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Описание игры, торрент, скриншоты, видео

Скачать игру RevEarth v1.3 - торрент, демо версия игры

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Игру добавил Defuser222 [3625|10] | 2016-11-23 (обновлено) | Платформеры (вид сбоку) (3940) | Просмотров: 2556

RevEarth v1.3

• SGi навигация / Navigation:
• Разработчик / Developer: Инди-игра (14535) от Old Pipe (1)
• Жанр / Genre: Платформеры (вид сбоку) (3940); Я ищу, квесты, приключения (6078); Хорроры (1750)
• Тип игры / Game Type: Демо версия
• Размер / Size: 19.62 Мб.

RevEarth - пиксельный хоррор с видом сбоку, который расскажет историю Джессики. На её новой работе, научно-исследовательском центре, произошел несчастный случай, из-за которого Джессика впала в кому. Спустя некоторое время она очнулась, но мир вокруг стал каким-то странным, в городе очень тихо, телевизоры и радиоприемники молчат, нужно срочно найти семью...

Версия игры ОБНОВЛЕНА с Demo v1.2 до Demo v1.3. Список изменений внутри.

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Язык интерфейса: Английский

RevEarth 1.3

Hello Everyone!
We made more updates in the demo!


New Checkpoint!
Player light 20% more brighter.
Stalker’s speed reduce by 20%
Updates on the pause menu layout.

RevEarth 1.2

Hello Everyone!
We made a few updates in the demo!

-New Life HUD
-Updates in the Game Design (play again, you will see)
-Updates in some dialogues
-Bugs Fixes

Since we start as developers we want to make games where we can reach the heart of the players and make our game a special experience where someday the players will remember with fondness. With RevEarth this is exactly what we are trying to build, we care about the project, to make it immersive, so the player can go deep inside the story and gameplay. I think the Free Demo show this pretty well.

The Game
RevEarth is a sidescrolling game that tells Jessica's story, ex-detective that quit her job to work in a security area of a Science Company, to have more time and less stress to focus on her family. But after an accident in the company, she goes into a coma, now that she woke up, everything is a mess and she must find her family.

We want the player to feel in an immersive world and be intrigued enough to make their own quests to find answers and know more about the story that surrounds the game.

RevEarth has a lot to explore. The player can find a lot of information about the story, answer a lot of questions and make a lot of theories that surrounds RevEarth's universe. The developers leave that up to the player.

We want the player to feel how hard RevEarth can be, by getting envolved in situations that must be solved with logic or guns!

You will find guns and meele weapons, but you have to be wise and choose when to use.

Key Features:
• Dark atmosphere.
• A very deep story to explore!
• Immersive inventory.
• Retro gameplay style.
• A huge map to explore!

Planned features:
• Hunger system.
• Day/Night cycles.
• Survival mode.
• Multiplayer (Local and Network).
• More weapons and monsters.
• More playable characters.
• Companions (Survivors, dogs and even monsters).

Seems like you were dreaming for a time, now that you woke up, everything seems so different. Your apartment is a mess, the city is very quiet, TVs and radios are just static. You search for you family and can’t find them. You are very confused and worried about them.

Your last memory was an accident in the company, you don't quite remember what happened.

But you know what you want… Find your family.

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