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Скачать игру Bittose v.1.0.0173 - полная версия

Рейтинга пока нет | Баллы: 1
Игру добавил Igromanka [2371|145] | 2010-01-29 | Три в ряд, цепочки, тетрисы (686) | Просмотров: 6085

Bittose  v.1.0.0173

• SGi навигация / Navigation:
• Разработчик / Developer: Инди-игра (14535) от Unconditional Studios (1)
• Жанр / Genre: Три в ряд, цепочки, тетрисы (686)
• Тип игры / Game Type: Полная версия (установи и играй)
• Размер / Size: 21.40 Мб.
• Похожие игры:
- Город самоцветов v1.3 / Age of Emerald
- Долина магов / Wizard Land
- Puzzle City / Puzzle Сити / Пазл Сити v01.00.0.012

Процесс игры Bittose напоминает серию Elven Mists, но оригинальность представленного геймлея состоит в свободе действий игрока на фиксированном игровом поле без привычной гравитации. Цель - создавать квадратные фигуры из всех возможных участков как можно быстрее.

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В игре несколько режимов, качественное оформление и отличный саундтрек.

The next big thing in games is here. bittose is all about moving your Blocks up, down, left, and right, rotating and placing them on the game board, in just the right spot, to make quares. Yes, squares! In fact, making squares and making squares within squares will create Bittos! The more Bittos you make the more amazing and addicting the results! What could be more fun? It turns out, little else. With multiple modes to unlock, game styles to suit your every mood, multiple real-time reactive control methods, in-game Awards to collect, high score boards for both you and your household, bittose sweeps you away through luscious environments and into a new game world, delivering on the commitment to a brand new gameplay experience.

Placing Blocks and creating Bittos provides hours and hours of entertainment for the whole family. The more you play and hone your skills, the more components to the game are unlocked. But best of all, the more you play, the deeper the challenge and replay value. Immerse yourself in bittose and bittose will continuously prove more challenging and strategic - always becoming deeper than you previously suspected and always leaving you wanting to Play Again?!!

Game features:
• Easy to pick up and play - You'll be freshly addicted before you know it!
• Two Play Styles in the Main Mode - Play Adventure Mode in either Mellow or Wired Moods of play.
• Challenging to Master - as you progress through the game you'll find yourself creating new strategies to succeed. Even the most hardcore players will be continually entertained.
• Unlockable Modes - master the Adventure mode to unlock new modes of play with a variety of configurations available for your enjoyment.
• And did I mention Chaining!?! Oh MY!!

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