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Скачать игру Battle of Ages v21.8.26 - торрент, игра на стадии разработки

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Игру добавил Kusko [2475|32] | 2021-09-05 (обновлено) | Стратегии (3532) | Просмотров: 3296

Battle of Ages v21.8.26

• SGi навигация / Navigation:
• Разработчик / Developer: Инди-игра (14535) от VNBP - Leo (1)
• Жанр / Genre: Стратегии (3532); Тайм менеджмент, тайкуны (1010)
• Тип игры / Game Type: Beta-версия (игра еще в разработке)
• Размер / Size: 65.00 Мб.

Battle of Ages - низкополигональная стратегия, вдохновленная такими играми, как Age of War, где игрок должен уничтожить основную базу врага. Для этого и игрок, и ИИ тренируют солдат, которые будут сражаться друг с другом, пока не достигнут одной из сторон и не уничтожат базу противника. Вы тренируете и улучшаете юнитов, для этого вам нужны ресурсы, вы можете получить их из определенных зданий (в зависимости от фракции), а чтобы получить больше, вы должны улучшать и исследовать другие вещи. Исследования, обучение и улучшение требуют времени, а здания могут выполнять только одно из этих действий за раз.

Игра обновлена до v21.8.26. Список изменений внутри новости.

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На данный момент Римская империя - единственная доступная фракция. После римского разработчик хотел бы представить японцев), фракцию США и немецкую фракцию Второй мировой войны. Battle of Ages - это не игра, рассчитанная на определенный период времени, вместо этого она использует подход, более похожий на то, что делает Цивилизация, путем введения нескольких фракций из разных эпох. Очевидно, что все они будут играться сбалансированным образом, например, в "один римский легионер, равен одному военному солдату".

Текущие возможности:
• Экспериментальная легкая и сложная сложность
• Система улучшения юнитов и зданий: разработчику нравятся игры в жанре менеджмент и стратегии, в которых вы можете улучшать вещи, а затем видеть результаты визуально.
• Всего одна фракция ("Римская империя") и один тестовый уровень.
• Уникальная фракционная механика, внешний вид, юниты / здания и улучшения: каждая фракция имеет уникальные юниты, уникальные здания, уникальную планировку, уникальные типы ресурсов и уникальные способы совершенствования. От множества слабых юнитов, обучающихся быстро, до более сильных и крупных, от сосредоточения на дальнем бою до одного в ближнем бою, от армий с большим количеством юнитов до армий всего с несколькими, от фракции с 3 зданиями и 5 ресурсами до одной с 6 здания и 2 ресурсами. Разработчик хочет, чтобы каждая фракция выглядела и чувствовала себя по-разному.

Некоторые из запланированных функций:
• Мультиплеер
• Локализация (начиная с испанского, который является основным из родных языков разработчика)
• Больше фракций (очевидно)
• Новая механика, перебалансированные и расширенные старые.
• Все больше и больше новых ассетов (от музыки до моделей и анимации, потому что, несмотря на упрощенный дизайн, разработчик считает, что он слишком простой).
• Различные игровые режимы и лучший ИИ (что несложно сделать, так как настоящий практически безмозглый)
• Отшлифованный и более оптимизированный интерфейс, карты, анимация, код (да, код нужно оптимизировать и отполировать как можно скорее).

Уже есть внутриигровое руководство, в котором объясняется, какова цель и каковы основные механики. В настоящее время нет очков (даже таймера), нет наград, нет открываемых предметов. Это прототип, и разработчик планирует его расширять и улучшать.

Краткое примечание: ожидайте ошибок и проблем с балансом, игра может показаться слишком сложной или, возможно, слишком простой.

Игра есть и всегда будет бесплатной без какого-либо платного контента.

