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Скачать игру The Grimsworth Reports: Woodfall v0.3.0 [Alpha] - торрент, игра на стадии разработки

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Игру добавил Defuser222 [3625|10] | 2017-07-29 (обновлено) | Я ищу, квесты, приключения (6078) | Просмотров: 2486

The Grimsworth Reports: Woodfall v0.3.0 [Alpha]

• SGi навигация / Navigation:
• Разработчик / Developer: Инди-игра (14535) от Jenito (1)
• Жанр / Genre: Я ищу, квесты, приключения (6078); Головоломки, пазлы (2979)
• Тип игры / Game Type: Beta-версия (игра еще в разработке)
• Размер / Size: 82.16 Мб.

The Grimsworth Reports: Woodfall - атмосферное 2D приключение с элементами геймплея "point-and-click". Решайте головоломки, делайте выборы в диалогах, ищите предметы, выполняйте побочные квесты и прокладывайте свой путь до одной из трех совершенно разных и уникальных концовок.

Версия игры ОБНОВЛЕНА с 0.2.0 до 0.3.0. Список изменений не обнаружен.

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Язык интерфейса: Английский

Version 0.2.0
Update Changes

Added the first main quest section
Added new cabin areas
Added new citizen characters
Added tutorial guides
Added quest information
Overhauled mouse control for better handling
Added in-game tips
Added new music
Added citizen relocation based on quest changes
Modified the Time Puzzle to be more readable
The interact alert icon now appears when playing with mouse
Modified conversation trees to make more sense
Minor bugfixes

Version 0.1.1 - Mouse Patch

Oops… .

I wanted to give everyone a quick update because boy oh boy did I mess up!

So, if you’ve tried playing The Grimsworth Reports demo with a mouse you probably noticed something - you can’t open the door! Yeah, that’s a problem, and it kind of puts a squash on getting through the demo. No doubt you were thinking, "Wow, this is a mighty short demo. This dev should have waited before posting this little tech demo." The issue is that the mouse used to work about a week and a half ago perfectly fine. But then, like a hasty termite, I added a bunch of new content and features to make the demo all nice and pretty. Works great on keyboard and gamepad, and I just assumed it still worked great on mouse. I know, I know… a gamedev should never assume things! It was my fault and I take responsibility.

The good news? It’s patched! The mouse still has a few little issues, but overall it’s working way, way, waaaay better. It’d definitely playable. I just need to change the way you investigate with the mouse. Right now it can get a little frustrating to stand over something and investigate it. It’ll get fixed soon!

Also, as stated on the Game Jolt page, the web demo doesn’t always work correctly. It will depend on your computer, but it also depends a bit on a nasty little bug I’m fighting within Construct 2 itself related to AJAX. The desktop version uses Node Webkit to get things done, so there are no issues. The browser demo, on the other hand, sometimes has trouble loading the conversations and game triggers, and as such you can end up with a very broken experience. If that happens either try it again in the browser (which may well work!) or just download the demo.

Sorry again for the mouse problems! Thanks again for all your support.


"The Grimsworth Reports: Woodfall" is an atmospheric 2D adventure game with gameplay elements similar to traditional point-and-click adventure games.

Solve puzzles, make conversational choices, find items, complete side quests, and play your way through to one of three completely different and unique endings.

Woodfall can be played using mouse, keyboard, or gamepad. Currently only a brief demo is available for download. The game has an expected release date of August-September 2017.

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