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Скачать бесплатную игру Novel Containment: A Coronavirus Story v1.2 - торрент

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Игру добавил Kusko [2475|32] | 2020-04-07 (обновлено) | Стратегии (3536) | Просмотров: 6354

Novel Containment: A Coronavirus Story v1.2

• SGi навигация / Navigation:
• Разработчик / Developer: Инди-игра (14535) от Mike Ren (2)
• Жанр / Genre: Стратегии (3536); Симуляторы (929)
• Тип игры / Game Type: Бесплатная игра
• Размер / Size: 14.02 Мб.
• Похожие игры:
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- Isolation Story v0.0.3.1
- COVID: The Outbreak v1.0
- Social Distancing Simulator
- DOOR-19
- Check-In
- Everescape v0.2.9.4696
- Punhos de Repudio v2022
- Covid Simulator v22

Novel Containment - симулятор загруженного терминала во время пандемии Covid-19. Вы отвечаете за надзор за карантинными операциями в загруженном терминале. Обследуйте пассажиров с симптомами лихорадки. Станете ли вы сообщать реальные цифры зараженных с риском вызвать панику? Или вы будете занижать свои цифры, тем самым рискуя, что вирус будет распространятся незаметно? Управляйте уровнями тревоги, пытаясь победить вспышку вируса.

Игра обновлена до v1.2. Список изменений внутри новости.

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• Простой геймплей управляемый одной мышью
• Исследование кризиса с новой точки зрения.
• Содержит советы по карантину и увлекательные мини-игры, которые проверят ваши навыки мытья рук и социальной дистанции.

Игра создана в течении двух месяцев во время того, как автор находился дома на карантине. Разработчик просит вас поделитесь этой игрой со своей семьей и друзьями, чтобы помочь привлечь внимание к важности социальной дистанции, мытью рук и тем невероятным проблемам, с которыми мы, люди, столкнулись сейчас.

Report and Under reporting cases no longer affect containment percentages, instead, reporting adds public panic and decreases anxiety, where under-reporting decreases public panic and increases anxiety. This ensures that containment is only affected by your skills at Quarantine game play, aka how many people you quarantine per day and let out, rather than be affected by the daily report.

Added Difficulty levels. There is now easy, medium, hard, and expert levels to choose from. The different difficulty levels are an attempt to help players of all skills complete the game. Each difficulty has it's own high score to beat.

• Easy - containment percentage is higher for every passenger clicked on and there is only two gates that are active, limiting how many people can get out.
• Medium - a balance of containment to public panic and anxiety. 4 gates are active.
• Hard - Closer to the original experience in which all 6 gates are active and containment takes longer to reach 100%.
• Expert - Not for the faint of heart. One or two passengers who depart the terminal can be disastrous in the long run. A true and stressful challenge.

Gameplay Changes
• There is now an active visual charge meter for your temperature spray gun. If you run out of spray, you must wait for it to recharge.
• On the daily report, public panic and anxiety percentage text now display red and green colors to better clarify how they are affected by your reporting. The current health risk level is also displayed.

Minor Changes
• The daily report UI has been updated with new information.
• Tutorial pages have been updated to reflect the new changes.
• Fixed an issue where the warning alarm would not turn on for high anxiety.
• Tweaked the panic and anxiety losing animation to be shorter. (From 8 seconds to 5 seconds)
• Bug fixed in which sometimes a passenger could not be clicked on as they walk around with the temperature circle active.
• The score page has been updated to reflect the changes.
• Some text changes in-game.

Companion Guide
• Updated the UI for the tips page.

You are in charge of overseeing quarantine efforts at a busy terminal. Examine passengers and quarantine ones displaying fever symptoms. Will you report your accurate case numbers and risk inciting public panic? Or will you under-report your numbers and risk the virus spreading unseen? Manage your own anxiety levels as you try to beat the outbreak one day at a time.

• Simple Mouse-based Gameplay
• Exploration of the crisis from a novel perspective.
• Included companion guide featuring tips on quarantine and fun mini-games to test your skills at hand washing and social distancing.

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