a new Vushkaar variation to the game’s main music theme.
• Added 17 new items in addition to the aforementioned, bringing the total item count to a milestone 108!
• Added 4 new Town Items, with delicacies such as the infamous Turrón and the master-crafted Ship Model.
• Added 3 new Fish Items to Fishing Spots. Seek out the adorable Helper Crabs or look out for the mythical Sea Dragon.
• Added 8 new Fishing Trash Items to Fishing Spots, including commons such as Seaweeds to Ancient Coffins!
• Added 2 new Balloons including the aforementioned Vushkaar balloon and a new Balloons balloon! We’re keeping how you unlock it a secret though!
• Added a new Save Data Management button on the title screen, which allows you to export, import, and clear saved data from the game.
• Added Cow and Horse critters to the world map. Added some new variations to the existing critters.
• Added new crate variations, to make finding those free items extra special.
• Added a new crate opening animation which now shows the item obtained inside.
• Added an animation where the item that you obtain from a crate is shown.
• Added variations to the discover sound when you discover a Mine or a Fishing Spot.
• Added functional scrollbars to scrollable interface elements, making them navigable with the mouse. You can still swipe with the cursor like before too!
• Added separate Music and SFX volume buttons.
• Added a new mid-volume level to the volume buttons, which can now be changed between full, 50% and muted.
• Added Jam Version subtitle to the logo of the game.
• Added Wishlist us on Steam banners with links to the Steam page for the upcoming full version of the game.
• Changed town inventories to include some of the new town items.
• Changed the player’s interact range to help with the denser map and interactions.
• Changed the player’s inventory, which can now be opened while on the town interface. Should make it easier to find which items you’re missing!
• Changed price fluctuations in towns. Towns will now have more consistent increases/decreases, and each town will always favour a type of item over others.
• Changed the Gemstone item name into Living Gemstone to distinguish it as a town item from other minerals.
• Changed Gamis appearance to be more easily distinguishable from Gold, while still keeping its appearance similar to its debut in Onigami.
• Changed the position of some of the existing landmarks and crate spawns to be better compatible with the new locations.
• Changed the Fishing Pole Tooltip to be more clear that the player has to seek a fishing spot to use it.
• Changed Meowosville, Sharkdwell, Lawride Town and Shibuyork sprites to be higher and of more consistent quality.
• Changed several of the town host portraits to be cleaner or have more detail.
• Changed the appearance of several landmarks like the Buffcat Cave and the Burning Forest.
• Improved world map to be better compatible with the new locations and to feature more tree, mountain and detail variation.
• Changed audio variations of some of the existing towns to be more in sync with the game’s audio.
• Changed and refactored several internal code for better performance.
• Updated project to Unity 2020.3.18f1.
• Fixed permissions issue that would sometimes report Mac OS builds as damaged.
• Fixed issue with Mac OS builds not loading due to FMod.
• Fixed a rare issue where the player would get stuck between two interactables.
• Fixed minor typos in some trader conversations.

Born undersea, but with an appetite to soar the skies and explore the world! Now that you've got yourself a reliable airship, it's time to make those dreams come true!

Travel far and wide, discovering the exotic landmarks that the world has to offer! Meet the locals from towns far away from each other! Engage in the old tradition of exchanging goods for money! Fish like sharkfolk have never fished before!

The entire world is your new sea, and be sure to see all thatit has to offer!

Created for Global Game Jam 2021

• Fly your airship around the world. Go anywhere!
• Discover picturesque landmarks and towns. Enjoy the sights, of which there are plenty!
• Buy and sell merchandise across multiple towns, each with their own culture, inventory and prices!
• Go on a worldwide fishing expedition! Buy a fishing rod and sail towards a good spot! There’s plenty’a fish to catch!
• Equip different balloon sails! Purchase a new one from each town, and theme your airship after your favourite place!
• Complete your collection log by trading away! Maybe there’s a special reward for completing it all?

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Комментарии игроков (1 шт.)

От: LotusBlade [370|187] | Дата 2021-04-20 08:56:23

Бесплатная браузерная игрушка с itch.io, сделанная для конкурса. По сути взяли идею торговли из Космических Рейджеров, вы просто возите товары от точки к точке, барыжничаете (делаете деньги из воздуха, тупо перепродавая).