• Added a new faction: The Oda Clan (Japanese faction)
• Added a new map/level (Japanese-themed one)
• Added new upgrades to research to most buildings, including some Roman ones (still in progress)
• Added fast-forward buttons so you can now get to x2 velocity (you can also use the ' [ ' and ' ] ' hotkeys)
• Rebalanced Roman faction (units and buildings)
• Added localization support (featuring latin-american spanish language)
• New custom saving/loading system (way better than the previous one which was based on playerprefs)
• Separated scoreboards depending on the map (now also saving more data regarding each match, such as units killed, trained, level played and so on)
• Fixed settings menu issues (regarding sound-volume and screen resolution)
• Added more particles to units when walking, spawning and dying. Along with some new effects after dying (that also look cute as hell btw)
• BFS-based (yet more stable and properly implemented) pathfinding which will later on move towards A*
• Reworked AI
• Reworked projectile system (that will blow your mind mostly due to how bad previous one was rather than how good new one is)
• Reworked unit's attack system (now depending on animations)
• Reworked units themselves (the entire way they act and react, this still needs a lot of work)
• UI: New images used in order to make things look prettier (hopefully), along with cool bg images on the menu
• UI: Progress bars for units in training (so you can tell whenever a building finished training some unit)
• UI: Settings menu available during paused games in case you want to change something during a match
• UI: Most stuff got positioned differently in order to make things easier to see for the user
• UI: Many tweaks everywhere, from fading in/out background music, to images to more details in some menus
• UI: Tweaked some UI parameters such as the velocity panels are displayed
• Many, MANY bugs fixed, old and new ones
• Experimental stuff is sadly still experimental. Excuse my prototyping.
• (Gameplay) Tutorial scenario available: I wanted to implement some story-telling features to later work on actual scenarios, and decided to implement Fungus into the small project. This tutorial scenario can be accessed from within the 'Tutorial' menu, and acts as an introductory level against a Japanese pretty-easy AI, first steps are guided, and one should be able to experiment things more easily and in a more interactive-like way.
• (Gameplay) Both Samurai and Gladiators should now be present in game and available for research and train.
• (Gameplay) Rebalanced stats for some research and units, changed some descriptions too, in order to avoid people misleading or just not really knowing what some research unlocks.
• (Gameplay) Changed speed is handled in-game.
• (Gameplay) Changed the camera controller in order to support a proper dragging feature (still WIP)
• (UI) Fixed some UI graphical issues in certain resolutions (everything should look better now, this was mostly due to a missing config in the main camera)
• (UI) Adjusted scrolling speed for some scrollable UI containers (feel free to just scroll things up or down from now on instead of drag)
• (UI) Certain dropdowns are now easier to open (yes, this was a thing and hopefully it's now fixed)
• (UI) Changed some icon colors, to make things easier to understand (hopefully).
• (UI) Building icons will now show a filling-bar representing current research completion.
• (UI) This is not a joke, this was an actual mistake, but somehow I used a piece of onigiri or rice, don't remember, instead of a hammer-like one. Again, not a joke towards Japanese or Asians in general, I literally used the wrong sprite, pretty funny I know.
• (UI, I guess?) New sounds when a unit is trained and some research is completed.
• (Buf-Fix) Enemy AI should now not be able to train units while having almost destroyed units.
• (Buf-Fix) Japanese archers act now as actual archers against other Japanese units. Before this, a Japanese unit would pretty often just go melee combat on any enemy of its kind.
• (Buf-Fix) Japanese units now gain honor properly for each kill (as was originally expected)
• (Buf-Fix) There was some research with a time cost of 0 (instant research), this is not the case anymore. The long vs short term policy (for Japanese) was supposed to be a *one choice only*, well, was supposed to be an actual choice, which now should be, you shall not be able to execute a long and short term thing at the same time, that wouldn't make sense at all lol
• (Localization) Updated localizations for certain research.
• (Localization) Fixed a format error in a Spanish description (tag was incomplete, text should now display correctly)
• (Other) Some small changes to some Roman and Japanese 3D models have been made.

Battle of Ages Rx is a prototype-ish low-poly strategy game inspired by games like Age of War where the player must destroy the enemy's main base. To do so, both the player and AI train soldiers who will fight each other until reaching one side. In BoA Rx you train and upgrade units, to do that you need resources, you can get these from certain buildings (depending on the faction), and to get more, you must upgrade and research other stuff. Researching, training and upgrading, all require time, and buildings can only perform one of these actions at a time.

As of now, the Roman Empire is the only available faction, and it's also cut-in-half in terms of content (literally, despite having models for the Lv 3 buildings, I've completed only the first 2, the next thing to do would be to expand on this). After the Roman one, I'd like to introduce the Japanese (based somehow in Oda's Clan), a WW USA faction, and a WW2 German one too. BoA is not a game settled in a specific period of time, instead, it takes an approach more similar to what some Civ games do, by introducing multiple factions from multiple eras. These will all be played in a balanced way obviously, you can think of it as in "one legion of Romans, equals one military soldier alone" for example.

Current Features:
• Experimental Easy and Hard difficulty (Still, really basic AI just to test things out, it will train units and upgrade things on the go, easiest one takes more "time to think what to do")
• Unit & Building upgrading system: I love management and strategy games where you can upgrade things, and then see the results visually.
• Only one faction ("Roman Empire") and one testing level. Decided to not use terrain in Unity and just use my models instead to preserve a more low poly and modular-like approach. I'm considering changing this rather than expand on it hm
• Unique faction mechanics, looks, units/buildings and upgrades: Factions feature unique units each one, unique buildings, unique layout, unique types of resources and unique ways to progress. From many weak units training fast, to stronger and bigger ones, from a focus into long-range to one into close combat, from low population limit to large armies of multiple soldiers, from a faction with 3 buildings and 5 resources to one with 6 buildings and 2 resources. I want every faction to look and feel different.

Some of the planned Features:
• Multiplayer
• Localization (starting with Spanish, which is my main native language rather than English, which is the base language for the game btw)
• More factions (obviously)
• New mechanics, rebalanced and expanded old ones.
• More and new assets (from music to models and animations, cause despite the simplistic design, I still find it too plain).
• Different game modes, and a better AI (which is not difficult to do since the actual one is almost brainless)
• Polished and more optimized UI, maps, animations, code (yes, code must be optimized and polished asap).

There's an in-game tutorial already explaining what's the objective and what are the basic mechanics. There's no score currently (not even timer), there are no rewards, there are no unlockables. This is a prototype and I plan to expand and improve upon it.

Quick note: Expect bugs and balance issues, the game may feel too hard or maybe too easy, I evaluate any kind of feedback, and you're free to not only provide criticism but also to make suggestions. I'd highly appreciate it.

The game is and will always be free without any kind of paid content.

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