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Скачать игру Three Dead Zed: Enhanced Edition v3.5 - торрент, полная версия

Рейтинг: 9.8 (4)
Игру добавил Defuser222 [3625|10] | 2014-10-27 (обновлено) | Платформеры (вид сбоку) (3940) | Просмотров: 23331

Three Dead Zed: Enhanced Edition v3.5

• SGi навигация / Navigation:
• Разработчик / Developer: Инди-игра (14535) от Gentleman Squid Studio (2)
• Жанр / Genre: Платформеры (вид сбоку) (3940); Зомби игры (436)
• Тип игры / Game Type: Полная версия (установи и играй)
• Размер / Size: 210.72 Мб.
• Оценка игроков / Game Score: 9.8 из 10 (всего голосов: 4)

Оригинальный 2D платформер, главной особенностью которого является то, что вы играете зомби, с возможностью моментально перевоплощаться в разные типы зомби, каждый со своими способностями. Это нужно для прохождения всяческих головоломок и ловушек.

Версия игры ОБНОВЛЕНА с 3.0 до 3.5. Список изменений внутри.

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Язык интерфейса: Английский

Системные требования:
- Dual Core 2.0Ghz
- 2 Gigs of RAM
- Windows XP SP2 or better, Vista, Win7 (64 bit preferred)

Version 3.5:
Player Character
Classic” zombie character speed increased roughly 11%
“USE” command improved to have in-game buttons and switches register more efficiently
“USE” command has new animation added
“Sprinter” zombie character speed decreased roughly 10%

4 new achievements added
Statistic tracking added [list]
Total play time for main campaign (not including pausing the game or in-game cinematics)
Total play time for challenge stages
Displaying stage secrets available or found
Total deaths
“RESET” button has been added to enable players to replay the game improving stats.
Achievements and challenge stages unlocked are retained

Game Environment
Various stage balances and improvements made based off player feedback and observations
Elevators have graphical tracks added improving player distance gauging
“Respawn” added to “Pause Menu” in the rare event of getting trapped
Buzzsaws hit boxes corrected
Buzzsaws graphically improved to be “part of the world” in alignment with game’s perspective
Various graphical decoration enhancements
Various text corrections
New “easter egg”

New sound effects for jumping, guns, patrol robot, and strong zombie
New narration for Factory logs along with new story
Various audio levels increased
Sound “pops” cleared

Save game file encryption
Credits updated

Version 2.0:
Just in time for Halloween, we proudly present Three Dead Zed: Enhanced Edition! Although the game is "patched" to version 2.0, it is actually a complete rewrite of the game engine. The game now features:
Increased resolution
More stages
In-game achievements
New music and voice narration
New hazards
Beautiful lighting
Improved story

Version 1.3:
- Corrected pistons that did not crush zombie and would leave player stuck in wall.
- Some pistons that where impacting the walls where not making a sound where corrected.
- Various floating platforms slightly lowered.
- New one-hit switches implemented to reduce confusion of repeat activations on specific switches.
- New graphic for Zombie Special Forces spawner.
- Reduced "slippery" effect and added "weight" to each character. Characters faster as a result, but more responsive.
- Reduced "ground pound" activation time.
- Corrected more pistons that did not crush zombie and would leave player stuck in wall.
- Textual - Story Continuity: "Project Zed is learning..." text changed to "Subject Zed is learning"
- Balanced stage 18 (office level 8) - Added a check point after large pit of spikes to reduce frustration
- Balanced stage 4 (office level 4) - moved laser barrier away from wall to reduce death from missing wall.
- Minor texture re-alignments.
- Rendering of breakable surfaces now behind characters.
- Enable controller in options menu instead of false "error" if joystick was not plugged in.
- "A" button now selects menu items.

Three Dead Zed is a 2D action platformer game intended for digital distribution on the PC. It is being developed by a small team of programmers and artists who, for years, have been working for "The Man" and developing games more for educational purposes with limitations imposed by clients. Implementing our bizarre sense of humor, we have been given the opportunity to bring you a game that feels original, despite having zombies.

It's no secret the government wants to weaponize the dead. Just look at how many zombie games there are! But this time, it's all different. You are the project. You are the zombie. Unlike the thousands of other zombies, you're a bit smarter. You don't just run about aimlessly looking for your next meal. You can understand speech and can take orders. Project Z.E.D. has finally broken through and made a zombie into a potential weapon. In addition to understanding, you are imbued with the ability to change form, switching between zombie abilities.

During one training session, a voice talks to you directly. Not over an intercom, but directly into your skull with telepathy. Who is this mysterious force talking to you? What do they want with you? And what's the deal with all these cats???

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Комментарии игроков (9 шт.)

От: Dankanar [65|20] | Дата 2014-10-28 23:13:35

Не хочу рисковать, ибо по моему мнению, зомби игры должны быть не веселыми головоломками, а жестким сурвивал-хоррором.
От: ingalipt [12|8] | Дата 2014-10-27 18:35:08

Играл пару лет назад, игра зачетная! Всем советую!
От: Ex4ak_1 [0|0] | Дата 2014-08-24 16:02:46

а на 2 можно ?
От: Uemal [1|2] | Дата 2014-07-23 02:55:27

Поиграться можно!
От: he4TO [0|3] | Дата 2012-12-18 16:03:36

игра на разгрузку
От: businassman [425|462] | Дата 2012-03-14 20:06:55

Забавно, поиграть на один вечер пойдет.
От: Intino [10|20] | Дата 2012-03-10 00:09:43

Согласен, однотипно) графика конечно интересная, и персонажи, но.. бросаешь на половине)
От: Deniska [681|188] | Дата 2012-01-28 00:06:18

Симпотично, но унылый приедающийся саундтрек напрочь отбил желание продолжать играть... Сюжет конечно бредовенький, но в логической игре это не всегда главное.

Deniska думал несколько дней и добавил:

Прошел всю. Наконец-то. Когда не можете пройти какое-то место, вероятно вам нужно что-то по другому делать, как я понял это и есть фишка игры (не считая конечно трех видов зомби, блублэбла). Середнячок, на один вечер.
От: Xu3pu [3|18] | Дата 2012-01-25 12:35:21

Кто играл? Как игра? Мне кажется немного однообразна.